The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1937: Old people change

The old man Yinhu achieved his goal and left Taiyimen with satisfaction.

   Meng Zhang sits alone, thinking constantly in his heart.

   For the Supreme Thunder, Meng Zhang is full of respect, and he is also grateful for the help he gave to him in the first place.

   But since then, he is still a little hesitant in his heart if he wants him to be faithful to the Supreme Thunder, and serve the other side wholeheartedly.

   The cultivation base has reached the level of Meng Zhang, and he has already bargained with the qualifications and the Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

   Heavenly Thunder Supreme wants him to serve his life honestly, I am afraid that he needs to come up with more benefits, he will not sacrifice his life for the other party in vain.

   The most important thing is that Meng Zhang is a completely independent monk, not a vassal of Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

  He has his own interests.

   Many times, his appeal for interests may not match the idea of ​​the Supreme Being.

   Meng Zhang couldn't see through the person of Heavenly Thunder Supreme. He felt that the other party's thoughts were shrouded in a mist, and they were not exposed at all.

   The Junchen Realm is about to change. Almost all the Void Returning Powers have their own positions and need to make choices.

   Although Meng Zhang spoke nicely in front of the silver pot old man, he didn't really join the camp of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, it depends on the situation.

   If the situation changes and there is a better choice, Meng Zhang might not hang himself on the tree of Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

   In the next time, there will be few visitors who need Meng Zhang to come and receive in person.

   With Niu Dawei's current cultivation base, he would not be rude to receive most visitors.

   When Meng Zhang was in the door, in addition to maintaining his daily practice, he also dedicated time to give some advice on the practice of the disciples in the door.

   Of course, those who can be qualified to be instructed by Meng Zhang personally are at least the cultivators of the Yuanshen level.

   An Xiaoran, the second disciple of Meng Zhang’s second disciple, had been sitting in the West Sea for a long time, using a volcano on the bottom of the sea to refine a special pill.

   After completing the pill refining, she rushed back to the door as quickly as possible.

   An Xiaoran, like the three disciples An Moran who has been in the door, is already a great monk in the late Yuanshen.

   With the foundations of An Xiaoran and An Moran, it is only a matter of time before the advancement of the Yang Shen stage.

   His disciple has performed so well, of course Meng Zhang is very pleased.

   He spent a lot of time instructing the two of them in their spiritual practice, which is to make up for the shortcomings that he had caused by not being in the door for more than four hundred years.

   After Yang Xueyi successfully passed the thunder tribulation of the sun god, Wen Qiansuan, the elder in the door, also began to retreat, preparing to catch up and preparing himself for the tribulation.

   Jin Qiao'er, who hadn't seen her for many years, only advanced to the late Yuanshen stage not long ago, and her cultivation level caught up with her master Jin Li Zhenjun.

   True Monarch Jinli had already accumulated almost the same amount, and he exchanged the secret method to survive the thunder of the sun **** from the Taiyi Gate.

   But she didn't have enough confidence in her heart, she kept delaying, and she was too slow to overcome the catastrophe.

   Meng Zhang’s old friends Luo Ye Zhenjun and Jueying Zhenjun had to flee to Taiyimen for refuge because of internal fighting in the dark alliance.

   More than three hundred years ago, the situation on the dark alliance has changed, and their faction has gained a lot of benefits.

   Their master and apprentice also left Taiyimen and returned to the dark alliance.

   Although they returned to the dark alliance, they did not cut off their contact with the Taiyimen. They had been communicating information with the Taiyimen through various channels.

   An Moran, the elder in charge of the Taiyimen hidden hall, devoted a lot of energy to this matter.

   As the number one intelligence agency in Junchen Realm, the Dark Alliance has very old qualifications, extensive channels, and has many precious sources of information.

   Although the dark alliance never conflicts with the front and the sects of the sacred land, the dark alliance can survive for so many years under the eyes of the sects of the sacred land, which shows its extraordinary.

   Keeping in touch with the dark alliance and exchanging news is very good for Taiyimen.

   Taiyimen had a lot of conflicts with the dark alliance before.

   Later, thanks to the efforts of Master Luo Ye's master and apprentice, the relationship between the two parties has been greatly eased.

  The branch of the dark alliance above the Taiyimen territory is now all in charge of the real monarch Shushan.

  Meng Zhang, an old friend, also passed the thunder catastrophe of the sun **** more than two hundred years ago, and advanced to the sun **** stage.

   The True Monarch Shushan, who had advanced to the Yang Shen stage, returned to the headquarters of the Dark Alliance. After staying there for more than a hundred years, he returned to the Taiyimen territory again and continued to preside over the Dark Alliance branch here.

   Soon after Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen, Zhenjun Shushan specially visited him to visit him.

  Meng Zhang didn't put on airs, he met the old friend very politely, and had a good chat with him.

  During the conversation, Zhenjun Shushan said that the senior officials of the dark alliance value Meng Zhang very much and intend to make friends with Meng Zhang.

   At the right time, the dark alliance executives hope to meet with Meng Zhang for a detailed discussion.

   Meng Zhang agreed and asked Zhenjun Shushan to arrange a meeting as soon as possible.

  Among the guests who came to meet Meng Zhang, there were leaders of foreign races who took refuge in Taiyimen.

   The leader of the Jiuqu River Aquarium, the mermaid king Yuboli; several barbarian kings of the barbarian...

   These alien races have been loyal and loyal since they took refuge in the Taiyi Sect, and they have played a very important role in many aspects.

   Meng Zhang specially took time to meet with the leaders of these alien races, and An Sheng comforted them.

   Taiyimen territory has abundant water veins and numerous rivers and lakes.

   If Meng Zhang really has the ability to canonize the gods in the future, these aquariums will still be of great use.

   In addition to others visiting Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang also has people he wants to meet.

   Sun Pengzhi, who had taken refuge in Meng Zhang in his early years, set his ambitions and wanted to become the master of Taiyimen ~ In these years, he has made great contributions to the door.

   Meng Zhang wanted to see him, but failed to get his wish.

   Sun Pengzhi took the initiative to respond to the enlistment of Tiangong after he advanced to the Yuanshen Stage, left Taiyimen, and went to garrison in Jiutian.

   Although Sun Pengzhi has a mediocre cultivation level, he has a lot of ghost ideas. He has come up with many ways to make life easier for the Taiyimen monks who have been enlisted to be stationed for nine days.

   Now, he has almost become the commander of the Taiyimen monks who have been stationed for nine days.

   Even when Yang Xueyi was stationed for nine days, she almost obeyed him.

  Meng Zhang is going to find an opportunity to go to Jiutian, or simply call him back to the sect.

   On some things, Meng Zhang needs to find a resourceful guy to provide some advice for himself.

   Another old friend of Meng Zhang, the Gu Yue Huai Die of the Gu Yue family, has made a huge breakthrough in the Heavenly Mystery Spell after entering the Primordial Spirit Stage.

   For a family of sects, enshrining a celestial jigger is of great significance.

   When Meng Zhang was away, Niu Dawei came to visit in person, and invited Gu Yue Huaidi to become the elder of the Taiyimen, and let her stay in Taiyimen in the future.

   Niu Dawei has managed Taiyimen for many years, and he has already had enough majesty to deter and command the Hanhai Dao League to go up and down.

   Gu Yue Huaidi could not refuse his invitation, and agreed to his request.

   During this period of time, Meng Zhang took the initiative to summon Gu Yue Huaidi several times, and had a good exchange with her about the Heavenly Mystery Technique.

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