The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1889: catch

Seeing Meng Zhang ended the battle and received all the spoils in the mustard space, Mu Xingtong flew over from a distance and came to Meng Zhang.

This time, tracking Wang Defeng has been a lot of twists and turns, but judging from the final results, it is not nothing.

The corpse of this star beast alone is a rare trophy, worthy of Meng Zhang's fight.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong still have a huge question. Where did Wang Defeng get this star beast?

In the four-pointed star area, including the nearby Twin Peaks star area, there have been no traces of star beasts for many years.

The star beasts that appear now can only come from other distant star regions.

Judging from the situation at the time, it was clear that an expert had sealed the star beast and gave it to Wang Defeng as his trump card.

I don't know if it is Wang Defeng's inability, not able to control the star beast, or the expert who originally gave him the star beast, he has no peace of mind at all.

Wang Defeng didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but was killed by the star beasts that didn't distinguish between enemies and friends.

This can be regarded as an indirect killing.

If it weren't for Meng Zhang's move, and replaced with a weaker Void Returning Power, it wouldn't necessarily be able to help this star beast.

Among other things, it is not easy for Wang Defeng to release such a star beast at a critical time.

Meng Zhang recalled the situation at that time. He just wanted to ask Wang Defeng a few questions, but he didn't even plan to do anything at first.

This guy immediately reacted fiercely, driving the strange treasure to escape, forcing himself to stop it.

It seems that this guy is obviously doing a guilty conscience and overreacting.

It seems that this person has a big secret.

Of course, the secret of Wang Defeng's body may not be related to Mu Xingtong's mission.

Maybe it was only by chance that he got the sealed star beast, so he couldn't control it.

Although there are other possibilities, both Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong decided to continue to investigate Wang Defeng and Wang's family in depth.

After that, Wang Defeng left from Guchi Mountain Villa, and there were still many doubts on him.

Secondly, Meng Zhang and the others have no better place to start.

Guchi Villa is guarded by the Void-returning powers such as iron-clothed laymen. Meng Zhang can't forcefully break through. He has to move the target first to check the situation of the Wang family.

Meng Zhang took Mu Xingtong on the road together, and it didn't take long for him to arrive at White Rock City.

White Rock City is the business center of the Duel World. For merchant families like Wang's family, their headquarters in the Duel World is located in White Rock City.

If the Wang Family and Guchi Villa were really related to the attack on the flying boat team, it should also be a top secret, only a few high-level officials knew.

Although Guchi Villa's sphere of influence is not small, it is relatively shrinking, and high-level monks are all gathered within a certain range.

And big businessmen like the Wang family have to do business everywhere, there are branches everywhere, and even the high-levels often have to run around.

In contrast, it should be easier to capture the Wang family's senior management.

Neither Meng Zhang nor Mu Xingtong revealed their identities, and sneaked into White Rock City together.

After they arrived at the Wang's residence in Baishicheng, Meng Zhang didn't even look at it, turned around and left with Mu Xingtong.

When Meng Zhang came last time, the only monk Wang Defeng presided over in the Wang family residence.

But now, Meng Zhang could clearly feel that in the Wang family's residence, there were two Void Returning Powers sitting on the premises.

The Wang family is essentially a merchant family belonging to the big world within the four-pointed star area, and its residence in the dust world is just one of its branches.

On weekdays, there is a Void Returning Power who sits here, which is not bad. In many cases, it was the chief of the Yangshen stage monks.

After all, in White Rock City, there are many powerful guardians of returning to the virtual world, and safety is relatively guaranteed.

Now that the Wang family resident actually has two Void Returning Powers sitting in town, Meng Zhang naturally can't sneak in like last time.

In addition to this resident of the Wang family, there are other branches inside and outside Baishi City, and it is very likely that there are high-level Wang family members.

After Meng Zhang took Mu Xingtong and left here, he began to run between the branches of the Wang family.

Meng Zhang and the others are racing against time.

As a high-level monk who was valued by the ancestors of the Wang family, Wang Defeng naturally had a way to grasp his life and death situation.

Such as the soul lamp, etc., are the most commonly used methods by the major powers of cultivation.

Now that Wang Defeng is dead, the Wang family headquarters will receive news soon.

Then, the Wang Family Headquarters will order the major branches to strengthen their vigilance, and even recall the middle and high levels of the door.

If Meng Zhang can't succeed before the Wang Family's action, then this time it will be an empty basket.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong were in good condition. They found a suitable target in a mine not far from White Rock City.

In addition to the conventional spirit stones produced in this mine, there are also many good quality spirits.

Only relying on the strength of the Wang family can not eat all the benefits.

Therefore, this mine is jointly owned and developed by several comprehension forces.

Because this mine is not far from White Rock City, once attacked, White Rock City can provide timely support.

Therefore, on weekdays, only a group of true primordial primordial monarchs sit here.

A few days ago, there was a little problem inside this mine, which caused a great impact on production.

In order to prevent several other forces from taking the opportunity to make trouble, eating more and taking up more, and infringing on the interests of the Wang family, the Wang family had to send a person of sufficient weight to come here to deal with the matter.

The monk sent by the Wang family was named Wang Deyuan, and he was Wang Defeng's brother from a seniority perspective.

Wang Deyuan is also a monk of the Yang Shen stage, and his cultivation is even deeper than that of Wang Defeng.

After arriving at this mine, Wang Deyuan got caught up in arguing with several other forces.

They quarreled for a long time before they reluctantly reached an agreement, first dealt with the problems of the mine, and then slowly discussed the division of interests afterwards.

At this time Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong came to this mine.

Wang Deyuan, who was in the mine, was so easily caught alive by Meng Zhang.

Because he was worried that Wang Deyuan, like Wang Defeng, had hidden cards such as star beasts, Meng Zhang made full preparations before he did it.

Regardless of the huge gap between the two sides' cultivation, he directly launched a sneak attack without disturbing others.

During the whole process, he was very cautious and did not dare to be careless.

Facts have proved that Meng Zhang overestimated his opponent this time.

Wang Deyuan didn't have any trump cards enough to fight the Void Returning Power. Facing Meng Zhang, he hardly had any power to fight back.

After taking Wang Deyuan, Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong left here immediately.

Shortly after Wang Deyuan was captured by Meng Zhang, two Venerable Powers rushed to the mine.

It is a pity that they are a step late, and Meng Zhang and the others have already taken the spoils and flew away.

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