The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1971: Deputy Director

A carefully planned operation failed so easily. Although he had expected it in his mind, Meng Zhang still felt disappointed.

   This time Meng Zhang can be regarded as seeing the action of the Holy Land Zongmen.

   The only thing that is not too bad is that the major sacred sects have been delayed for so long and have not yet started to activate, leaving enough time for Taiyimen and others to prepare for the battle.

  Since the plan to instigate the Sea Clan and the Holy Land Zongmen to fight has completely failed, Meng Zhang must find another way to increase his own strength.

   The Snow Sword Master had already said that in order to maintain the unity of Junchen Realm, she would not try her best to stop the actions of the sects of the sacred land.

   Heavenly Thunder Supreme was unwilling to offend the Holy Land Zongmen, and refused Meng Zhang's refuge.

  Meng Zhang thought for a long time, and finally thought of the Cold War Supreme.

   As a monk of the Celestial Family, the Supreme Lord of the Cold War had many conflicts with the monks of the various sacred sects.

   The last time Junchen Realm Yuanhai was invaded by an invader from outside the territory, the sects of the sacred land forced King Snow Sword to severely punish the Lord of the Cold War.

   Although knowing that there is little hope, Meng Zhang still holds the idea of ​​a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and plans to visit the cold war master to see if he can get some help from him.

   Just do it if he thinks of it, Meng Zhang immediately left the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, went to the Heavenly Palace for transit, left directly for nine days, and entered the void.

   In order to prevent the re-emergence of invaders from outside the territory, the senior level of Junchen Realm is rebuilding the outer line of defense.

   As one of the leaders of the Cold War, the Supreme Lord is sitting in a stronghold in the meteorite belt.

   Meng Zhang has been in and out of here many times, and he is also quite famous in the Void Battlefield.

   He was able to meet the Lord of the Cold War very smoothly.

   After meeting, Meng Zhang didn't go around in circles, he directly said a lot of bad things about the various sacred sects, trying to arouse the sympathy of the Lord of the Cold War.

  While Meng Zhang was eloquently talking, the cold war master looked at him with a smile.

   When Meng Zhang's words came to an end, the Cold War Master sighed.

   "It seems that your kid really doesn't know anything about the current situation."

   "Looking at the feelings you used to serve under the old man, the old man will remind you a few words."

   Next, the words of the Lord of the Cold War changed Meng Zhang's expression so much that he could no longer sit still.

   It turned out that the sects of the sacred land have already started their actions after reaching a consensus.

   However, their actions did not directly target the Dengxianhui, Taiyimen, etc. Meng Zhangcai had not been aware of it.

   In the heavenly palace, in addition to the general manager Banxue Jianjun, there are also three deputy general managers.

   These three deputy chiefs, like Monarch Snow Sword, are all completed cultivation bases during the return period, which can be called virtual immortals.

   Their fighting power may not be as good as the sword repairman, Snow Sword Master, but as a monk of the same rank, Snow Sword Master does not dare to ignore them.

   Among the three deputy directors, the Taoists of the ancient capital hated the sects of the sacred places the most, and they often clashed with the monks of the sects of the sacred places.

   Thousands of years, the two sides have accumulated countless contradictions and enmity.

  The supporter behind the Dengxianhui, the biggest backer, has been supporting the Dengxianhui, is this ancient capital Taoist.

   The high-level sects of the holy land are not fools, and they have been aware of this for a long time.

   It's just that, in order to avoid a complete break with the Tiangong, they couldn't easily attack the Taoists in the ancient capital.

   This time, the sects of the major sacred sites are determined to eliminate dissidents. Ascending to the immortal will be an important goal, and the obstacle of the ancient capital Taoist will naturally be removed.

   More than half a year ago, under the operation of the various sacred sects, Banxue Jianjun had to give an order for the ancient capital Taoist to lead an envoy to the foreign star area to contact visitors from the four-pointed star area.

  Dengxianhui’s biggest backer was removed from Junchen Realm, just like a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out.

   When Meng Zhang heard this, he was already suspicious.

  The matter of the ancient capital Taoist leaving Junchen Realm, Gu Chen must know.

   But he kept hiding it from himself, is he worried that his confidence will be shaken and he will fall to the sects of the holy land?

   Another deputy general manager of the Tiangong Palace, Wang Puchen, has always been close to the sects of the sacred places, and there are many close friends in the high-level sects of the sacred places.

   When there were conflicts and conflicts between the Tiangong Palace and the sects of the holy land, it was often this person who came forward to mediate.

   Ma Qiangou, the last deputy director of the Tiangong, has a mild temperament, a kind personality, and pays attention to being kind to others. He is a well-known good old man in the Tiangong.

  Ma Qiangou has always been unwilling to offend people easily, and he just follows the wind in many things and has no opinion.

   When facing the sects of the sacred land, if there is no Taoist from the ancient capital, his attitude is often not strong enough.

More importantly, shortly after the ancient capital Taoist led the mission to leave Junchen Realm, Yanghe of the Ziyang Saint Sect, Weiwu of Guantian Pavilion, and Haixu of Zhenhai Temple, these three virtual immortal-level existences will come together. Arrived outside the bedroom of King Snow Sword.

   The three of them were not too rude, and they didn't turn their faces with the companion Xue Jianjun, but in the name of discussing the Tao, they temporarily dragged the companion Xue Jianjun.

   You must know that these three guys are the top-notch existence among the sects of the sacred land. Even if they fight alone, they can't compete against King Snow Sword, but the three of them work together, and they have enough strength to block King Snow Sword.

   Of course, they were also unwilling to offend King Snow Sword Master too harshly, on the surface they were very polite.

   If it's not a last resort, they won't take it easily.

   Even if the Snow Sword Master is the number one sword repairman in Junchen Realm, the first person under the true immortal ~ facing three monks of the same rank, there is no guarantee of victory.

   The other party was polite and polite to talk to herself about Xuanlun Dao, and she had to stay in the bedroom temporarily to deal with them first.

  With Xue Jianjun not showing up, the two remaining deputy directors of the Tiangong had no idea of ​​resisting the sects of the sacred land.

   So, the high-level monks of the various sacred sects slowly controlled some vital parts of the Tiangong.

   Especially the Tianwei Lei Xing Array, which is suppressed by the Tiangong, is the focus of their infiltration and control.

   The current Tiangong, not to mention that it is completely controlled by the sects of the sacred places, at least will not interfere with the actions of the sects of the sacred places.

   First leveled the Tiangong, and then no matter how big the sacred sects fought in Junchen Realm, no one could stop them.

   At first, Meng Zhang, who was still full of fighting spirit and was ready to fight the sects of the holy land, felt cold at this time.

   Tiangong has undergone such a big change, but he has not received any news.

   What does this mean? It means that the high level of Tiangong not only acquiesced in the next actions of the sects of the sacred land, but also willing to sacrifice Meng Zhang and other monks.

   Outsiders like Heavenly Lei Shangzun were reluctant to ventilate with Meng Zhang, fortunately, there was no sound of wind from Gu Chen, who had always been informed, and Meng Zhang felt a sense of betrayal in his heart.

   If it weren't for Meng Zhang's whim, he would come to visit the Lord of the Cold War, and would still be ignorant of these changes at the top of the palace.

   The current Taiyimen seems to be really isolated and helpless.

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