The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1949: Run away

This **** is also a real celestial powerhouse at any rate, and just now with his comrades in arms, he kept running away from the enemy.

   But now that he didn't even make too much movement, he was beheaded so easily.

   The remaining three top-level powerhouses, one by one, felt chills in their hearts and feared for life.

   Understatement with Snow Sword Monarch, he killed a god, seemingly without any effort.

   Ten Thousand Bone Demon God and others were so scared that they were so scared that they were about to flee immediately.

   They are strong at the same level as the god, even if there is a little difference in strength, the difference will not be too big.

   The Snow Sword Master can slay that god, and he can naturally slay them too.

  With the eyesight of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God, it is not difficult to guess that the Snow Sword Monarch Banxue has such a terrifying strength with the help of external forces.

   But how is that, as long as there is no way to restrain the companion Xue Jianjun, he will not dare to continue fighting.

   Even the most violent and arrogant giant ape demon **** was frightened by the companion Xue Jianjun.

   The three of them were about to escape, and Master Xue Jian once again issued a sword aura.

   Ten Thousand Bone Demon Gods and others were already being attacked by the Heaven and Earth Lore Array, holding a large part of their power.

   They saw that something was wrong, and when they were about to escape, not only did they accompany Master Xue Jian to make a timely move, but the Heaven and Earth Lore Array was so powerful that they tried to entangle the three of them firmly.

  In the void, it was originally empty and nothing.

   Because of their proximity to the Junchen Realm, a weak vitality drifts from time to time.

   The companion Xue Jianjun sent out a sword aura that seemed to be an understatement. After the sword aura was separated from the body, he immediately madly extracted all the vitality of the surrounding world.

   Not only the extremely weak heaven and earth vitality around it was absorbed, but the void began to collapse, with countless void cracks appearing, and various vitality gushing out from it.

   After this sword aura absorbed enough vitality, it became stronger. Sweeping towards the three enemies with an unrelenting momentum.

   At this time, the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Gods finally escaped the entanglement of the heaven and earth lore array, and they really couldn't avoid this sword aura.

   In desperation, the three guys had no choice but to gather all their strength and join hands to hold on to this sword aura.

   The powerhouse of the magic path is the most feared opponent of the cultivator.

   Ten Thousand Bone Demon God, as a giant of the Demon Dao, has a variety of secret methods and unfathomable thoughts. He is the enemy of Junchen Realm and the primary target of King Snow Sword's attack.

   That sword aura suddenly accelerated, and suddenly surpassed a long distance, beheaded to the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God, so that neither the Great Ape Demon God nor the Spirit God had time to stop it.

   The small hill-like skull hair has bursts of strange strength, constantly trying to weaken this sword energy.

   The tyrannical sword energy was almost unaffected by it, and it was cut directly on the huge skull, just like cutting tofu with a knife, easily slicing it in half.

   At the same time that he was almost slashed by the sword qi, this huge skull suddenly scattered and turned into countless large and small human and beast heads.

   This huge skull is originally composed of countless human and beast heads, and its basic ability is to gather and disperse freely.

   However, it is absolutely impossible for the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God to avoid this sword aura with such a trick.

   Sword Qi trembled violently in the air, sending out waves of tyrannical power.

   The heads of countless humans and beasts that were scattered were shattered and turned into powder.

   When the remaining human and beast heads finally escaped to a distance and gathered together into a brand new one, their size shrank by more than half.

   This huge skull is the carrier of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God's entrustment to the Demon God, and it is not a special key.

   But the loss was so big all of a sudden, most of the strength he had accumulated over the years was lost all of a sudden.

   What made him feel even more distressed was that his demon soul was also severely injured by the sword qi at the same time, which hurt him to the root.

   But anyway, the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God, as the main target of the Snow Sword Sovereign, escaped the attack of Jian Qi after paying a heavy price.

   Having escaped, he dared not stay for the slightest amount of time. Even the two temporary comrades did not care about it, and directly turned into a escape and fled.

   The giant ape demon **** and the spirit **** did not bother to scold the eternal demon **** who had fled, and tried to block this sword aura together.

   The spirit **** gave full play to Feng Ling's talents, and his huge body was completely turned into a hurricane, continuously rotating around the sword aura, weakening it bit by bit.

   Sword Qi and the hurricane collided fiercely, stirring up the huge hurricane.

   Feng Ling had lost most of his body and finally broke free from the entanglement of sword energy, stumbled and flew towards the distance.

   Although these three guys from different races have made a joint posture, the most important thing is their own safety, where there is courage to sacrifice their lives.

   Ten Thousand Bone Demon God took the opportunity to escape first. After the spirit **** weakened his sword aura greatly, he also ran away with a severely wounded body.

  Dying Daoists do not die poor Dao, and they will certainly not let it go if they have a chance to escape.

   The Giant Ape Demon God was not as slippery as those two guys, and was finally left to top the pot.

   Although he was full of resentment in his heart, the Great Ape Demon God was not surprised at all.

   If there is a chance to escape, he will also leave his companions and escape first.

   A pair of furry palms closed forcefully, and the sword energy was gathered in the palms, trying to annihilate it completely.

   Sword Qi cut off those huge palms, breaking free from their shackles, and beheading the giant ape demon god.

   A shadow of a mountain appeared behind the giant ape a thick yellow light was shrouded in his body.

   Accompanied by the continuous slashing of sword aura, the light of his body protection was constantly weakened, and eventually disappeared completely.

   Numerous wounds appeared on the giant ape demon god, and the entire huge body became riddled with holes.

   Fortunately, after constant consumption, the power of this sword qi was finally exhausted.

   The Giant Ape Demon God took a sigh of relief, and ignoring the severe pain throughout his body, he immediately fled here as quickly as possible.

   The Snow Sword Master watched the three enemies fleeing with serious injuries, but he never gave out another sword aura.

   These sword auras are all seniors who have a great relationship with the companion Xue Jianjun, who stayed in the heaven and earth lore formation thousands of years ago as the ultimate move of the great formation.

   After thousands of years of cultivation, the power of these sword auras has not weakened over time, but has become more and more terrifying.

   Although Sword Master Banxue can temporarily use these sword auras due to some special reasons.

   But forcibly using a powerful force that does not belong to him, he still has to pay a lot of price.

   The price of the two sword auras in the front can be bearable by Mr. Xue Jian, but if the sword aura continues to be emitted, the burden on her will be greater, which will bring serious consequences, and even affect her foundation.

   With Xue Jianjun, such people who are aspiring to immortality, how willing to damage their own foundation.

   Therefore, it is obvious that with a little more effort, the three powerful enemies can be left completely, but she still chose to give up.

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