The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1930: Sect matters

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Listening to Meng Zhang's recounting of his experiences over the years, the middle and high level of the door listened attentively.

Most of them hadn't even left Junchen Realm. How did you know that there were so many wonderful worlds in the void, and so many things would happen.

As Meng Zhang recounted his ups and downs, everyone's expressions changed accordingly, and it was difficult to conceal the ups and downs.

After Meng Zhang finished talking about everything, he didn't speak for a long time, waiting for everyone to digest what he was talking about.

To be honest, although Meng Zhang's experience in the void was wonderful, it had little direct impact on Taiyi Sect.

Neither Meng Zhang nor Taiyi Sect’s current strength could go to the monks in the four-pointed star area, nor could they have a deep understanding of the Yunzhong city that had descended on the four-pointed star area.

What Meng Zhang is talking about now is mainly to increase everyone's knowledge, so that the middle and high-level people of the door can stand on a higher perspective to look at the problem.

After everyone had digested everything he had said, Meng Zhang began to take out his harvest over the years.

First of all, the most important thing is the manufacturing method of the void battleship he obtained from the Mohist monks.

Needless to say, the importance of the void battleship.

The Mohist monk did not bring out the most advanced void battleship construction method in the family, but it was much better than those of the common style.

At the very least, as far as Meng Zhang has seen, the void battleships sent by Jun Chen Realm are very ordinary.

After years of rapid development of Taiyimen, Menzhong Shengongtang already possesses a very powerful ability to manufacture institutions.

But the void battleship is difficult to build. Even if there is a complete construction method, it requires the Taiyimen monks to study and work slowly.

Not to mention, massive resources are needed to build a void warship.

The current situation of the ether gate is not sure if it can be affordable.

In any case, Meng Zhang worked hard to get the construction method of the void battleship.

Whether it is possible to have a void battleship belonging to the Taiyimen as soon as possible is related to Meng Zhang's next strategic plan.

Therefore, Meng Zhang asked Taiyimen to mobilize all the effort to build a void warship as soon as possible.

If there are any difficulties that cannot be overcome, report to him in time.

After explaining the matter about the void battleship, Meng Zhang took out a lot of various classics.

In addition to the classics he obtained from the Nebula Sword Sect, there are also his collections of various big worlds in the void.

These classics can not only greatly supplement the inheritance of the Taiyi Sect, but also broaden the horizons of the Taiyi Sect monks.

In the future, the high-ranking cultivator of Taiyimen will leave Junchen Realm and go to the void to roam in the void.

Finally, Meng Zhang talked about the grievances between Taiyimen and Guantian Pavilion.

As a sacred sect, Guantian Pavilion is powerful, and the Taiyi Gate that perished in its heyday.

The current Taiyi Sect was to be an enemy of Guantian Pavilion, and everyone in the upper and middle levels of the gate had a solemn expression and did not dare to show the slightest carelessness.

Of course, Taiyimen had been against Ziyang Shengzong for many years before, because of the Hailing Sect, it was the same enemy as Zhenhai Temple.

And because of Meng Zhang's relationship, Jiuxuan Pavilion did not have good intentions towards Taiyi Sect.

It is not the first time that Taiyimen has offended the Holy Land Zongmen.

Now that there is one more Guantian Pavilion, everyone seems to be used to it.

When Meng Zhang talked about the current situation in Junchen Realm, Tiangong would never allow a large-scale civil war to erupt in Junchen Realm.

Sword Master Banxue even gave a promise not to let Guantian Pavilion attack Taiyi Sect.

At this moment, the middle and upper level of the door relaxed a little.

At the very least, the threat of Guantian Pavilion was not so imminent, and Taiyimen had enough time to deal with it slowly.

After confessing various matters and chatting with everyone for a long time, Meng Zhang asked the middle and high-level gang to retreat to deal with their own affairs.

After only a few people including Niu Dawei and Yang Xueyi were left, Meng Zhang talked about another matter.

What Meng Zhang wants to talk about next is the core secret of the Taiyi Sect, and even the ordinary Yuanshen Stage elders in the gate are temporarily not qualified to know.

Meng Zhang told the true origin of Taiyi Sect, the root of inheritance, and the existence of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Of course, these things will not affect the current Taiyimen for the time being, and Niu Dawei and others don't need to care too much.

Meng Zhang took out the various inheritance classics he obtained from the afterimages left by the ancestors of the mountain.

These inheritance classics can allow monks to practice all the way to the realm of real immortals, even for those holy land sects, they are very precious.

The reason why Guantian Pavilion attacked the Taiyi Sect in its heyday was largely because of these inheritances.

Meng Zhang put these inherited classics in the depths of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and kept them tightly.

Even if it is a middle-level or high-level person, with a low level of cultivation and insufficient status, they are not qualified to read these classics.

After handling these classics, Meng Zhang and Niu Da started chatting for them.

On the one hand, he wanted to change the angle to understand the situation of the sect over the years.

On the other hand, he and Niu Dawei have not seen them for many years, and they are very happy now.

When Tai Miao and Meng Zhang synchronized their information, what Meng Zhang learned was only the major events that had occurred in the Taiyi Sect and Junchen Realm in recent years.

Too Miao was too lazy to bother about some seemingly insignificant things, and did not tell Meng Zhang.

After talking about the business and starting small talk, Niu Dawei mentioned some things that seemed unimportant but might be of interest to Meng Zhang.

One of them is the Tian Family, a cultivation family that has been passed down for many years in the Taiyi Sect.

Hearing Niu Dawei mentioning the Tian family, Meng Zhang's mind was in a daze.

Although the Tian family is insignificant, it has a deep connection with Taiyimen.

After Taiyimen fell into the endless sea of ​​sand that, the Tian family was an important family in the door.

Tian Zhen, Meng Zhang's senior, came from the Tian family.

Tian Zhen is a loyal supporter of Meng Zhang, as well as an old scalper in the sect, and he has made great contributions to the sect.

Even after so many years, in Meng Zhang's mind, he can still clearly remember the voice and smile of this senior.

Meng Zhang is fair, even if he takes care of the Tian family because of Tian Zhen's relationship, there is a limit.

The rise and fall of the cultivation family is really hard to describe in one word.

Except for a few immortal descendant families in Junchen Realm, no matter how powerful the rest of the cultivation families are, they will inevitably rise and fall.

The Tian family of Taiyimen is no exception.

As a vassal family of Taiyimen, the Tian family also had glorious moments.

However, the inheritance of the cultivation family mainly relies on blood, even if they can absorb some excellent foreign monks through means such as embedding, there will always be a limit. And these foreign monks will never become the core of the family.

No matter how clever the cultivation base of an ordinary monk is, it is difficult to determine the character of the descendants.

When the offspring have low aptitude and unwillingness, no one can do it well.

This is the case for several generations, and the ordinary monk family will naturally gradually decline, or even disappear.

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