The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1894: Encircle

Yunzhong City is the enemy of many big worlds. In order to avoid its threat, the four-pointed star area had to migrate far away.

The senior leaders of the Four Corners Star District tried every means to collect all kinds of intelligence about Yunzhong City.

Cloud City has been plundered in the void for many years, and many worlds have suffered from it.

About the situation of the city in the cloud, it is widely circulated in the void.

The four-pointed star area spent a lot of effort, and soon gained a lot and obtained a lot of information.

In the four-pointed star area, in order to avoid causing panic on a large scale, much information about the city in the cloud has not been made public.

As the Outer Sect elder of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, Mu Xingtong's status in the cultivation world is not low, and he still has some understanding of this information.

According to Mu Xingtong's knowledge, before the Cloud City descends on a certain star area, it will send out leading troops to lurch and infiltrate secretly, in response to the arrival of the subsequent army.

Originally, the four-pointed star area had been very calm before, and there was no news in this regard. Everyone may not have noticed this aspect.

Now, the flying boat team transporting supplies was attacked first, and then there was information about the monks of the Wang family.

It is easy for Mu Xingtong to think that the leading team of Yunzhong City has secretly penetrated into the four-pointed star area.

What they are currently doing is clearly obstructing the construction of the wormhole passage and destroying the high-level plan of the Cloud City.

Once the wormhole tunnel cannot be completed in time, the migration plan of the four-pointed star area will only be dead.

The entire four-pointed star area will have to face the invading Yunzhong City directly.

Although there is no direct evidence yet, everything that happened has made Mu Xingtong believe that the group of mysterious monks that Wang Defeng colluded with was the advance team of Yunzhong City.

Many things in the cultivation world do not need 100% assurance, or even clear evidence. Especially this kind of major event related to Yunzhong City, as long as there is a trace of possibility, no one dares to be careless.

Meng Zhang approved Mu Xingtong's guess.

At this moment, the two of them found the most valuable clue, and Mu Xingtong's mission was barely completed.

As for the follow-up of the mission, let alone Mu Xingtong, a monk at the Yang Shen stage, even with Meng Zhang's power of returning to the void, he dare not continue to investigate further.

Yunzhong City can force the four-corner star area to move and take refuge, and its strength is conceivable.

Even if it was just an advance team, no one dared to face it easily.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong quickly reached a consensus, and they temporarily tracked down this point.

Although Mu Xingtong was dispatched to the Dumb World by the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, since the attack on the flying boat team was too serious, the senior officials of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect would still provide assistance to the tasked Mu Xingtong.

As long as there is a clear clue, Mu Xingtong can contact the Floating Cloud Saint Sect and request the support of the Sect.

The two monks of the Wang family who provided clues were temporarily left behind, and Mu Xingtong reported the incident to the past through the secret communication tool of the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds.

Although Mu Xingtong just made a simple report, it was clear that this matter was related to the advance team of Yunzhong City, and the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds should not be careless.

Sure enough, the senior members of the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds are not fools. It is one thing to suppress the heretics within the sect. The matter involving Yunzhong City is a matter of life and death.

The senior officials of Liuyun Saint Sect quickly reacted.

The senior sect of Liuyun Shengzong gave instructions through the communication magical device to make Mu Xingtong wait in place, and the reinforcements will soon come and join her.

After completing the communication, Mu Xingtong and Meng Zhang waited quietly.

They waited for a while, and instead of waiting for the reinforcements from the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, they waited for the chase of the Wang family first.

Meng Zhang had two living monks of the Wang family in his hands. They were unable to completely shield their bloodline induction, and they did not transfer them in time. It was only a matter of time before the monks of the Wang family caught up.

Sensing that three powerful auras of Void Returning in the distance were approaching here quickly, Meng Zhang was not prepared to continue to escape this time.

At first, he was worried that he would miss the reunion with the reinforcements of Floating Cloud Saint Sect.

Secondly, none of these three Void-Returning Powers have cultivated the Heaven and Earth Fa-images, and there is no essential difference from his cultivation level.

Even if it is one enemy three, Meng Zhang can deal with it.

Probably to prevent Meng Zhang and the others from escaping, the three Void Returning Powers flew over from three directions and surrounded Meng Zhang and the others faintly.

Meng Zhang's right hand danced towards the west, and the rules of the west space began to be disordered, the space was misplaced, and the top, bottom, left and right were completely reversed. The Xuxu ancestor who was flying from this direction was temporarily blocked.

Two air currents, one black and one white, rose above Meng Zhang's head, entangled with each other, drew the power of the Yin-Yang Avenue, turned into a pair of exercises, and swept toward the north.

Faced with the yin and yang two qi, the Void Returning Power, who was violently killed from the north, had to stop temporarily to block it.

The Southern Void Returning Power was the most cunning. He hid his deeds from the beginning and tried to sneak in and attack him.

It's a pity that Meng Zhang is too allergic, and he has discovered this sneaky guy a long time ago.

With a thought to Meng Zhang, Chi Yin Sword Sha was taken up, turned into a stream of light, and flew toward the south.

Accompanied by a roar, the sneaky rebirth power, and Chiyin Sword fought fiercely.

In the face of the three surrounding powers, Meng Zhang didn't panic, and with one enemy three, he temporarily blocked the three of them from a distance.

Of course, those who can advance to the Void Rebirth Period are all well-tested and outstanding characters in all aspects.

The three Void Returning Powers were caught off guard, and they were actually blocked by Meng Zhang.

The opponent is no more than a single person, and the level of cultivation is comparable to them, yet treats them as nothing.

Except for the two ancestors of Wang Family's Void Return, who had been ignited because of the family's accident, the other one came to help the fist with the power of Void Return, which was equally irritated.

The three Void-Returning Powers each exerted their power to show their magical powers.

Soon, they broke through Meng Zhang's obstacle and flew not far in front of Meng Zhang and them.

Seeing that the three of them were about to launch a fierce attack, Mu Xingtong was worried that Meng Zhang could not resist it, and immediately shouted.

"Stop it, this seat is the elder of the Outer Sect of the Sect of Flowing Clouds. This time I am acting here at the order of the Sect. Are you trying to stop it?"

The Flowing Cloud Saint Sect is one of the top spiritual powers in the four-pointed star area, and its prestige is so prominent.

Even if Mu Xingtong was only a Yang Shenqi monk, when she broke out of her own identity, the three Void Returning Powers had to stop temporarily.

No one at the scene suspected that Mu Xingtong was a fake Floating Cloud Saint Sect's identity, because no one in the four-pointed star area dared to do so.

Everyone is not a fool, if Mu Xingtong is really an impostor or something, he will not be able to pass the test.

An old ancestor of the Wang family looked at Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong suspiciously, and asked very suspiciously: "You Liuyun Saint Sect is acting, why do you want to arrest my Wang family's children. In the meantime, is there any misunderstanding? ?"

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