The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1964: response

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The sects of the sacred land have ruled the Junchen Realm for so many years, they have done a lot of domineering and perverse things, and have accumulated countless dissatisfaction and strong resentment for their own family.

It's just that the sects of the sacred land are so powerful that almost all of them dare not speak.

In history, many cultivators tried to challenge the status of the sacred sects of the sacred land, but all of them failed.

However, after the rise of Taiyimen, new comprehension forces began to challenge the status of the great sacred sects.

Especially when several true immortals woke up soon, irreparable rifts appeared between the sects of the sacred land, and it was no longer difficult to cooperate sincerely, which gave these comprehension powers a chance.

Meng Zhang now wants to fight against the various sacred sects of the holy land, he needs to link up in all directions, unite all these comprehension forces, and everyone helps each other and fights the enemy together.

As the companion of Xue Jianjun, it is not appropriate to involve too much in the matter of fighting against the sect of the Holy Land.

In order to maintain unity, at least on the surface, she needs to continue to live in harmony with the various sacred sects.

Meng Zhang did not embarrass the companion Xue Jianjun, did not make too many requests, but asked the companion Xue Jianjun to use the power in his hand to put some of the monks who had been conscripted back to Junchen Realm, so that they could get a chance to rest and rehabilitate.

Among the monks in this part are the great powers of returning to the void, the true monarch of the soul of the Taiyimen, the Great Li Dynasty, and the Hailing Sect.

Ban Xue Jianjun said that she will do her best.

Meng Zhang received such a response, and instead of staying with Lord Banxue Jian for a long time, he left directly.

After leaving, the first target Meng Zhang wanted to contact was Supreme Master Gu Chen.

According to Meng Zhang's guess, the reason why Gu Chen hadn't told himself the news during the previous conversation was mostly because he had been in the void and had not returned to Junchen Realm, so he did not receive the latest information.

The relationship between Yideng Xianhui and the sects of the holy land, if the sects of the holy land really want to eliminate dissidents, Dengxian will definitely take action.

Meng Zhang sent a message to him in accordance with the contact information agreed upon by Gu Chen and himself, requesting to meet as soon as possible.

As for when Senior Gu Chen would respond, Meng Zhang couldn't be sure.

Meng Zhang first went to the residence of the mother-in-law Qiansi.

Unsurprisingly, the mother-in-law Qiansi was not here, but had already gone out.

He went to visit the old man at Silver Kettle again.

So far, Meng Zhang has not formally put himself under the command of Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

If it were before, Meng Zhang's cultivation was not worth mentioning, and he was able to put himself under the command of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, it would be considered a high climb.

Now Meng Zhang is the cultivation base in the mid-stage of Returning Void, no matter where he is in Jun Chen Realm, he is regarded as the number one person.

If Heavenly Thunder Supreme wants Meng Zhang to work for him, he must have a minimum attitude.

Don't say anything to visit the thatched cottage, at least it should take the initiative to come to the door and offer various conditions to win over Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang can also take the opportunity to bargain and fight for better treatment for himself.

The Lord Tianlei was kind to Meng Zhang at the beginning, and Meng Zhang was willing to repay one or two.

If the conditions are right, Meng Zhang doesn't mind working for him.

Meng Zhang was unwilling to be completely tied to the tree of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, hoping that he could retain his free body and use a more flexible way to serve Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

After returning to Junchen Realm from the void, Meng Zhang has been waiting for Heavenly Thunder Supreme to come personally, or send someone to come to win him and negotiate terms with him.

But some time ago, there has been no movement on the side of Heavenly Thunder Supreme. Only an old man with a silver pot came to visit him.

Many detailed conditions need to be discussed in person by Meng Zhang and Tianlei Shangzun.

Meng Zhang guessed that it was probably because of the drag on the front line war that Heavenly Thunder Supreme could not get out.

Now that the war is over, the Lord Tianlei should be free.

Meng Zhang took the initiative to visit the Lord Tianlei, and lost his initiative.

Logically speaking, he should wait quietly.

But these **** holy land sects would not leave him too much time to react.

Meng Zhang had to visit the old man Yinhu, hoping that he could be a middleman.

When Meng Zhang came to the mansion of the old man Yinhu, he received a warm welcome from the old man Yinhu.

Meng Zhang is short of time, no nonsense, and directly enters the topic.

Meng Zhang told the old man in Yinhu that he himself had admired Tianlei for a long time, and he was willing to formally invest in him and work for him wholeheartedly.

But at present he encountered some problems, and some monks of the holy land sect who had enemies with him tried to secretly disadvantage him.

Before solving this problem, even if he was willing to devote himself to the command of the Supreme Thunder, it would be difficult for him to act.

The silver pot old man understood Meng Zhang's meaning.

He told Meng Zhang that he would report the matter to Heavenly Thunder Supreme as soon as possible, and Meng Zhang just had to wait for his notice with peace of mind.

After discussing business matters, Meng Zhang immediately left the mansion of the old man Yinhu, left the Tiangong, and rushed back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate Sun Moon Blessed Land.

Meng Zhang was forcibly called up last time and left in a hurry. Later, many Yuanshen monks in Taiyimen were also called up to fight.

With the news of the victory of the war, Taiyi Gate became more at ease.

Those who were close to the monks were still full of worries at this time.

Meng Zhang returned to Taiyi Gate safely, and the morale of the gate was lifted, which greatly calmed the people's hearts.

Meng Zhang's big disciple Niu Dawei led the True Monarch Yuan Zhongyuan this time and responded to the call of the Heavenly Palace to take the initiative to fight in the void. He has not yet returned.

Temporarily presiding over the affairs of the door is Yang Xueyi, who has only recently been promoted to Yang Shenqi.

Originally, Yang Xueyi was going to the void to join the battle this time, but Niu Dawei thought that her promotion to Yang Shen was too short, and she needed time to slowly consolidate her cultivation base, so she ordered her to stay behind the gate.

Yang Xueyi didn't want to openly defy the orders of Dai Wei, the head of the acting leader, but stayed unwillingly.

After Meng Zhang returned to the mountain gate, he immediately summoned Yang Xueyi and other middle and high-level officials who stayed behind.

Although I haven't received the exact news yet, facing the various sacred sects, there must be no palsy in the slightest.

For many things, I would rather believe it if there is something or not.

Meng Zhang told you the middle and high-level sects Taiyimen might conflict with the sacred sects of the sacred land, and asked them to immediately mobilize the whole door to prepare for battle.

Once the war is officially launched, it will be a fierce and **** battle, and it will be a severe test for the entire Taiyi Sect.

In addition, it is necessary to inform the senior management of other members of the Hanhai Dao League in time to let them be prepared.

Once it is determined that war is inevitable, the entire Hanhaidao League must be mobilized immediately and ready to go into battle at any time.

Meng Zhang also told everyone that he had asked King Snow Sword for help, and Niu Dawei and other monks who were called should be able to return to the sect soon.

This time, Meng Zhang did not act as the shopkeeper, but stayed in the door to arrange various combat preparations by himself.

In addition, he also sent special envoys to spread letters to allies such as Hailing faction and Dali Dynasty, asking them to be careful about the movements of the sects of the holy land.


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