The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1968: New Sun God

Meng Zhang stood above the sun and the moon, looking into the sky in the distance.

   There are thunderclouds, thunder rumbling, electric lights flashing, electric snakes dancing...

   That is Wen Qiansuan of Taiyimen who is going through Yangshen accumulation and hitting the Yangshen stage.

   After Wen Qiansuan began to cross the catastrophe, Meng Zhang was watching from a distance.

   Judging from the current situation, Thunder Tribulation is about to come to an end.

   Based on his experience, Wen Qian could not be long before he could successfully survive the thunder catastrophe of the sun **** and advance to the sun **** stage.

   Fighting with the various sacred land sects is about to begin. Just when the battle strength is urgently needed, one more Yang Shenqi monk has appeared on his side, which can be said to be a great increase in strength.

  Meng Zhang's original heavy mood has become a little relieved.

In addition to the new Yangshen Zhenjun Wenqianjuan, on the bright side, Meng Zhang also has four great Yangshens, Niu Dawei, the veteran of the door, Yang Xueyi, the Qiling Xukongzi uploaded by the ancestor, and Xu Mengying, the saint of Huanglian religion. force.

   If it is a normal situation, the Void Returning Power cannot be shot directly inside Jun Chen Realm. The combat power of the five Yang Gods is already sufficient to determine the outcome of a battle.

   It's a pity that this time the sects of the sacred land directly shot, and they may not abide by the rules that have been passed down in the Junchen Realm for many years.

   Given the degree of their penetration of the Heavenly Palace, even if the Void Returning War broke out within the Junchen Realm, the Heavenly Power Thunder Penalty Array in the Heavenly Palace might not be able to respond in time.

  If the situation is a bit worse, maybe the Tianwei Lei Xing Array will specifically bombard Meng Zhang and the others.

   Of course, as long as there is a companion Xue Jianjun sitting in the palace, the possibility of this happening is very small, but it must be prevented.

   After meeting with Gu Chen, Meng Zhang no longer concealed himself, no longer kept a low profile, and directly ordered the entire Hanhai Dao League to start preparing for battle.

   Meng Zhang didn't tell everyone the details, only that Taiyi Sect might go to war with Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Those who really know that all the great sacred sects will end up are only the few high-level officials of Taiyimen and people who can trust Xu Mengying.

   The great sacred sects have ruled the Junchen Realm for so many years, and their prestige has already penetrated the hearts of almost every cultivator.

   If it is only against one or two holy land sects, maybe everyone can still build up morale.

   But if you talk about fighting against all the sacred sects of the Holy Land, maybe most of the members of the Hanhai Dao League will have their morale plummeted and become unwilling to fight.

   Even, maybe someone will contact the Holy Land Zongmen privately and betray the Hanhai Dao League.

   Meng Zhang temporarily concealed the truth, and after the war officially started, even those who were not determined enough would not disembark in time and had to be involved in the war.

   Taiyi Sect has been hostile to Ziyang Shengzong for many years, and I haven't seen what Ziyang Shengzong does with Taiyi Sect.

  Many monks who don't know the truth are actively preparing for the battle, preparing to encounter the Ziyang Saint Sect.

  The Hanhai Dao League under the leadership of Taiyimen has invested almost all resources this time, preparing for the upcoming war regardless of the cost.

  Meng Zhang knew very well that if he were defeated this time, both the Taiyimen and the Hanhaidao League would be destroyed and cease to exist.

   Not long ago, Meng Zhang, who was actively preparing for the battle, waited for a very, very bad news.

   The old man of Silver Kettle surreptitiously visited Meng Zhang at Taiyimen, and was embarrassed to tell him that Heavenly Thunder Supreme thought he was not good enough and was not qualified to have such an excellent subordinate Meng Zhang.

   The silver pot old man said tactfully. In fact, Heavenly Thunder Lord did not want to fight against the sacred sects for Meng Zhang, so he had to give up soliciting Meng Zhang.

   Regarding the decision of the Supreme Thunder, the silver pot old man can understand, but he is not willing to accept it in his heart.

   Many years ago, he actively made friends with and helped Meng Zhang, hoping that Meng Zhang would enter the command of the Supreme Thunder and serve for the Supreme Thunder.

   Over the years, Meng Zhang has grown rapidly, and he is indeed actively moving closer to the Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

   But in the end, it was such a result, which made the old man Yin Ke very disappointed, and felt sorry for Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang originally thought that he should use a better condition to worship the superiors of the sky thunder, and work for him, in exchange for some help from the other party.

   From now on, he not only looked highly at himself, but also looked at the Supreme Heavenly Thunder.

  Meng Zhang thinks that he has enough value, but Heavenly Thunder Supreme is unwilling to offend the great sects of the holy land for him.

   In Meng Zhang's mind, the image of the Supreme Being of Thunder has always been very tall.

   Heavenly Thunder Supreme is not only outstanding in combat effectiveness, but also daring to fight, with a tough style, and never afraid of offending people.

   As the Heavenly Thunder Supreme of the Heavenly Palace, he never looked at the colors of the sects of the sacred places, and rarely gave them a good face.

   But Meng Zhang still looked away. At the critical moment, the Heavenly Thunder Supreme still flinched in front of the various sacred sects.

   Meng Zhang could understand the choice of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, and there was no complaint.

   However, from then on, there will be no special relationship between Meng Zhang and Tianlei Supreme.

   The silver pot old man sympathized with Meng Zhang, but he was helpless.

   Even Heavenly Thunder Supreme was unwilling to contend against the sects of the sacred land, not to mention him, who has always been a good man.

  Meng Zhang didn't blame the old man at Silver Kettle, but instead consoled him a few words.

   Although he can't work for the Supreme Thunder, he is still a good old friend with the silver pot old man.

   After sending away the old man Silver Kettle, Meng Zhang's face began to become gloomy.

Without the help from the Supreme Lord of Heaven, Meng Zhang is alone and lonely, but it is difficult to fight against the many emptiness powers of the sacred Since the road ahead is difficult, Meng Zhang has to go against some. Bottom line and principles, make some difficult choices.

   After making a decision in his heart, the incarnation of Meng Zhang's divine mind entered the center of his mustard space.

   Here, there is a transparent pillar in which a huge sea shark is sealed.

   The Yang God of the Sea Shark is named Sha Wu Liang, and he is the leading figure of the Sea Shark in the Xihai Sea.

   After Meng Zhang captured him, he used prohibition to control him.

   Later, Meng Zhang considered the non-self race, his heart will be different, maybe this guy can get out of his control if he has a chance. Therefore, he did not continue to drive him, but sealed him in the mustard space.

   A sea clan of the Yang God level, if it is refined into the mustard space, it will give this mustard space a lot of benefits.

   But the sea clan of the Yang God level was originally rare, and it was even more precious to be able to be completely controlled by oneself and driven by oneself.

   It feels a bit wasteful to refine it and blend it into the mustard space.

   Meng Zhang hesitated every time before he started, and he couldn't do it.

  Anyway, the Yangshen-level sea shark has a long lifespan, and Meng Zhang has been banning it here, so there is no need to worry about its lifespan being exhausted for the time being.

   After a long time, Meng Zhangdu almost forgot its existence.

   This time thinking about how to fight against the various sacred sects, Meng Zhang remembered that in his mustard space, there is also a sea clan Yangshen strong who has been banned by himself for hundreds of years.

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