The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1948: Heaven and Earth Lore Array

Meng Zhang, who had already begun to think about how to escape, saw the mysterious smile on Sword Master Banxue's face, and immediately realized that there should be no trump cards on the side of Jun Chen Realm. There are other variables in today's battle.

While Meng Zhang was speculating about the changes, the change had already begun.

Originally, the three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan were being hunted down by four powerful enemies, and they had been chased very close to the Junchen Realm.

At this moment, a colorful beam of light rose up from the Junchen Realm, passed through nine days, and shot directly into the void.

This beam of light flexibly avoided the three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan, and directly shot at the four extraterritorial invaders behind them.

Sensing the terrifying power contained in that beam of light, the spirit **** of the spirit race who was the most flexible and chasing after him, relied on his agility, and evaded in time without trying hard.

On the contrary, the **** who was slightly behind him by half a step, was proud and disdainful to dodge, and directly emitted a huge beam of light, and had a head-on collision with this beam of light.

There was a gust of wind blowing out of thin air at the place of impact, and violent power surged everywhere.

The face of the **** from the Shenchang Realm changed drastically, and his body shook slightly.

The power of this blow was beyond his expectation, and he couldn't help but wonder, in the current Junchen Realm, is there still a true immortal level of combat power?

This beam of light was just the beginning, and then several beams of light shot out from the Junchen Realm one after another, heading straight to the four powerful enemies.

The four guys either dodged or hard-wired, and responded separately.

Neither the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God nor the Great Ape Demon God evaded, and wanted to try the power of these beams of light.

After being hit by the beam of light, the huge skeleton transformed by the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God began to shake violently, with the screams and wailing sounds of countless creatures inside.

The great ape demon **** took two beams of light forcibly, and the fur on his body was scorched.

The beams of light that were hidden by them did not disappear, but turned into various weapons in the void, slashing towards them.

The small mountain-like skull quickly experienced several attacks such as slashes and spear stabbings, and countless heads of humans and beasts were shattered.

Ten Thousand Bone Demon God roared while parrying various attacks.

"Don't try hard, this is the power of the formation, everyone quickly get out of the way."

The Ten Thousand Bone Demon God, who was born in ghost cultivation, is very familiar with the methods of cultivation.

After falling into the devil's way, he has gained a lot of insights.

He reacted first, understood the enemy's methods, and immediately began to remind his temporary comrades in arms.

One after another, beams of light shot out from the Jun Chen Realm, turning into various murderous weapons, quickly surrounding these four guys.

The power of each beam of light is not weaker than a real celestial blow, making the top powerhouse among the four extraterritorial invaders exhausted and overwhelmed.

At this time, Ban Xue Jianjun smiled and said to the group of Void Returning Powers next to him: "Look carefully, this is the biggest trump card of the Heavenly Palace, the most fierce killing method-heaven and earth lore formation."

Before the words were over, Master Xue Jian flew out, flying directly behind the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God and them.

The power of the heaven and earth lore formation in the mouth of the king with snow sword is really huge.

But for a while, it suppressed the four true immortal level powerhouses.

Ten Thousand Bone Demon God has great experience in confronting the formations of cultivators.

Facing an unfamiliar formation, it is temporarily impossible to see the flaws, and if you don't know the details, it is best to avoid it in time after a preliminary trial.

Large arrays generally use the power of heaven and earth.

Relying on individual strength alone, fighting with the big array can't take much advantage.

These continuous attacks came from within the Junchen realm, and most of the big formations were also within the Junchen realm.

The best thing to do now is to keep the distance from Jun Chen Realm as far away as possible from the shrouded area of ​​the power of the formation.

The experience of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God is not wrong, but he underestimated the power of the Heaven and Earth Lore Array.

Tiangong, as the dispatched organization of the spiritual world, is in charge of many big worlds on behalf of the spiritual world.

In this process, it is inevitable to encounter some powerful people from all sides who are rebellious and disobedient.

If Tiangong doesn't have any countermeasures, how can it suppress the Quartet and control the big world under its command?

In the heavenly palace of Junchen Realm, such a heaven and earth lore formation was arranged.

The layout of the heaven and earth lore formation is not too fixed, and the means of formation are flexible and diverse.

Generally speaking, the formation map is given by the spiritual sky fairy world, placed in the heavenly palace, and then adjusted according to the specific conditions of each big world to complete the final arrangement.

After the big formation is set up, the monks who need to be in the middle of returning to the void need to sit all year round.

As long as there is a sufficient number of Void Returning Powers to spur the Heaven and Earth Lore Array, it will be able to exert a true celestial level of lethality.

The sects and heavenly palaces of the great sacred grounds of Junchen Realm are restraining each other, and they are not willing to let the other party completely control this great formation.

On weekdays, the strongest group of rebirth powers in the sacred sects of the major sacred places, together with the monks of the Tiangong family, take turns to sit in the big formation.

If there are real immortals to urge the heaven and earth lore formation, it can be used to the fullest. It can be said that the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha.

In addition to the conventional attack methods, the biggest killer move of this heaven and earth lore formation in Junchen Realm is the sword energy that has been nurtured for many years in it.

Sword Monarch Ban Xue flew to a place not too far away from the four guys, his aura suddenly changed, and his aura of strength rose steadily.

In a short period of time, she went from the level of virtual immortals to the level of true immortals.

Sword Monarch Banxue knew that his current state relied on the strength of the formation, and he couldn't hold on for too long.

She didn't dare to neglect, so she shot it straight away.

In Junchen Realm, there is no true celestial level sword repair, then only Banxue Jianjun reluctantly makes it.

Fortunately, due to a certain kind of special origin, the companion Xue Jianjun and the few sword auras conceived in the heaven and earth lore formation have a special sense of intimacy.

At this moment, Sword Master Ban Xue, who was blessed by the power of sword energy, seemed to have become a genuine sword fairy.

She didn't even sacrifice her own flying sword, just put her right hand together with her fingers together and swiped towards the front.

A sharp sword energy cut through the void and directly slashed towards the four powerful enemies.

Among them, the powerful **** from the Shenchang Realm bears the brunt of the brunt, and is the first target of King Snow Sword.

Sensing the astonishing killing intent contained in the sword aura, this **** knew that he couldn't take it hard.

But this sword aura came too fast, almost ignoring the not-short distance between the two sides, so that he had no time to dodge.

In the unavoidable situation, this **** opened his own God Realm, trying to trap this sword energy.

Sword Qi and God Realm touched lightly, and the God Realm disappeared into nothing.

Sword Qi was not obstructed in the slightest, and hit this god.

No matter what life-saving means he displayed, he could not stop the explosion of sword energy.

Under the eyes of everyone, a powerful **** who was able to match the true immortal was completely annihilated and completely fallen.


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