The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1969: play off

Meng Zhang's idea is very simple. Since the Terran cultivator lacks enough power to fight against the various sacred sects, it is necessary to look for new power outside the Terran cultivator.

   In the Junchen Realm, besides the human cultivators, there are also many alien races.

   These alien races are basically in a state of hostility with the human cultivators.

   Among them, Meng Zhang is most familiar with the Hai Clan.

  Meng Zhang will not take refuge in the Sea Clan, nor will he actively contact and collude with the Sea Clan.

   He wants to use this sea shark clan Yang God powerhouse Shark Wu Liang in his hands to provoke the relationship between the sects of the sacred land and the sea clan, trying to arouse a war between them.

  The Sea Clan was originally the enemy of the human cultivators, and the two sides have had countless conflicts in history.

  If the Sea Clan was not backed by the true dragon clan, the human cultivators would have long been extinct regardless of the cost.

   Meng Zhang has been living in the void over the years, and has accepted the inheritance left by the ancestors of the mountain guard. He has widened his horizons. He has some understanding of many legends in the universe, and even the secrets.

   The true dragons are very powerful races in the entire universe.

   Its overall strength is completely capable of contending with the great fairy realms.

   Even if it is the origin of the immortal realm of Junchen Realm, the spiritual sky immortal realm, it is unwilling to provoke the real dragon clan for no reason.

   The group of true dragons deep in the ocean of Junchen Realm is just a branch of the true dragon family, and it is a very weak and unremarkable branch.

   On the surface, the senior members of the true dragon clan don't pay much attention to the branches distributed in the void, and seem to let them fend for themselves.

   If the true dragons of Junchen Realm are eliminated by the human cultivators, the headquarters of the true dragons will not easily interfere.

   But in fact, many of the real dragons are strong people who are extremely short-sighted.

   If the human cultivators in Junchen Realm really want to kill them all, maybe there will be some real dragon clan powerhouses who will make trouble in Junchen Realm in their own name.

   At that time, even if the sleeping real immortals wake up, they will feel a terrible headache and difficult to deal with.

   Therefore, as long as the true dragons of Junchen realm do not make too much noise and do not infringe on the core interests of the high level of Junchen realm, the cultivators of Junchen human race will leave enough room for these real dragons.

  The sea clan has always been the servant of the true dragon clan, driven by the true dragon clan.

  The Sea Clan is often pushed to the forefront by the True Dragon Clan and fights directly against the human cultivators.

   The true dragon clan of Junchen Realm borrowed the sea clan to test the reality and bottom line of the human cultivators.

   Terran cultivators also organize crusades against the sea clan from time to time, to cut down the wings of the true dragon clan, and to frighten the true dragon clan.

   The cleaning operation organized by Snow Sword Master last time severely damaged many ethnic groups of the Sea Clan.

   Since then, the Hai Clan has been very honest and hasn't made much trouble.

   Of course, the senior officials of Jun Chen Realm have always maintained sufficient vigilance against the Sea Clan.

  The reason why the sects of the sacred land dared to launch an action to cleanse aliens at this time is because the alien races have been quiet and did not show any threat.

   If this time the Sea Clan Yangshen powerhouse ran into the Terran Territory to make a fuss and wanton destruction, the Junchen Realm seniors would not ignore it.

   Shark Wu Liang was banned by Meng Zhang in the mustard space for many years. When the ban was lifted, he was still somewhat weak.

   Meng Zhang has made great strides in these years and has mastered more clever means of restraint.

   He cast the spell again, and planted more restraints on Sha Wuliang again.

   Then, he did not hesitate to take out a bunch of training resources to let Sha Wuliang recover his strength as soon as possible.

   Among the major sacred sects, the Jiuxuan Pavilion and Guantian Pavilion are the most active in launching the purge.

  The territory of Guantian Pavilion does not depend on the sea, so it is not suitable for the sea clan powerhouse to appear suddenly.

   The territory of Jiuxuan Pavilion is close to the East China Sea, which is a good target to start.

   Due to time constraints, Meng Zhang did not allow Sha Wu Liang to recover too much time.

   Seeing that his condition was almost restored, Meng Zhang directly ordered him to act.

   Meng Zhang has always stayed in the Taiyimen Gate, even if they are thousands of miles away, he can roughly sense his condition by virtue of the restriction of staying on Sha Wuliang.

   Shark Wu Liang had been taken care of by Meng Zhang for a long time, and the vicious restraints that Meng Zhang left on him made him unable to produce any resistance.

   The task assigned by Meng Zhang this time is not a difficult task, just asking him to go to the territories of the human race to sabotage.

   This kind of thing is Sha Wuliang's good at.

  The sea race and the human race have been grudges for a long time, and they have forged countless blood and deep feuds.

   If there is a chance to go to the territories of the human race, I am afraid that every sea race can't ask for it.

   Shark Wu Liang went on the road happily, but Meng Zhang felt a little regretful.

   Relying on a strong sea shark tribe alone, the momentum is still too small.

   If there is a sea clan army rushing into the territory of the Jiuxuan Pavilion at this time, I am afraid that the Jiuxuan Pavilion can't ignore it.

   In the following time, Meng Zhang has been using Sha Wuliang's body to restrain him, giving him various instructions and remotely controlling him.

   Shark Wu Liang, as a sea clan, can neither use the human race's long-distance teleportation array, nor can he transit through the heavenly palace.

   It is really not an easy task to enter the Middle-earth Continent from the north of Junchen Realm, and then reach the vicinity of the East China Sea.

Not only will it take a lot of time on the road, but if you encounter a strong human, you will immediately fall into a Although Meng Zhang provided route guidance, Sha Wuliang still took more than a year Before finally reaching the destination.

  Meng Zhang never thought that the sects of the sacred land had waited so long before they even started to act.

   Of course, he also knows that the longer the sects of the sacred land are prepared, once they are activated, it will be a force of thunder, and they will not give their opponents any chance to resist.

   During this period of time, the Hanhai Dao League under the leadership of Taiyimen has allocated almost all its resources and is ready for the war.

   The Dali Dynasty, which had always maintained a high level of alert against Ziyang Saint Sect, had not only completed all the mobilization work, but also began to organize some actions to test Ziyang Saint Sect.

   On the other side of the South China Sea, the Hailing faction, who had completed all-round preparations for battle, suddenly intensified the conflict with Zhenhai Temple.

   There was also news from Gu Chen, the entire Dengxian Guild was mobilized and prepared for the battle.

   In contacting Junchen Realm's cultivation forces against the Holy Land Zongmen, Gu Chen was not very smooth.

   If it weren't for being driven to desperation, few cultivation forces would dare to take the initiative to resist the Holy Land sect.

   Of course, the cascade of Dengxianhui is not without effect.

   Many monks who had hatred with the Sect of the Holy Land had already begun to take action.

   For example, Meng Zhang knew that there was news from the Xingluo Islands that Qiu Gangfeng, who had become a power of reviving the void, had recently returned to the Xingluo Islands secretly, and seemed to be planning an action against the Sacred Sect of Ziyang.

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