The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1900: Trapped

During this period of time, many people in the team have carried out such cleaning operations many times.

Everyone is familiar and comfortable.

So far, no ghosts or ghost repairs of the Void Return level have been found here.

The six Void Returning Powers have never made any moves, but instead are opposing the primordial primordial monarchs in the team.

Suddenly, Meng Zhang asked a little puzzled.

"Why is there such a strong aura in a place like the underground?"

Hearing Meng Zhang's words, all the powers of returning to the void, including the ancestors of the Wang family who couldn't understand him, carefully observed the surroundings.

The place where ghosts gather is full of yin qi and thin aura, which is normal.

There was no waste in the Void Returning Power present, and soon there were discoveries.

Although the headed Taoist Zhou did not directly agree with Meng Zhang's discovery, he still made an action.

As soon as he took the lead, he rushed to the place with strong spiritual energy below.

The rest of the Void Returning Power followed closely and rushed over.

The six Void Returning Powers directly dived a few hundred feet away and came to a vast underground stone chamber.

In this vast underground stone room, Meng Zhang saw a familiar scene.

A tall platform, on which there is a huge black portal, behind the portal is a piece of violent heaven and earth vitality.

"This is someone building an artificial spiritual vein here."

"It seems that this man-made spirit vein is not low in rank."

"In this area, I have never heard of the existence of the human cultivation sect."

Some rebirth powers are still being discussed, and the quick-reacting Meng Zhang and others already have guesses in their hearts.

The advance team from Yunzhong City also has human cultivators.

They can also use the artificial spiritual veins here.

Ghost repair mainly absorbs vital energy with Yin Qi, and magic repair mainly absorbs Demon Qi. Reiki is only an aid to them. Generally, such a large artificial spiritual vein is not needed.

Hiding the spiritual veins underground, making it so sneaky, is obviously inhuman.

"Don't hide the advance team of Cloud City, which everyone can't find, is it hidden here?"

"In other words, this is a secret stronghold of the advance team in Cloud City."

"Damn it, you hit the jackpot now."

While Meng Zhang was still talking to himself, the Taoist Zhou, headed by him, had already given the order.

"Be careful, everyone, this is very likely the hiding place for the advance team in Cloud City?"

In Zhou Taoist's words, there is a meaning of surprise that is hard to conceal.

So many top forces, sent so many monks, searched for so long, but found nothing.

This time, he was leading the team to clean up the ghosts, but he was lucky, and he directly discovered the hiding place of the advance team of Yunzhong City.

If you can grasp the target this time, you will surely make a great contribution, not to mention the generous reward from the sect, it will be enough to spread your reputation, and your reputation will even reach the ears of the fairies.

Meng Zhang didn't have as many utilitarian ideas as Taoist Zhou, and he thought more about why the advance team of Yunzhong City was hidden here?

They really colluded with the ghost repairs in the dust world, so they can get the cover of the ghosts and can hide in the land where the ghosts are entrenched?

While Meng Zhang was thinking, new changes occurred.

Probably so many rebirth powers broke into this place all at once, triggering a certain reaction.

Several powerful auras passed from the ground, it should be a ghost of the Void Returning level.

Just as everyone was preparing to fight, the enemy's sneak attack came first.

Those few breaths came from the front, but they were just confusing and distracting the attention of everyone present.

The real ultimate move has long been lurking around everyone.

Several illusory shadows flashed away, and a Void Returning Power screamed.

Countless earth and rocks suddenly scattered around, rushing out two corpse kings of the Void Returning level.

You all have no time to make more communication, so they are caught in a battle of their own.

However, after a short time, more than ten ghosts of the Void Returning level were killed in front of everyone.

If it's just a ghost, no matter how strong it is, everyone can fight it.

But under the cover of ghosts, some monsters that are good at hiding also secretly shot.

You can not take care of anything else, you can only do what you can and fight with the enemy separately.

When the Void Returning Power encountered an enemy sneak attack, the Primordial Spirit True Monarchs in the team originally dispersed to hunt down the ghosts.

At this time, the ghosts launched a counterattack, as the ghosts of the tide gang used them from all directions, and there were many strong ones.

Among the massive amounts of ghosts, there are many insidious ghost repairs, brutal monsters, terrifying demons...

It is a well-known thing that the ghosts in the dust world collude with ghosts, and the demons and ghosts are collaborating with each other.

However, facing the siege of so many enemies at once, including all of you, the Void Returning Power, still fell into a certain degree of panic.

Everyone has a question in their hearts, is this operation of cleaning up ghosts a trap from beginning to end?

Meng Zhang had already ignored it now to think about what was going on.

When many enemies appeared, Meng Zhang knew that not only had this cleanup operation failed completely, it was probably difficult for everyone to escape.

Needless to say, those primordial primordial monarchs in the team must have basically become victims.

There may be individuals who are lucky enough to have left behind from their parents, who can escape to heaven by chance.

The six Void Returning Powers headed by the team are the enemy's key targets.

Meng Zhang didn't care about the others, and made the right decision before everyone could react.

Anyway, everyone is a temporary teammate, and usually has nothing to do. Meng Zhang has no psychological pressure on abandoning teammates.

He repulsed the golden corpse king who had come forward, and was about to flee upwards.

But he didn't expect that among this group of rebirth powers, there would be people who reacted faster than him.

The Void Returning Ancestor of the Wang family immediately left here and fled quickly as soon as the enemy launched an attack.

Over the years, many monks in the Wang family have been fighting at the forefront because they have been involved in the struggle by Wang Defeng's team and forced to commit crimes and meritorious service.

In previous actions, the ancestor of the Wang family, who was regarded as cannon fodder, was in danger many times, and he had long developed a good ability to escape.

It's a pity that this time, the ancestor of the Wang family hit the iron plate.

Just as his body flew out, a huge head suddenly appeared in front of him.

I saw that head opened its big mouth and swallowed the Void Returning Ancestor of the Wang Family in one bite.

"This is a great demon at the level of law."

Meng Zhang yelled in his heart and was so scared that he quickly stopped the pace of fleeing.

Fortunately, the ancestor of the Wang Family Returning to the Void made thunder for him.

Obviously, this great demon at the Dharma-level level is hidden around, specifically for the power of returning to the void who is trying to escape.

Originally, the strength of the enemy that appeared now far surpassed that of our own team.

Suddenly there was such a great demon at the level of law, and no one on his side could resist it.

With such a big enemy staring at him, it would be difficult even if he wanted to escape.

Meng Zhang is a very decisive guy. After knowing that the enemy is too strong to be strong enough to fight off, nor can he escape in a normal way, he immediately had a new plan in his heart.

Meng Zhang did not continue to flee outside, but turned around and returned to the previous stone room.

The Wang family's ancestor of Xuxu also has some strength, not at all, there is no resistance.

After the huge head swallowed it, it would take some time to dissolve its last resistance, and then swallow it completely.

This gave Meng Zhang a little time for his next move.

As for why Meng Zhang didn't continue to flee, there were two reasons.

First, it was the huge head, which was the image of the great demon released. After swallowing the ancestors of the Wang Family's Void Return, he still had enough energy to temporarily block the Void Returning Powers who were trying to escape.

Secondly, no one can guarantee that there is no other powerful enemy ambushing outside besides this great demon at the level of law.

Since this road was not open, Meng Zhang had to find another way.

After returning to the stone room, Meng Zhang stepped onto the high platform and came to the huge black portal.

Behind this black portal is the origin of the world of gray earth.

A similar place, called Yuanhai in Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang once entered once because of a mission.

For the Void Returning Power, there are many dangers in the source sea.

If you stay in it for a long time, the Void-Returning Power may be completely digested and absorbed by Yuanhai.

Due to the severe damage the dusty world has suffered, there are more dangers in its origins.

The extremely violent source force storm, the completely disordered rules of the world...

Anyway, as far as Meng Zhang knows, the monks in the dust world dare not enter the origin of the dust world.

A long time ago, there were some Void-Returning Powers who ventured into it, and they all ended up with no bones left.

Since then, the origin of the world of dust has become a forbidden place for monks from all walks of life to stop.

Meng Zhang is almost desperate now.

Compared with the current way out, there are more dangers outside.

When Meng Zhang was in Junchen Realm, he had the experience of entering the Sea of ​​Origin.

Although he encountered a lot of dangers in, he finally survived with a single ability.

He feels that he has these valuable experiences. Even if you enter the origin of the world of dust, there should be a greater chance of survival.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if he was finally buried in the origin of the world of dust, Meng Zhang was unwilling to fall into the hands of the great demon.

Meng Zhang knew that under this kind of ambush situation, he had encountered a great demon at the level of law that he had prepared for a long time.

After all, this is the enemy's home ground, and the enemy is more familiar with the situation.

In desperation, Meng Zhang could only take a risk.

This black portal can communicate the origin of the earth and the earth, and draw spiritual energy from it, but it cannot be directly passed through.

I saw Meng Zhang running the yin and yang qi, forcibly breaking the door in front of him.

He mobilized the power of the space avenue, shuttled directly through the space, and entered the origin of the world of dust.

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