The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1892: Xingji Jianzong

The strengths of the founders of Sword Sect Nebula and Sword Sect of Xingji are similar, and the strength of the two sects is not much different.

If there is no accident, the battle between the two sects will continue in this way, and it will be difficult to completely distinguish the winner.

But Xingji Sword Sect didn't know what **** luck had gone, or that luck, a four-generation disciple in the door actually became an immortal and became a true immortal.

In the four-pointed star area, Zhenxian is the most powerful combat power.

Although there are strong and weak points between the real celestial beings, but the real celestial beings generally do not easily explode to death.

Almost all true immortals have supreme status and are the true rulers of the four-pointed star area.

The Xingji Sword Sect possessing a true immortal, naturally quickly rose to the top of the four-pointed star area, and became an existence that the Nebula Sword Sect could not contend with.

Of course, no matter what Xingji Sword Sect said, it was also an authentic sect on the surface.

Through a series of overt or covert methods of suppressing and framing, the Sword Sect of Nebula quickly weakened, until it collapsed.

Such a struggle is completely in line with the rules of the realm of comprehension.

In the end, the Sword Sect of Nebula, who was really unable to gain a foothold in the big world inside the four-pointed star area, had to give up everything he had under the leadership of the last ancestor Yun, the last ancestor of the Void, and fled to the dusty world like a bereavement dog.

Originally thought that fled to the dust world and got rid of the shadow of Xingji Sword Sect, Nebula Sword Sect could get a respite.

Unexpectedly, this is the beginning of the nightmare.

The harsh living environment of the dust world, the betrayal of Guchi Villa, the eye of other forces... all made the situation of Sword Sect Nebula even more unbearable.

The heavy pressure brought by all aspects made it impossible for an old ancestor like Yun to bear.

As for why Xingji Sword Sect did not take advantage of the victory to kill and completely exterminate the Nebula Sword Sect, Mu Xingtong and other monks of the Nebula Sword Sect guessed there were three reasons.

One is that after Xingji Sword Sect has the true immortal, he has become the top sect in the four-pointed star area, so he still has to take into account his own face as a righteous leader.

Second, Xingji Sword Sect, as the top upstart in the four-pointed star area, was suppressed by some old forces and could not act arbitrarily.

The third is that the founder of Xingji Jianzong and Xingyun Jianzong once sat down with the same fairy to listen to.

The immortal has a long life span, and theoretically will not die of old age.

If you don't suffer a calamity, you can say that you will live forever.

If Xingji Sword Sect directly destroys the Nebula Sword Sect, if the fairy returns to the four-pointed star area in one day, Xingji Sword Sect will not be able to confess to the fairy.

In any case, Xingyun Sword Sect did not directly pursue and kill the Nebula Sword Sect, and the Nebula Sword Sect can continue to continue in the dust world.

As for the point where the Nebula Sword Sect has fallen to this point, only Mu Xingtong remains a direct descendant, and the original sect has to give up. That can only be said that his luck is out of luck.

Seeing the sword repair of the old enemy Xingji Sword Sect, Mu Xingtong inevitably got a little gaffe.

Mu Xingtong quickly reacted.

With her current strength, it is far from enough to seek revenge on Xingji Sword Sect.

She can only temporarily hide the hatred in her heart, waiting for her to grow up in the future.

In addition to introducing Meng Zhang to Xingji Jianzong, Mu Xingtong also introduced other monks in the field to Meng Zhang.

Mu Xingtong's own cultivation is not particularly outstanding, but after all, she was sent by the Saint Flowing Cloud Sect.

No matter how she crowded out and suppressed her within the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds, in front of outsiders, she was still a member of Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds, an old true fairy sect.

On the surface, all the forces in White Rock City still want to give her enough face.

It was not long before Mu Xingtong arrived in the dust world, and he already had a certain understanding of the situation here, such as White Rock City and other related forces.

The human monks fighting in the field, in addition to the high-levels of White Rock City, there are also top forces from within the four-pointed star area such as Xingji Jianzong.

As for why they appeared here, Meng Zhang can easily think of the reason.

The flying boat team transporting important supplies was attacked, and the four-pointed star district executives were furious and sent many monks to investigate the matter.

All forces in the dust world must actively cooperate to avoid being angry by the four-pointed star district high-level leaders.

This group of ground snakes is deeply rooted and well-informed. It is not impossible to obtain relevant clues.

What's more, the ghost repairs and demons in the dust world were originally the key suspects of this attack.

Meng Zhang and the others came to this place after investigating the relationship between Wang Defeng and the mysterious monk based on Wang Deyuan's confession.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong looked at each other and had roughly the same idea.

It seems that Wang Defeng and the mysterious monks, they have been here, it is not a coincidence.

They should be inseparable from the attack on the flying boat team.

As for the ghost repairs in Yinfeng Cave, most of them are his accomplices.

Seeing that the others had already taken a step ahead, they found the Yinfeng Cavern here.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the ghost repair and ghosts are about to be unable to support them.

What should I do next? Mu Xingtong turned his inquiring gaze to Meng Zhang.

If Meng Zhang and the others join the battlefield at this time, they will definitely speed up the collapse of the enemy, and they may also be able to share part of the credit afterwards.

But neither Meng Zhang nor Mu Xingtong is the kind of character who likes to chase behind others' buttocks and share credit with others.

Not to mention, Mu Xingtong and the cultivator of Xingji Sword Sect still have a deep hatred that cannot be resolved.

She would never agree to let Mu Xingtong and the cultivators of Xingji Sword Sect join forces to fight the enemy together.

Meng Zhang thought for a while before telling Mu Xingtong. Since someone else has intervened in Yinfeng Grotto, they will look for other ways.

Now that it is almost certain that Wang Defeng and the group of mysterious monks and the flying boat team are related to the attack, the most urgent thing is to be able to determine the identity of the group of mysterious monks as soon as possible.

If you are lucky, you may be able to unearth more secrets.

Originally Meng Zhangping had a bit of hesitation to directly attack the monk of the Wang family.

He only captured Wang Deyuan last time, and did not capture the monks of the Wang family on a large scale.

Now that it is almost certain that Wang Defeng is related to this matter, then Meng Zhang has put all his doubts aside.

As a high-level Wang Defeng, there should be a lot of Wang Family monks who are related to him, and even close.

These people will be Meng Zhang's target next.

Especially the clansmen of the same faction as Wang Defeng, it is even more important.

Meng Zhang had bad luck last time, and the target he chose Wang Deyuan, and Wang Defeng belonged to different hills in the family.

Wang Deyuan didn't know much about Wang Defeng.

By interrogating Wang Deyuan, Meng Zhang and the others learned a lot about the Wang family, including information about members of major factions.

After listening to Meng Zhang's general plan, Mu Xingtong agreed very much.

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