The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1901: Get out of trouble

Somewhere in the wilderness of the dust world, there are ravines all over, and there are huge bottomless pits everywhere, and there is not the slightest vitality around.

Because of the wars that have spread throughout the world in recent years, the dusty world has become even more broken.

Such a dilapidated scene has long been commonplace.

In some parts of the dust world, even ghosts and monsters cannot survive due to the chaos of the rules of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, there were waves of violent spatial fluctuations in a certain huge pit, and then a silhouette of a figure flew out of it like lightning.

As soon as he arrived on the ground, the figure slammed to the ground, rolled over, and then slumped on the ground with an unsightly butt.

This person is Meng Zhang.

He collapsed on the ground for a while before slowly regaining his spirits and stood up again.

Meng Zhang raised his head and looked around, the gray sky of the dust world made him feel exceptionally cordial at this moment.

He spent countless strengths and almost died before finally escaping from the origin of the world of dust.

Thinking of the dangers he had encountered before, Meng Zhang still has lingering fears.

If he had known that the origin of the world of the dust was so dangerous, Meng Zhang might have made another choice.

The origin of the world of Junchen Realm is called Yuanhai.

That's because the strong heaven and earth vitality inside, converging into the ocean.

But in the dust world, due to the impact of the war of immortals, its origins of heaven and earth were severely damaged.

Later, the major comprehension forces in the dust world created artificial spiritual veins, absorbing the vitality inside and transforming them into spiritual energy.

Now the origin of the world of the dusty earth has become a violent storm, which can swallow all chaos...

Meng Zhang's experience in Junchen Realm Origin Sea was almost completely useless and could not help at all.

What Meng Zhang can rely on, apart from his own cultivation base, is the ability to adapt to changes.

In addition, he can only resign himself to his fate and give everything to the will of heaven in the dark.

Probably Meng Zhang's life should not be broken.

He has experienced countless dangerous situations in the heaven and earth origin of the dust world. It can be said that he has been tortured and suffered enough.

In the end, Meng Zhang seized an opportunity and managed to escape from it.

At this time, Meng Zhang's face was haggard, and he felt exhausted.

Logically speaking, he should take a good rest before he can fully recover.

However, he could not take care of recuperating.

In the heaven and earth origin of the dust world, the disorder of the rules of heaven and earth greatly affected Meng Zhang's perception and confused his mind.

Meng Zhang has almost lost the concept of time. He doesn't know how long time has passed, or how many years he has been trapped here.

In the dimness, Meng Zhang just felt that time was passing fast, and he had spent at least a hundred years in it.

With bad luck, it is very likely that he has been trapped for three to five hundred years.

If you have been trapped in the origin of the dust world for too long, then maybe the monks in the four-pointed star area have already migrated away through the wormhole passage.

In order to avoid the pursuit of Cloud City, the wormhole passage will definitely be dealt with.

Not only would Meng Zhang lose the shortcut to quickly return to Junchen Realm, he might even face the powerful and brutal Yunzhong City monk.

In the wilderness of the dust world, the living environment is already very bad, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to survive.

Even in cities and towns, it is necessary to vigorously promote artificial spiritual root technology, so that everyone can become monks, in order to continue the human race.

The place where Meng Zhang is now is filled with highly poisonous and poisonous miasma. The violent heaven and earth's vitality can easily make ordinary monks get mad.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation base, no matter how bad the situation is, he will not be greatly affected by the external environment.

He took a short break and began to calculate the current time.

There are many ways for monks to judge the time they are currently in.

The most commonly used is to observe the movement of the stars and estimate the changes in time.

Although the sky in the dust world is covered with all kinds of miasma all year round, it is impossible to see the stars in the void.

However, some monks who have excellent eyesight and even practice special pupil skills can still see through the gray sky and observe the stars in the void through the heavy miasma.

In addition, many high-ranking monks are very sensitive to their own physical conditions.

They can judge how long time has passed by sensing the passing of their own lifespan.

In a word, as long as a rebirth power like Meng Zhang leaves the world of the dust world and gets rid of its influence, there are ways to judge how long time has passed.

After some calculations, Meng Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was trapped in the origin of the world of dust, less than one piece, just over fifty years ago.

Before he was trapped, he had learned about the progress of the construction of wormhole passages by the high-levels of the four-pointed star area.

Their construction work has only just begun, and there have been many obstacles in raising materials.

More than 50 years should not be enough for them to complete the construction work.

The place where Meng Zhang left the origin of the world of dust was not the place where they were ambushed back then.

The heaven and earth of the dust world are located in the depths of the world, but they are connected to all parts of the world.

Meng Zhang's current location is far from the place where he encountered the ambush back then.

Meng Zhang flew high into the sky, distinguished the direction, and flew toward the location of Baishi City.

Meng Zhang has been trapped in the origin of the dust world for so many years, and has lost all contact with the outside world.

He now desperately wants to know what happened in the dusty world over the years?

They were ambushed back then, what happened, and what follow-up did they have later?

With these urgent ideas, Meng Zhang galloped all the way in the air.

A few days later, he crossed a long distance and finally came to the original location of White Rock City.

What he saw and heard on this road has given Meng Zhang some Many parts of the dust world are full of post-war scenes.

The whole world is in ruin and devastated.

Many towns have long since disappeared, and their original locations have become the wreckage of the battlefield. There is almost no life at all.

Judging from the remaining battlefields, these battles took place within decades, and these towns were destroyed within decades.

The collapse of mountain peaks and the sinking of land on the plains can be seen almost everywhere.

Many landmark mountains and rivers have long since disappeared.

Just from what you saw along the way, you know what catastrophe the dust world has suffered in these years, and how fierce the war has been?

After reaching the original location of White Rock City, even Meng Zhang couldn't help being stunned.

How could such a huge city disappear out of thin air.

In the original location of White Rock City, a huge pothole was left.

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