The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1893: guess

They have more confidence this time, and they can even directly face the Wang Family.

Although the Wang family is wealthy and has a deep background, if it is really involved in the attack on the flying boat team, no one can shield them.

Although Meng Zhang could not be said to be an outstanding man, he served as the head of the Taiyi Clan for many years and has experienced countless battles in the cultivation world.

Meng Zhang easily convinced Mu Xingtong that the two of them left here without taking care of the situation in Yinfeng Cave.

Meng Zhang and the others rushed all the way, and soon returned to the vicinity of Baishi City.

Last time Meng Zhang captured Wang Deyuan, he did not reveal his identity from the beginning to the end, and he properly concealed their aura, so he didn't have to worry about bumping into the Wang Family's ancestor.

The high-levels of White Rock City are investigating in Yinfeng Grottoes in cooperation with visitors from the Great World inside the Four-Pointed Star Zone, so White Rock City is still relatively empty at this time.

At present, there are only two officials who are able to return to the virtual world.

Of course, in addition to the official Void Returning Power of White Rock City, some other forces also have the Void Returning Power to sit in their respective locations.

Therefore, Meng Zhang still has to be as careful as possible and not make too much movement.

The dusty world is rich in resources, which is an important goal for the Wang family to invest a lot of manpower development.

In addition to White Rock City, the Wang Clan also has many strongholds in the dust world, where many family monks are stationed to preside.

Originally, as an outsider, Meng Zhang didn't know much about the situation inside the Wang family.

He caught Wang Deyuan last time, completely habitually judging its importance based on his cultivation.

After interrogating Wang Deyuan, he learned that in a large family like Wang's family, in addition to his own cultivation level, there are many other factors that affect his position within the family.

The distance of blood relationship, the division of collateral lineages, and the various relationships between people are even more messy, except for those familiar with the situation in the Wang family, it is difficult for others to distinguish.

According to the information provided by Wang Deyuan, Meng Zhang chose several targets this time.

These monks of the Wang family are all members of Wang Defeng's line, and they are closely related to Wang Defeng.

If there is anyone in the dust world who might understand Wang Defeng's details, he can only appear among these people.

These monks of the Wang family did not gather together, but each had their own functions.

Some serve in the Chamber of Commerce in White Rock City, and some are based in a stronghold on the wasteland...

Meng Zhang, who had a bottom in his heart, moved quickly, and immediately began to secretly apprehend these monks from the royal family.

In order to catch the target as soon as possible before the Wang family's senior officials reacted, Meng Zhang didn't even bother to interrogate the target of each arrest, but only after all the targets were caught before the interrogation.

Soon, the senior officials of the Wang family stationed in White Rock City successively received news from various strongholds of the Wang family.

Several monks of the Wang family who were stationed in various places have mysteriously disappeared.

Later, even the monks of the Wang family in Baishicheng disappeared.

At this time, the news that Wang Defeng's soul lamp had gone out had already reached Baishi City.

A few days ago, Wang Deyuan was arrested. In order to find this Yang Shenqi high-level family as soon as possible, the two ancestors of the family even took their faces down to ask good friends for help, and followed up together.

Now, several more members of the royal family have disappeared. Not only has it angered the sensitive nerves of the Wang family's senior management, but the Wang family's ancestors who have returned to the void are even more furious.

The Wang family not only has a strong power in the dust world, but also a powerful power in the big world inside the four-pointed star area.

One after another of the clansmen disappeared, and the high-level Yangshen stage died. It was clear that there were secret enemies targeting the Wang family.

If the Wang family fails to respond in time and counterattack, its reputation will plummet and others will look down upon it.

All the members of the royal family in the dust world mobilized, called friends, set up high rewards, and pursued the murderer everywhere.

Because some members of the royal family were captured in White Rock City, the White Rock City officials also actively supported them and expressed their willingness to provide help within their capacity.

It is said that even the Wang Family Headquarters in the four-pointed star area has been alarmed by the incident and will send forces to the dust world to support it.

Of course, a large family like the Wang family has many friends and many enemies.

There was an accident in the Wang family, and many people were gloating and watching the excitement.

Let's talk about Meng Zhang's side. This time, he captured nearly ten Wang Family monks in one go, and many of them had high-level cultivation.

With the addition of Wang Defeng and Wang Deyuan's affairs, the Wang family took it for granted as a group of enemies did it.

Meng Zhang himself knew that he had stabbed the hornet's nest, so after taking all the targets away, he took Mu Xingtong away from Baishi City and found a wilderness to interrogate these royal family members in detail.

These monks with the blood of the royal family can easily be sensed by the ancestors in the family's rebirth.

Even Meng Zhang can hardly completely shield this kind of induction.

Therefore, while trying to cover up the breath of these people, Meng Zhang kept shifting positions.

He never stayed in one place for too long. He interrogated the royal family members for a while, and then took Mu Xingtong to move immediately, leaving his original position far away.

Only by doing so, he will not be found by the Wang Family's Void Returning Ancestor, and he will not fall into the siege of many Void Returning Powers.

In this way, it must be very detrimental to Meng Zhang's interrogation work.

Meng Zhang spent a lot of time intermittently before finishing the interrogation with great difficulty.

All the royal family members who were captured by Meng Zhang were dealt with by him, leaving only two people.

These two men provided very valuable information.

One is a member of Wang Defeng's close associates, who is by his side all the year round.

According to him, although he didn't know the details of the mysterious monk who was with Wang Defeng.

However, judging from his contact with these mysterious monks, these monks are all from very distant star regions, not monks in nearby star regions.

Another monk is Wang Defeng's Wang Defeng, who has no blood relatives, valued him very much.

When Wang Defeng talked with this group of mysterious monks several times, he served by the side.

From the conversation, I learned that this group of mysterious monks belonged to an extremely powerful force that could crush the four-pointed star area.

This group of people is just an advance squad, and the following large forces will soon come and will easily conquer the entire four-pointed star area.

Wang Defeng first contacted these mysterious monks, also to protect the family's interests.

After obtaining the interrogation confession, Meng Zhang was still thinking, and Mu Xingtong had already guessed the answer.

Mu Xingtong, who has always been very courageous, looked pale at this time, and even stuttered to say his guess.

This group of mysterious monks is likely to come from Yunzhong City, the vanguard sent by Yunzhong City to the four-pointed star area.

After learning that Yunzhong City was about to descend into the Four-Pointed Star Region, the big forces inside the Four-Pointed Star Region tried their best to collect relevant information about the Yunzhong City.

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