The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1898: In vain

Liuyun Shengzong rewarded the outsider Meng Zhang again, and satisfied his not excessive requirements.

For his own member Mu Xingtong's reward, that is not less.

As a member of the Liuyun Saint Sect system, Mu Xingtong's rewards are naturally based on the standards within the system.

A large number of sect contributions can be used to exchange various resources.

The opportunity to enter the Zongmen Library, the chance to get advice from the seniors of the Zongmen...

In a word, this reward made her very satisfied.

Especially the guidance of Senior Flowing Cloud Saint Sect in cultivation is even more precious to her.

Originally this time, Mu Xingtong, who was squeezed out and sent to the world of dust, had the good results now with the help of Meng Zhang, and it was a blessing in disguise.

In addition to rewards, Floating Cloud Saint Sect also released new tasks.

The advance team sent by Yunzhong City was too slippery. Even with the breakthrough of the Wang Family, it was still difficult to find them.

Many monks in the Wang family are indeed actively cooperating in order to commit crimes and meritorious service.

But the people in Cloud City will not trust anyone. They just use the Wang family, how can they disclose important information to him.

A large group of forces sent a large team of men and horses, and after working for a long time, they couldn't catch the trail of the advance team of Yunzhong City.

Of course, it is not without gain at all.

Using the information obtained from the Wang family, they successively unearthed many local monks who had colluded with the advance team of Yunzhong City.

The advance team of Cloud City cannot be eliminated in one day, and the disaster cannot be completely eliminated in one day.

Facing the powerful Yunzhong City, among the local monks in the four-pointed star area, shakers appeared, and even the guys who directly acted as the leader of the party, will never be cut off.

The major forces in the four-pointed star area have invested a lot of manpower and material resources to comprehensively search for the whereabouts of the advance team of Cloud City.

According to the speculation of the senior leaders of the Four-Pointed Star Zone, the big world inside the Four-Pointed Star Zone is relatively tightly controlled. The place where the advance team of Cloud City is most likely to hide is still in the outside world of the dust world.

As a result, in addition to constantly recruiting and urging the local forces in the dust world, the four-pointed star district senior officials successively sent many monks to the dust world, vowing to find the whereabouts of the advance team of Cloud City.

Building a wormhole is an extremely difficult and extremely important task, requiring several true immortals.

Otherwise, the senior leaders of the four-pointed star area are willing to invite the true immortal to go to the dust world to fight.

As more and more monks came to the dust world, it became lively.

Before Meng Zhang and the others reported it, the senior officials in the four-pointed star area had once suspected that it was the ghost repairs and demons of the dust world, and attacked the flying boat team.

Now that the real murderer has been exposed, the truth has come to light.

However, the four-pointed star district seniors did not let go of the ghost repairs and demons in the dust world.

In their view, these demonic and demonic cultivators themselves are factors of instability.

In the past, because of various factors, they had to tolerate their existence.

In order to prevent them from making trouble, they must be strictly suppressed.

The advance team sent by Yunzhong City is likely to collude with the ghost repairs and demons in the dust world.

Even if there is no evidence to prove this, but out of the need for prevention in the future, we cannot relax our vigilance against ghost cultivation and demonic cultivation.

In fact, the senior leaders of the Four-Pointed Star Area already have plans to take this opportunity to clean up the ghost repairs and demons repairs in the dust world, as well as the numerous ghosts.

Meng Zhang helped Mu Xingtong complete the task, obtained enough merits, and achieved his goal. He could not participate in the following things.

However, Taoist Yun Bai valued him and Mu Xingtong more and hoped that they could continue to track down the whereabouts of the advance team in Yunzhong City and strive to make further contributions.

For Mu Xingtong, he is still a member of the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds, and naturally cannot refuse the order of the senior sect.

Moreover, she also had the heart to take this opportunity to make good friends with Taoist Yunbo and increase her strength within the sect.

Although Mu Xingtong is the elder of the outer sect, if he makes enough merits, he can still get a lot of benefits within the sect.

Among them, there are many benefits that are very helpful to her practice.

There is still a long time before the wormhole passage is opened for passage. Of course, Meng Zhang will not offend Taoist Yunbo.

Moreover, Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds is generous, and various rewards are very generous.

For Meng Zhang, cultivation resources are never too much.

After he advanced to the Void Return Period, it became increasingly difficult for him to obtain the high-level resources he needed in Junchen Realm through ordinary means.

With the Floating Cloud Saint Sect with a true immortal sitting in town, it is not a problem to support a group of rebirth powers.

Among the sect's large treasury, there are all kinds of treasures that can be used by the power of returning to the void.

Both Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong followed the orders of Taoist Yun Bai and started to act again.

However, this time, the two of them did not act together.

The monks of the top powers, including the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds, entered the dust world in large numbers. At this time, Mu Xingtong's safety was still guaranteed.

For Meng Zhang, without a young monk in the Yang Shen stage, he could do things more conveniently.

Of course, before they separated, they both reserved ways to contact each other.

Meng Zhang's search this time was not so smooth.

He caught Wang Defeng of the Wang family last time, and found suspicious points and clues, which had a lot of luck.

To the dust world, he was just an outsider who had not come here soon.

Moreover, most of his time in the dust world, he was still unable to retreat in the Nebula Sword Sect.

His knowledge of the dust world is limited, and the information he knows is collected slowly afterwards.

It is not a gang of difficulties to find the advance team of Cloud City, which is extremely hidden in the dust world.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang didn't have the ambition to win. Anyway, if he was a monk and hit the clock for a day, he seemed to be able to get by.

With Meng Zhang's vigorous activities in the dust world, and in order to inspire others, the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds trumpeted his generous rewards, and Meng Zhang's reputation slowly spread.

Prior to this, Meng Zhang pretended to be in the retreat of Jianzong Nebula, secretly carrying out a secret mission with Mu Xingtong.

Now, everyone knows that his disguise of running around and retreating in the Nebula Sword Sect has naturally been dismantled passively.

Although Meng Zhang had discussed with Mu Xingtong secretly, the current Nebula Sword Sect could give up.

However, Meng Zhang's current identity is the ancestor of Sword Sect Nebula, and he is not so unrelenting.

Unless he is really powerless, he will still try his best to keep the current Nebula Sword Sect.

On the surface, he still pays great attention to the inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect.

Perhaps, at some point, being dragged down by the Nebula Sword Sect is also a good thing.

It is better for him to expose the weakness of the Nebula Sword Sect than to expose the real weakness.

For a long time afterwards, Meng Zhang was very diligent, actively running on the dust world, looking for the whereabouts of the advance team in Cloud City.

During this process, Meng Zhang also fought many times with the local ghosts in the dust world.

Xingji Jianzong and several other big forces visited Yinfeng Cave last time to investigate and fought against ghost repairs and ghosts in Yinfeng Cave.

Although they won a big victory, they forced the enemy back to the Yinfeng Cavern.

However, not only did they not get any useful clues from it, but they also had limited damage to ghost repairs and ghosts.

This time, the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District deliberately took the opportunity to clean up the dusty world, sweeping away those places where dirt and dirt are hidden.

Therefore, the monks of Xingji Sword Sect seemed to be preparing to attack Yinfeng Cavern again.

Xingji Sword Sect is the enemy of the Nebula Sword Sect, and also the chief culprit that has forced the Nebula Sword Sect to its current status.

However, in its current form, Xingji Sword Sect would not be so stupid to directly attack Nebula Sword Sect.

Meng Zhang didn't worry much about the cultivators of Xingji Sword Sect.

At present, the foreign enemies from Yunzhong City have not been eliminated, and the senior leaders of the four-pointed star area will not allow Xingji Sword Sect to make trouble at this time.

After Meng Zhang stays outside for a period of time, he will return to the Nebula Sword Sect.

Xingyun Jianzong only has a Void Returning ancestor like Meng Zhang, and Taoist Yun Bai can also understand the situation that he can't worry about getting under the sect.

He assumed that Meng Zhang regularly returned to Zongmen for vacation.

Meng Zhang didn't act secretly when he went back now, but returned sternly and openly.

Every time he returned to the Sword Sect of Nebula, he would receive a warm welcome from all over the sect.

Meng Zhang worked for the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds and unearthed the monks of the Wang family who had colluded with the advance team of Yunzhong City. News of this kind had spread slowly.

The Sword Sect of Nebula, in the midst of the turbulent wind and rain, the upper and lower sects are very sensitive to every life-saving straw.

It is a great thing for the entire sect that Meng Zhang can catch a top power such as the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds.

In particular, Meng Zhang has shown sufficient use value, and now it is very useful to the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds, and it makes everyone happy.

In this way, I am not afraid of the Liuyun Shengzong crossing the river and demolishing the bridge in a short time.

With this level of relationship, Sword Sect Nebula went up and down, and his heart was more bottomed, and life in the realm of cultivation would be much easier.

Meng Zhang didn't realize the impact of this incident at first.

Later, he found that many cultivators who had previously coveted the Sword Sect of the Nebula had died. After disappearing around the Sword of the Nebula, he realized the benefits of hooking up with the Sect of the Floating Cloud.

The Sword Sect of Nebula, who was despised by the entire cultivation world because he was on the verge of extinction, seemed to have regained his vitality, and began to tremble again.

Under the leadership of True Monarch Shunyi, the head of general affairs, the Sword Sect of Nebula recovered some of the previously lost resource origins.

Sword Sect Nebula has gained a lot of goodwill from the surrounding cultivation forces.

The living environment of Jianzong Nebula is improving, and the business environment is getting better.

In this way, Meng Zhang did almost nothing, stayed in the Nebula Sword Sect for a short time, and made a great contribution to the Nebula Sword Sect, almost changing the situation of the Sect.

In this matter, Meng Zhang did not feel complacent, but fully realized the power of the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds.

Just having a little relationship with Liuyun Shengzong is enough to change the fate of a family.

The strength of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect is too strong, and the prestige is too terrifying.

Such a sect is very comfortable as a friend and can profit from it, but one day, if Meng Zhang becomes an enemy with such a sect, then he will face a huge challenge.

In the four-pointed star area, in addition to Taoist practitioners, there are also Buddhism and Confucian practitioners...

The practitioners of the several major systems have their own merits and stand on top of each other.

Many times, for the benefit, for the orthodoxy, and even for the faith, the practitioners of several major systems will fight each other.

Similar to the situation in the Shuangfeng star area, the Taoist cultivators in the four-pointed star area possess the most powerful power.

If it weren't for the imminent arrival of Cloud City, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, Taoism and Confucianism... is the mainstream of the struggle among practitioners in the four-pointed star area.

As the leader and leader of Taoist practitioners in the four-pointed star area, Liuyun Shengzong holds a lofty position in the four-pointed star area.

In the past years, Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds is far from commanding the world, so I dare not follow it.

But as long as it pursues one thing with all its strength, it can get some results more or less.

But this time, Liuyun Shengzong's early action against the Wang family was very successful.

When it came time to trace the whereabouts of the advance team in Yunzhong City, the situation was very unsatisfactory.

The senior sect of Liuyun Shengzong was quite dissatisfied with this, and the pressure naturally spread downward one after another.

Soon, not only Taoist Yun Bai, but also Meng Zhang himself felt a strong pressure.

The time he spent returning to the Nebula Jianzong resident for vacation was greatly shortened.

Meng Zhang has more tasks on his shoulders, and the time spent traveling around the dusty world has greatly increased.

In many cases, he still needs to go deep into some famous dangerous places in the dust world and encounter some inexplicable enemies.

Meng Zhang had long realized that due to the chaos of the heaven and earth rules in the dust world, the reincarnation and the yin and yang gap had a big problem.

This led to the massive formation of ghosts in the dust world.

As long as there is no power to replenish the sky, the broken dust world can be repaired and the chaotic rules of the world can be restored, and the ghosts of the dust world will be inexhaustible forever.

Clearing the ghosts in the dusty world is completely meaningless to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang always remembered clearly that he was just a passerby in the dust world.

Everything that happened here has nothing to do with him in essence.

Even the entire four-pointed star area was just a passing glance in Meng Zhang's eyes.

Liuyun Shengzong's high-level officials increased layer by layer, treating him as a coolie, which naturally aroused his strong dissatisfaction.

But under the eaves, people had to bow their heads. No matter how dissatisfied, Meng Zhang could only endure it forcibly.

While performing the tasks assigned by the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds in the dust world, UU read www. Meng Zhang has encountered danger several times.

Whenever such a time, he would curse Liuyun Shengzong in his heart.

At the same time, I secretly hope that the advance team of Yunzhong City will be able to give a little bit of strength and give Liuyun Saint Sect a lesson ruthlessly.

The dust world is a big world, no matter how dilapidated it is, it doesn't affect its scale much.

The advance team of Yunzhong City has a reputation in the void, has a very rich infiltration experience, and is very good at hiding their own deeds.

There are almost no weak people in the team, and almost everyone has good abilities.

To find these hidden powerhouses in a big world is almost equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

If there is no clear clues and guidance, the target cannot be found at all.

Meng Zhang knew that he was just busy working in vain and wasted effort in vain.

Even those high-level Liuyun Saint Sect who gave the order knew the result of this.

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