The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1938: Communication and preaching

Heavenly Mystery is a very difficult skill to practice.

In many cases, there is no fixed way to improve the heavenly secret technique.

Concentrating on practicing the classics of heavenly secrets, the improvement of heavenly secrets is limited.

After Meng Zhang advanced into the Void Return Period, the Heavenly Mystery Technique had not made much progress, and could not keep up with his cultivation level.

When he was still trapped in the source of heaven and earth in the dust world, Meng Zhang made another huge improvement in his heavenly secret technique by comprehending the source of heaven and earth, and somehow kept up with his cultivation level.

Meng Zhang knows very few celestial masters, and only Gu Yue Huaidi can be assured.

Heavenly Mystery Technique has a lot to do with the cultivation level of a monk, but it is not completely restricted by the cultivation level.

Some monks have a very average cultivation level, but they have deep attainments in the heavenly secret technique.

As a veteran family with mysterious origins, the Guyue family has maintained the inheritance of the heavenly secret technique, and many heavenly secret masters have been cultivated in the family through generations.

Gu Yue Huaidi's cultivation is not worth mentioning, but due to her family heritage and years of experience, she has some unique achievements in the heavenly secret technique.

It is more and more rare for Meng Zhang to perform a heavenly secret technique.

This is not because he doesn't pay attention to the heavenly secret technique, but because he pays too much attention to the heavenly secret technique, using it as a skill at the bottom of the box will only be used at critical moments.

Three people must have my teacher, Gu Yue Huaidie's cultivation base is far inferior to Meng Zhang, but there is a uniqueness in the heavenly secret technique.

Meng Zhang is ready to communicate with her on heavenly secrets, hoping to help him.

Gu Yue Huaidi was still Meng Zhang's elder, but now the two people's cultivation and status are very different, it is impossible for her to refuse Meng Zhang's request.

Gu Yue Huaidi is very old, as a true primordial god, her longevity is about to come to an end.

Of course, she hopes to have a good relationship with Meng Zhang before dying and leave enough Yu Ze for the family.

When the two were communicating, Gu Yue Huaidi almost unreservedly, telling one by one his achievements and experience in the heavenly secret technique.

Meng Zhang was greatly touched by this, and he had some new insights into the heavenly secret technique.

Gu Yue Huaidi's thoughts on doing this are very clear to Meng Zhang, and it is nothing more than to take care of the Gu Yue family in the future.

As a member of the Hanhai Dao League, the Gu Yue family has always been honest and contributed a lot to the Dao League. It is not very difficult for Meng Zhang to give some care without affecting the overall situation.

Meng Zhang also reciprocated peaches, and gave some advice on Gu Yue's practice of conceiving butterflies.

Gu Yue's life with butterflies will be exhausted, even with Meng Zhang's guidance, it is impossible for him to make a big gain in his cultivation.

But Meng Zhang's instructions, she still carefully recorded them.

These things are left to the family, and they are precious wealth that can be passed on by the family.

When Gu Yue Huaidi left, Meng Zhang still felt a little melancholy.

With the passage of time, some of my old ancestors, if their cultivation bases cannot keep up with their own footsteps, will pass away one by one.

It is very difficult for a true primordial primordial prince who has a natural end of his life to transform into a ghost and continue to live.

Gu Yue Huaidi didn't have any thoughts in this regard, and didn't ask Meng Zhang for help, but it avoided embarrassing Meng Zhang.

After Gu Yue Huaidi left, Meng Zhang thought for a while and found a time to open a large-scale Fa conference in the door.

This Fa conference faced all the monks of Taiyimen in Shanmen, and it was not about specific practice. The main thing was Meng Zhang's explanation of his understanding of Taoism.

When Meng Zhang preached, although there was no vision of the sky falling and the earth rushing into the golden lotus, the power of the great great was poured into his words, and the disciples who listened below could faintly hear the sound of the great great.

Some people with outstanding aptitudes, solid foundations, or those who have enough luck can benefit from it and hear content that is helpful to their own cultivation.

Meng Zhang held a Fa conference this time and preached publicly, benefiting the entire Taiyi Sect.

Especially the high-ranking monks in the door have benefited a lot from it.

After the preaching, Meng Zhang faintly felt that his luck had risen a little bit.

After acquiring the legacy left by the ancestors of Shoushan and understanding the roots of his inheritance, Meng Zhang has already understood that his luck has long been connected to the Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang opened the altar to teach the Fa, which is good for the entire Taiyi Sect, and it is naturally helpful for his own family.

Seeing that the opening of the forum had a good effect, Meng Zhang held two more Fa conferences in succession.

In the following two Fa conferences, Meng Zhang expanded the audience's scope.

In addition to the Taiyi Sect disciples, other members of the Hanhai Dao League can also send a certain number of outstanding monks to listen to the lecture.

Meng Zhang's ability to return to the emptiness, willing to preach publicly, is a great thing that can't be asked for.

In the entire Junchen Realm, except for the monks of the Holy Land Zongmen, how many people can enjoy such treatment?

The entire Dao League was greatly excited, and the cohesion of the entire Dao League was greatly enhanced.

Many members even broke out a series of open and secret fights in order to compete for places to attend the lecture at Taiyimen.

Regardless of the process, Meng Zhang's subsequent two sermons were very successful.

Not only disciples of the Taiyi Sect, but also monks from other members of the Hanhai Dao League, many people have learned a lot from them.

A small number of people who have a lot of good fortune have even broken the bottleneck of spiritual practice or solved some major problems that plagued their own families.

After Meng Zhang's preaching was completed, everyone felt still unfinished and reluctant to give up.

After three preaching, Meng Zhang finished this work and put more time back on his own practice.

He knows the truth that he can't match, and preaching such things shouldn't be too frequent.

Although Meng Zhang advanced to the middle stage of Void Return, he was considered a strong in the entire Jun Chen Realm.

But he knew very well that his own cultivation base was far from enough, not enough to cope with the many changes in Jun Chen Realm that followed.

Especially after having contact with such characters as Heavenly Thunder Supreme and Ban Xue Jianjun, he understood the gap between himself and the top monks in Junchen Realm.

In terms of his own practice, Meng Zhang has never relaxed ~ Now staying in the sect, he rarely has enough time for diligent practice, he naturally will not slack off.

Unfortunately, Meng Zhang's quiet and undisturbed days did not last long.

On this day, Meng Zhang, as usual, practiced in retreat in the quiet room.

Suddenly, he felt a throbbing from the depths of Yang Shen.

Meng Zhang was shocked, and immediately followed this throbbing to explore the past.

It turned out that this was when he broke through the Void Return Period, the brand of Yang God that entrusted the world, at this time, was forcibly touched by a powerful force.

The brand of Meng Zhang's Yang God is pinned in the depths of a piece of heaven and earth in Junchen Realm, and it is not something that can be easily done if he wants to touch it.

Meng Zhang's Yang God brand can now clearly sense that the power that touches himself is sending an important message.


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