The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1965: meet

In addition, forces like the Guanghan Palace and Xuanxin Temple overseas, Meng Zhang also sent people to notify them.

   Guanghan Palace and other forces are willing to move closer to the Taiyi Sect, but they may not be willing to go to the Holy Land Zongmen for a formal battle for the Taiyi Sect.

  Meng Zhang also didn't expect to get their assistance, but just reminded them specifically to avoid them being wiped out by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

  With the style of the Ziyang Saint Sect, once he made up his mind to do something to the Taiyimen, he would not let go of these guys who were close to the Taiyimen.

   Of course, after all the sects of the holy land have not been officially launched, Meng Zhang can only make these preparations in advance.

   As for the idea of ​​preemptive strike, once it appeared in Meng Zhang's mind, it was quickly abandoned.

   Meng Zhang has carefully analyzed that the most likely to directly attack the Taiyi Sect are undoubtedly the three families of Ziyang Shengzong, Jiuxuan Pavilion and Guantian Pavilion.

   Nine Profound Pavilions and Guantian Pavilions are both far away in the Middle-earth Continent. It is not easy for Taiyimen to take the trouble to expedition.

   Although the Ziyang Saint Sect is in front of him, Meng Zhang hopes that the Dali Dynasty can contain the main power of the Ziyang Saint Sect, so he is not willing to go to war with the Ziyang Saint Sect easily.

  Moreover, Taiyimen guarded the existing territory. Facing the Jiuxuan Pavilion and Guantian Pavilion, facing the expedition of the Master of Labor, it has its own geographical advantages.

   If you can't resist it, you can finally retreat to the defense of the sun and the moon.

  Since there is no way to preemptively, the only way to do it is to prepare for combat as much as possible.

  Meng Zhang was in the sect and personally mobilized manpower and material resources to prepare for the war vigorously.

   Soon after, King Snow Sword was really strong, so that the recruited Niu Dawei and other Taiyimen monks, including monks from other forces of the Hanhai Dao League, were arranged to take a temporary rest and were able to return to Junchen Realm.

   With the addition of these cultivators, one's own combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced.

   Especially the return of Niu Dawei, helped Meng Zhang share a lot of work.

   The messengers sent by Meng Zhang to Hailing School, Dali Dynasty, and Xingluo Islands also returned to the mountain gate with the latest news.

   After receiving Meng Zhang’s warning, the Hailing faction immediately began to prepare for battle.

  The biggest enemy of the Hailing School is Zhenhai Temple.

  Although the two sides temporarily truce due to the invasion of foreign invaders, the hatred of the two sides has not disappeared, but temporarily suppressed, but the heart is always thinking of destroying each other.

  The Hailing School has never let go of its vigilance against Zhenhai Temple.

  The Hailing School was very grateful for Meng Zhang’s timely warning, and also tried to recall the monks in the gate recruited by the Heavenly Palace, and made many defensive arrangements against Zhenhai Temple.

  Dali Dynasty has long known that there must be no coexistence between his family and Ziyang Shengzong, so he has been monitoring the actions of Ziyang Shengzong through various means.

  Before Meng Zhang sent people to report the letter, Dali Dynasty discovered that there were some changes in the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   After receiving the reminder from Meng Zhang, the Dali Dynasty became more vigilant and immediately began to prepare for the war.

   In addition, the Dali Dynasty also hopes that Taiyimen can actively provide support when it goes to war with the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   After all, Taiyimen, Ziyang Saint Sect, and Dali Dynasty are all located in the north of Junchen Realm.

   Regarding this, Meng Zhang could only smile wryly.

   When the time comes, Taiyimen might be overwhelmed. Faced with the strong pressure of Guantian Pavilion and Jiuxuan Pavilion, there is no room left to support the Dali Dynasty.

  The only thing Meng Zhang can do is to keep Taiyimen and Dali Dynasty in touch, and strive to take care of each other.

   As for the Xihai side, it has always been calm.

   Some time ago, the cultivators of the Royal Beast Sect moved into the West Sea in a big way, increasing their investment in the West Sea, and the situation in the West Sea suddenly became stable.

   Above the vast West Sea, there are abundant monster resources. The environment here is diverse, suitable for a variety of monsters to survive and multiply.

   Royal Beast Sect has delineated a large number of sea areas here for taming all kinds of monsters, and inadvertently separated a lot of borders between cultivation forces, so that Xihai has less conflicts.

   With the status of the Royal Beast Sect, let alone the ordinary sect, even the Purple Sun Saint Sect has to respect three points, and is not willing to provoke it easily.

   The seemingly domineering behavior of the Royal Beast Sect has settled many disputes in the West Sea.

   Guanghan Palace, Xuan Xin Guan, etc. received Meng Zhang’s warning, although they did not feel the threat of the Ziyang Sacred Sect, they still tried to strengthen their defenses and did not dare to take it lightly.

   What Meng Zhang cares most is Gu Chen's response.

   Gu Chen did not disappoint Meng Zhang. After Meng Zhang sent out the request to meet, he did not make Meng Zhang wait too long, so he came to meet with Meng Zhang himself.

   The meeting between the two was very secret. The two met secretly between a mountain in Jiuqu province.

   Gu Chen is very envious of the vast territory owned by Taiyimen.

   Such a vast territory provides countless resources, enough to support a large number of monks.

   The time for the rise of Taiyimen is still too short, and it has not been able to fully develop and utilize the resources on the territory.

   If you can give the Taiyi Sect more time, it doesn't take too much. In another two to three thousand years, maybe the Taiyi Sect will be able to compete head-on with some holy land sects.

   When the two met, Gu Chen's face was very serious and his mood was very heavy.

   He didn't go around in circles, he went straight to the topic.

The warning that Snow Sword Sovereign gave to Meng Zhang is correct. The sects of the sacred land have united and are ready to take advantage of the opportunity of defeating the invaders outside the territory to sweep away the dissidents in Junchen Realm and restore complete control of the entire Junchen Realm. .

   The source of Guchen Supreme's source is more clear and detailed than the warning from Snow Sword Monarch.

   In the Junchen realm, the so-called holy land sect does not count if the Tiangong is removed, there are five and a half families.

   The five sacred sects are Ziyang Shengzong, Guantian Pavilion, Jiuxuan Pavilion, Zhenhai Hall, and Imperial Beast Sect.

   The founders of these five schools are all true immortals in deep sleep.

   The other half of the holy land sect is the Snow Mountain School.

   Why do you say that the Snow Mountain School is half a family? Because the Patriarch of the Snow Mountain School had long since fallen in the process of opening up the Junchen Realm with several other true immortals.

   It was his disciples and grandchildren who founded and built the Snow Mountain School.

   The Junchen Realm back then, like the Shenchang Realm now, was also ruled by native gods.

   The strong men among these indigenous gods are not weaker than ordinary true immortals in their own gods.

   In addition, among the invaders from outside the territory who participated in the battle for Junchen Realm, there was no shortage of real immortal level powerhouses.

   In the battle after the war, the soldiers are fierce and dangerous, and even the true immortal is unavoidable.

   The ancestor of the Snow Mountain School may have had bad luck, or may have poor strength. In short, he has not survived that period of intense fighting.

   is probably because of the feelings of his comrades in arms. For the disciples and grandchildren he left behind, several true immortals are still quite caring.

   The Snow Mountain Sect created by this group of disciples is also included in the sect of the Holy Land because of the meaning of several true immortals.

   Of course, the Xueshan faction are all well-informed and interesting figures.

   Knowing that there is no real fairy behind her back, this thing of affection will gradually fade with the passage of time.

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