The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1929: Double happiness

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With Meng Zhang's disappearance, Taiyi Sect temporarily lacks the power of returning to the void, and its deterrence to other comprehension forces is greatly reduced.

In the past few years, even the Star Rock Islands have had some problems.

However, now that Meng Zhang has returned safely and his cultivation base has advanced greatly, these problems will naturally be solved.

Meng Zhang believed that he didn't need to take action. As long as the news of his return spreads, many comprehension forces fighting against Taiyimen would become honest.

While Meng Zhang was thinking, a silhouette of a figure soared into the sky on a mountain below, flying directly between the high-altitude clouds.

Over the years, in the process of expanding the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, the monks of Taiyimen have constantly moved mountains and seas, adding many peaks and lakes to the area.

With Meng Zhang's eyesight, he saw the figure at a glance and guessed what she was going to do.

This person is Yang Xueyi, the great elder of Taiyimen.

Yang Xueyi joined Taiyimen before Niu Dawei, and her aptitude and temperament were excellent.

She has made countless contributions to the Taiyi Sect, and she is a figure like the **** of the sea in the gate.

Over the years, Yang Xueyi's cultivation base has been higher than that of Niu Dawei, the principal disciple.

This time when Tiangong issued a call-up order to the entire Junchen Realm, Taiyimen was personally led by Yang Xueyi, a great monk in the late Yuanshen stage, to respond to the call-up.

In the current void battlefield, even the powers of the initial stage of returning to the void are just small pawns, and the true monarch of the soul can barely be used as cannon fodder.

Still the same sentence, although Banxue Jianjun would take care of Taiyi Sect, it was impossible to take care of it in every possible way.

Especially in this kind of large-scale war, she will not be too selfish.

The conscripted monk of Taiyimen was arranged to be stationed for nine days, which was the best arrangement she could make.

The extraterritorial invaders are powerful, and often take the initiative, breaking into the nine days more than once.

The Taiyimen monks who were stationed at Jiutian were injured and killed while guarding Jiutian.

Yang Xueyi was also in the middle of a battle, seriously wounded, hurting her foundation.

Because of this injury, Yang Xueyi's cultivation level was seriously affected, and Niu Dawei was able to come from behind. Yang Xueyi first entered the Yang Shen stage.

Inside and outside the door, many people thought that Yang Xueyi was mostly depressed this time, and it would be difficult to regain her former cultivation level.

Where did she think that Yang Xueyi not only recovered her cultivation base, but also began to overcome the catastrophe, to survive the thunder catastrophe of the sun god, and enter the Yang **** stage.

Although Meng Zhang coincided with the meeting, he just caught up with Yang Xueyi to cross the catastrophe.

But even if he is capable of returning to the void, he cannot help Yang Xueyi at this time.

Yang Xueyi had done everything she could do before crossing the catastrophe.

Now it all depends on whether Yang Xueyi herself can survive this thunderstorm.

Yang Xueyi has always been a very optimistic person for Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang is also full of confidence in her.

The information obtained from Tai Miao let Meng Zhang know about the setbacks Yang Xueyi has encountered over the years.

Based on Meng Zhang's understanding of Yang Xueyi, her heart is enough for her to overcome these difficulties.

Yang Xueyi entered the clouds and immediately triggered a thunder robbery, incurring countless thunder bombardments.

Meng Zhang devoted all his attention to Yang Xueyi's direction.

Although due to the cover of thunder, Meng Zhang couldn't see every detail of Yang Xueyi's tragedy.

However, based on Meng Zhang's observations and his experience, he felt that Yang Xueyi's situation should be good.

Facts have proved that Meng Zhang did not miss Yang Xueyi.

Thunder rumbled in the sky and electric snakes danced wildly. After a short period of time, all visions disappeared.

The thundercloud dissipated, revealing Yang Xueyi standing in the sky.

At this time, Yang Xueyi was full of spirits, with a special power on her body.

People who are sensitive like Meng Zhang can better sense that the yin qi in her primordial spirit has dissipated, and the primordial spirit has become pure yang.

At this time, the Taiyimen monks who were watching Yang Xueyi crossing the Tribulation from below, under the leadership of the acting head Niu Dawei, flew high in the sky and flew towards Yang Xueyi.

Before people approached, a voice of congratulations had already sounded.

After Niu Dawei, Yang Xueyi survived the thunder of the sun **** and successfully advanced to the sun **** stage.

Now, Taiyimen has three Yangshen stage monks.

As a magic weapon, Xu Kongzi also used Meng Zhang's power when he crossed the Tribulation.

Niu Dawei and Yang Xueyi were both relying on their own power.

Taiyimen had two more Yangshen stage cultivators, not only the sect's combat power increased greatly, it also shows that there are people following the sect, and the hierarchy of the sect cultivators has become perfect.

Seeing the crowd gathered together, Meng Zhang let out a hearty laugh, and suddenly appeared in front of the crowd.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Meng Zhang, everyone was filled with unbelievable expressions, and then was overwhelmed by a huge surprise.

Although it is said that the return to the virtual world is long, it is not a big deal to go out for hundreds of years at a time.

But Meng Zhang disappeared in the void battlefield, and has never left the sect for so long.

If it weren't for the soul lamp of Meng Zhang enshrined in the sect, the sect would have become panicked a long time ago.

The soul lamp is intact, which can only prove that Meng Zhang's life is safe. But when Meng Zhang will be able to return to Taiyimen, no one can tell.

Taiyi Sect temporarily lost Meng Zhang, who was a powerful person who returned to the void, and it was at the time when the situation in Junchen Realm was severe.

In these years, Taiyimen has encountered many difficulties and encountered many challenges.

Niu Dawei is very qualified as the acting head, able to lead the sect to overcome difficulties and cope with Now Meng Zhang has finally returned safely, including Niu Dawei, are relieved and completely let go of their hearts. burden.

Wen Qiansuan even said loudly from the side that today is really the day of double happiness.

Yang Xueyi successfully advanced to the Yang Shen stage, and Meng Zhang, the pillar leader in the gate, returned safely.

Meng Zhang is not the kind of person who shows emotions, no matter how happy he is in his heart, he doesn't have much expression on his appearance.

Those present were all high-level Taiyimen. These true primordial sages had cultivated for many years, their minds were calm, and they quickly recovered their calmness.

The plot was not too bloody, Meng Zhang and everyone flew below and returned to the land of sun and moon.

After years of expansion and enhancement, Riyuefudi has been continuously improved and has become a genuine Taiyimen gate.

After returning to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, Meng Zhang gathered the middle and high-level members of the gate to tell everyone about his experiences over the years.

In addition to some of his own personal affairs and secrets, including matters in the four-pointed star area, conflicts with Guantian Pavilion's return to the Void in the vicinity of Shenchang Realm, and the promise to accompany Xue Jianjun after returning to Junchen Realm, he did not have anything. How to hide it.

Meng Zhang knew that it was necessary to let the middle and high levels of the door understand the detailed information, and thoroughly understand the current situation, to help Taiyimen to act in the next step.

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