The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1890: Interrogation

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong, together with the captured Wang Deyuan, found a remote place far away from Baishi City.

Meng Zhang casually placed a ban on the surroundings, covering all the conditions here, and began to interrogate Wang Deyuan.

With Meng Zhang's methods, even if Wang Deyuan was strong in will, he couldn't resist it.

The only difference between whether he persists or not is whether he suffers more or less.

Without spending much effort, Wang Deyuan had to give in and honestly began to answer Meng Zhang's questions.

Later, when Meng Zhang just started, he confessed endlessly.

Wang Deyuan seemed to have said a lot of Wang family secrets, but it was of little use to Meng Zhang and the others.

What Meng Zhang and the others are most concerned about is whether the Wang family participated in the attack on the flying boat team. Wang Deyuan didn't know anything about it.

Under Meng Zhang's methods, Wang Deyuan could not hide much.

The only thing he concealed was the secret practice of the Wang family.

This is not what Wang Deyuan himself wanted to conceal, but before he was taught these exercises, he not only swore not to disclose it to the outside world, but was also restricted by his ancestors in the family.

If an outsider wants to question these exercises, even if they use methods such as soul search, it will trigger the prohibition, causing Wang Deyuan's memory of the exercises to be destroyed.

Although Meng Zhang didn't covet the Wang Family's practice techniques very much, he would not reject it if he could gain something at hand.

The Wang family, an old family with a long heritage, fully let Meng Zhang see its methods.

With Meng Zhang's current strength, he couldn't easily break the ban on Wang Deyuan and fully obtain the content of the exercise.

In this case, Meng Zhang did not care about this matter and continued to interrogate the business.

Judging from Wang Deyuan's confession, the Wang family should be innocent in this matter.

Attacking the flying boat team is tantamount to being an enemy of the four-pointed star area's high-level leaders, and it will bring disaster to the family. Nobody in the Wang family has the courage to do so, let alone the motivation to do so.

As for the Wang Family and Guchi Mountain Villa, there have always been business contacts.

It is very normal for the high-level monks from both sides to visit each other.

Could it be that his guess was wrong, and he made an oolong to Wang Defeng?

Meng Zhang thought so in his heart, but refused to give up, but continued to interrogate Wang Defeng.

Finally, he extracted useful information from the few words that Wang Defeng said.

Within a large family with such a powerful and numerous clans, it is inevitable that there are different hills and a lot of disputes.

Within the family, between Wang Deyuan and Wang Defeng, there are different ancestors of returning to the void, belonging to different factions.

There is not much competition between the two major factions, and there is no too close relationship, and at best they are better than passers-by.

But after all, everyone comes from a big family, and in many ways there is an inseparable connection.

According to Wang Deyuan's knowledge, in recent years, Wang Defeng has been in close contact with some mysterious monks, and secretly engaged in some dark activities.

A business family like the Wang family values ​​their connections very much.

Even the Wang Family secretly and the Demon Cultivation and Demon Cultivation of the dust world had some secret transactions.

Wang Defeng makes friends outside, no matter what kind of friends it is, as long as he does not wantonly damage the public and private interests, causing serious damage to the family's interests, it is not a big deal.

But what surprised Wang Deyuan was that with his eyesight and insight, he couldn't see through the origins of the monks who communicated with Wang Defeng.

Out of curiosity, Wang Deyuan originally wanted to use the power of his family to investigate this matter.

However, because the four-pointed star area began to build wormholes, business families like the Wangs needed to raise supplies.

Wang Deyuan, a senior member of the Wang family, became busy because of this and put this matter aside.

Today, when Meng Zhang was severely interrogated and asked about everything related to Wang Defeng, he remembered this matter again.

After listening to Wang Deyuan's confession, Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong looked at each other.

It seems that the most suspicious thing about Wang Defeng is these mysterious monks who interact with him.

Meng Zhang even had a faint hunch in his heart, perhaps from these mysterious cultivators, he could gain huge gains.

Since leaving Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang seldom used Heaven's Secret Technique to derive.

For one thing, his Heavenly Secret Technique level was not enough.

In Junchen Realm, he used Heaven's Secret Technique to deduct the information he wanted to know by peeking into the operation of Heaven's Dao.

And outside of Jun Chen realm, he needs to peek into the movement of the heavens in other worlds.

For other worlds, Meng Zhang, who was born in Junchen Realm, is an outright outsider, who will be rejected by the instinct of Heavenly Dao consciousness, and it is difficult to derive.

In a world where the sense of heaven and earth had already collapsed, like in the world of dust, the rules of heaven and earth were severely disordered, and he was even more unable to derive.

Secondly, after leaving Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang, as a creature in Junchen Realm, naturally lost some protection of Junchen Realm's Heavenly Dao consciousness.

He derives in the void, maybe he will face the legendary will of the void.

No one can confirm the existence of Void Will.

However, rashly deducing the secrets in the void will cause terrible calamity, but it is a fact recognized by almost all high-ranking secrets.

Back then, when Meng Zhang was wandering into the void, he was forced to use the Dayan Divine Calculation to perform a deduction in order to find a way out.

Although the final deduction was not bad, it got him out of the predicament.

But in his heart, there are still shadows.

The arrival of the calamity is invisible and without a trace, and there is no law to speak of.

Regardless of how many years have passed, Meng Zhang has never suffered a calamity.

But Meng Zhang knew that sooner or later he would have to pay for it.

As for when the fate will come and in what way, Meng Zhang has no clue yet.

Although he can't actively use the heavenly secret technique to derive, but the ability that originated from the whim of the heavenly secret master often brings surprises to Meng Zhang.

In many cases, the premonition in Meng Zhang's heart will lead him to the right path.

Now that he felt something in his heart, Meng Zhang focused on asking about the relevant information about the mysterious cultivators.

It is a pity that these monks come and go like wind, and they pay great attention to hiding themselves, Wang Deyuan doesn't know much about them.

After Meng Zhang helped him repeatedly recall, Wang Deyuan finally remembered some relevant information.

As for whether they can find out the whereabouts of the mysterious cultivators from this information, it needs Meng Zhang and the others to try hard.

It was confirmed that all the information that Wang Deyuan knew had been squeezed out, this person was no longer useful, and Meng Zhang was considering how to deal with him.

At this moment, Meng Zhang's expression suddenly changed, and he pulled Mu Xingtong into the ground using the earth escape technique.

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