The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1897: Credit

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong were important figures who provided important information this time to expose the Wang family's collusion with Yunzhong City. Taoists Yunbo valued them very much.

Mu Xingtong himself is the elder of the Outer Sect of Liuyun Shengzong, not to mention, Meng Zhang is Mu Xingtong's elder, barely half of his own.

Taoist Yun Bai directly kept them by his side and helped him organize all kinds of information.

As more and more information was collected, the suspicion on the Wang family grew.

Even if there is still no such conclusive evidence, Daoist Yun Bai has already felt that he has not caught the wrong person.

What Meng Zhang regrets most is that through interrogation of these royal family members, he failed to involve Guchi Villa and Lengshan Temple.

On the surface, Guchi Villa and Wang's family are just ordinary trading relationships.

Even if the two sides are secretly colluding, there are some dirty activities, it has nothing to do with Yunzhong City.

As for the Lengshan Temple, it is even less than the Wang's eight-pole match.

Through these few days of getting along, Meng Zhang found that Taoist Yun Bai was also a very smart, very capable, and keen person.

Meng Zhang could not easily use the methods of planting and framing, let alone involving Guchi Villa and Lengshan Temple for no reason.

In desperation, Meng Zhang had to let go of this time and wait for the next opportunity.

Mu Xingtong himself, some of the thoughts in his heart began to waver.

She even suspected that the communication between Wang Defeng and Guchi Mountain Villa was normal, and that Guchi Mountain Villa really had no special relationship with the Wang family.

Everyone has been busy for so long, and there is still no direct conclusive evidence that the Wang family can be nailed to death.

When several big forces act, they are not afraid to blame others at all.

Especially this matter is of great importance, and it can be said that it is related to the fate of the entire four-pointed star area.

Even if they overcorrected and made some unjust dead, it was not a big deal.

On the contrary, the cultivator of Xingji Sword Sect, as if he had an antagonism with Mu Xingtong, has been holding on to this point, constantly questioning Mu Xingtong.

Brother Xingji Sword Sect's statement also seemed to make sense.

If the Wang Clan is the kind of force that has no heels at all, it's fine to deal with it.

However, the Wang family itself is wealthy and powerful, and has a wide network of contacts. It has a great influence in the entire four-pointed star area.

More importantly, the Wang family has a relationship with a certain real celestial predecessor.

If there is not enough conclusive evidence, the Wang Family will be dealt with categorically, and it will not be easy to explain to the real immortal senior in the future.

Mu Xingtong actively promoted the matter when there was insufficient evidence, and his intentions were suspicious.

At the very least, she has too much selfishness and distracted thoughts. She kidnapped everyone with her personal grievances because of public abandonment.

Brother Xingji Sword Sect's statement was too harsh and made Mu Xingtong very angry.

Of course she knew why the Xingji Sword Sect cultivator wanted to target herself so much.

She was angry that the Xingji Sword Sect cultivator was irrelevant. At this time, she didn't care about business affairs and didn't forget to embarrass herself.

Mu Xingtong hasn't figured out how to fight back. The latest news from the inside of the four-pointed star area can be regarded as a relief for her.

Several top sects, headed by the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds, attacked the Wang Family together.

When these big sects acted, they would act as if they did not move. A move was like a thunderbolt, and the other party couldn't react at all.

The team sent by several major sects directly descended on the ancestral land of the Wang family.

After a confrontation, the Wang family had to voluntarily surrender and let the joint team stationed in their own premises, up and down.

On the side of Wang's ancestral land, the joint team got more news.

The Wang family did collude with the advance team of Yunzhong City.

Of course, not the entire Wang family was involved in this matter, but only a part of the monks.

There are many different factions within the Wang family.

These factions are opposed to each other, and there are even fierce battles.

Wang Defeng's faction was behind other factions and secretly hooked up with the advance team sent by Yunzhong City.

At this moment, the evidence was conclusive, and the Wang family could no longer deny it.

The Wang family violated the taboo of the four-pointed star area and secretly colluded with enemies like Yunzhong City.

According to the practice of the Four-Pointed Star Region, even if the Wang Family is ransacked, the nine tribes are banished, and the tribe is completely annihilated, it is normal.

But at a critical moment, the true immortal who had a lot to do with the Wang family finally stood up and spoke.

Some people in the Wang family are guilty, but it does not mean that everyone in the Wang family is guilty.

Over the years, Wang's contribution to the entire four-pointed star area cannot be simply written off.

This time some members of the Wang family colluded with Yunzhong City, so naturally they had to be severely punished.

However, God has the virtue of living well, so don't be too involved in this matter, and don't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Those members of the royal family who have nothing to do with this matter can be allowed to pay for their crimes and make atonement for the family.

There are not many true immortals in the entire four-pointed star area.

The true immortal is the strongest combat power in the four-pointed star area, the real top level of the four-pointed star area, and has the greatest right to speak.

Even if true immortals don't ask about foreign affairs on weekdays, no one dares to ignore everything they say.

Since there was a real fairy who came forward to intercede for the Wang family, then the only way to deal with the Wang family was to be lenient.

After all, no one wants to refute the face of a real fairy for the sake of a mere king's family.

After these news reached the dust world, the Xingji Sword Sect monk who had originally accused Mu Xingtong, suddenly became silent.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong act together this time, the main purpose is to help Mu Xingtong complete the task, by the way, let himself make merits.

As for the fate of the Wang family, he didn't care.

Whether the Wang family was annihilated by the clan or lingered, it had little to do with him.

Although the senior leaders of the Four-pointed Star District started to promptly deal with the Wang family, they also gained some gains.

However, the advance team in Cloud City was too slippery and did not let them grasp the path at all.

The advance team of Yunzhong City had always paid great attention to keeping secret deeds, and they had little contact with the Wang family, and they usually contacted the monks of the Wang family on their own initiative.

Now something happened to the Wang advance team in Cloud City immediately took the initiative to cut off all contact with the Wang family, and quickly hid it, leaving the team chasing them in vain.

After resolutely disposing of the Wang family, the high-level officials of the Four-Pointed Star District issued an order to actively track down the whereabouts of the advance team in Yunzhong City.

Anyone who can provide clues, or even directly kill the target, can get rich rewards.

Obviously, the senior leaders of the Four-Pointed Star Zone had already treated the infiltrating team of Cloud City as a life-and-death enemy.

Mu Xingtong and Meng Zhang, who were the first to reveal the matter, did not ignore the merits they made.

Rewards and punishments are clearly distinguished and rewards for meritorious service are the basic principles of such great powers as the Floating Cloud Saint Sect.

Meng Zhang's request for borrowing the wormhole passage was quickly passed by the senior officials of the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds.

After the successful construction of the wormhole passage, Meng Zhang could not only pass smoothly, but also ranked in the forefront of the order of passage.

In addition, the Flowing Cloud Saint Sect also rewarded Meng Zhang with a lot of training resources.

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