The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1931: Preliminary arrangement

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The Tian family of Taiyimen is just an ordinary cultivation family, and there is nothing special about it.

There are countless similar families in Taiyi Sect.

The family is unlucky and can't cultivate good successors, and the descendants are not able to keep up, and naturally it will inevitably decline day by day.

Later, the Tian family was even more unlucky. Among the descendants of the family, there was not even a tribe with spiritual roots.

With so many sects and families under the Taiyi Sect, there are also various open and secret fights between each other.

Under the influence of interests, even many people in the door are involved.

This kind of thing is unavoidable, and some middle and high levels are even happy to see this kind of struggle.

According to them, only by maintaining this kind of struggle can the interior of the sect maintain vitality and not be dead.

Such an argument has quite a market inside Taiyimen.

As the supreme leader, Meng Zhang couldn't pay attention to everything inside the sect.

As long as the fight remains within a certain range and strictly abides by the rules of the Taiyi Gate, the middle and high-level leaders like Niu Dawei will not say anything.

The decline of the Tian family naturally led to the suppression of opponents.

No one among the descendants of the family has spiritual roots, and the older generation of clansmen gradually wither away, and the Tian family will naturally be removed from the cultivation family.

Taiyi Gate is an authentic sect, and its behavior is very regular.

Even if the Tian family is down, there is no need to worry about being destroyed.

The middle and high level of the door will not allow the phenomenon of beheading and killing in the fight inside the door.

After Niu Dawei talked about this, Meng Zhang couldn't help sighing.

The cultivation family and even the cultivation sect, the ebb and flow, ups and downs, is the normal state of the cultivation world.

Meng Zhang had no intention of interfering, nor did he have the energy to ask all the details.

While in the dust world, Meng Zhang obtained the method of making artificial spiritual roots.

He also considered whether to popularize artificial spiritual roots in the Taiyimen territory.

After some thoughts, he felt that the large-scale popularization of artificial spiritual roots would do more harm than good.

The Taiyi Sect needs monks with excellent qualifications and promising prospects, not monks with poor qualifications, who are destined to have limited achievements.

Creating a large number of low-level monks through artificial spiritual roots is not good for the sect, but will consume a lot of resources.

After listening to Niu Dawei's words, Meng Zhang was moved in his heart and discovered another function of artificial spiritual roots.

Artificial spiritual roots will give ordinary people hope and keep them in the ascending channel.

A low-level cultivator is also a cultivator, and a monk with low aptitude, if the opportunity comes, it may not be impossible to make some achievements.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang quickly made a new decision.

He told everyone present about the man-made spiritual roots.

According to Meng Zhang's arrangement, the manufacturing method of artificial spiritual roots will be kept strictly confidential within the sect, and only a few people will be allowed to know the specific situation.

Niu Dawei selected some trustworthy high-level monks and regularly created a batch of artificial spiritual roots.

These limited artificial spiritual roots can be used to sell to the outside world, and can also be used to reward the monks in the door.

Among them, the monks of the cultivation family who contributed to the sect can make it easier for them to obtain artificial spiritual roots.

These arrangements are just appetizers, and Meng Zhang's real intentions do not stop there.

On the vast territory owned by Taiyimen, there are many mortal settlements and countless mortals live.

The Taiyi Sect and its vassal strength are similar in the way of ruling mortals.

They treat mortals as a resource, and feed mortals like cattle and sheep.

Cultivators generally do not interfere too much in the lives of mortals.

This is not the magnanimity of the cultivator, it is the cultivator who sees himself as a completely different species from the mortal, and disdains that he pays too much attention to the mortal.

Taiyimen is an authentic sect. Due to the strict orders of Meng Zhang, mortals in Taiyimen and its vassal domains are rarely harmed by practitioners.

Within the Taiyimen's control range, cultivators are not allowed to harm mortals for no reason.

In the entire cultivation world, there are not many places that can maintain such kindness to mortals.

In more cases, the cultivators treat mortals like mere grass, enslaving and killing them at will.

Of course, Junchen Realm is a world dominated by Taoist cultivators, and mass killings of mortals rarely happen.

Because the entire Junchen Realm is too vast, even if the cultivators ignore it, it is impossible to have a unified mortal dynasty due to traffic and communication restrictions.

The situation like the Great Li Dynasty is, in the final analysis, just another form of self-cultivation force.

In the area controlled by Taiyimen, mortals live in isolated territories.

Although Meng Zhang dare not openly practice the idea of ​​Taiyi Golden Immortal, he can do some preparatory work.

The One Golden Immortal wants to enshrine the gods of all walks of life, and be in charge of the sky, the earth, the mountains and rivers, and so on.

Humanity is the foundation of Shinto.

Without prosperous humanitarian power, it is impossible to give birth to a prosperous faith in Shinto.

Meng Zhang decided to unify all the mortal territories under the rule of Taiyimen.

Even if a unified mortal dynasty cannot be established, at least a few large-scale mortal dynasties must be established first.

Then strengthen the separation between the cultivator and the mortal, and do not allow the cultivator to arbitrarily intervene in human affairs.

Not only the territories directly under Taiyimen, but also the entire territory of the Hanhai Dao League, all new rules must be implemented.

Some outstanding people among mortals can be rewarded with artificial spiritual roots, allowing them to become low-level cultivators.

Although the future of such a cultivator is limited, he or she has crossed the gate and entered a whole new world.

Meng Zhang has only a preliminary idea.

As for the specific details, how to implement it, etc., there are still many things to do.

Meng Zhang told Niu Dawei about this new decision to Niu Dawei, as a major disciple of the Taiyi Sect, will go all out to promote this matter.

Although cultivators generally don’t care too much about mortals under the rule of mind, mortals are the foundation of the realm of cultivation, and even more a resource.

Meng Zhang's current arrangement has overturned the previous practice in the cultivation world, and moved the cake of the major cultivation forces of the Hanhai Dao League, which will definitely incur a lot of resistance.

In the actual implementation process, many problems will also arise.

Meng Zhang handed over the matter to Niu Dawei and asked him to use the power of the sect to complete the matter.

The will to return to the emptiness cannot be violated, and this matter will be gradually implemented soon.

As for the canonization of the gods and other follow-ups, Meng Zhang has not made any arrangements yet.

After explaining all kinds of matters, Meng Zhang pointed out the practice of everyone present.

In recent years, Meng Zhang has made great progress in his cultivation, and has gained more and deeper understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

With a few words at random, he might be able to solve some of the difficulties that everyone has in the cultivation base and benefit everyone a lot.

As the only power in the sect to return to the void, it was originally Meng Zhang's responsibility to instruct the younger generations in the sect to practice.

Meng Zhang explained to everyone for several days and answered many of their questions before ending this guidance.

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