The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1972: Intercept

Although the Lord of the Cold War did not deal with the sects of the holy land, he would not be so stupid at this time to jump out and oppose the sects of the holy land.

   The Lord of the Cold War has chosen to accept reality, ignoring the actions of the sects of the sacred places.

This time Meng Zhang came to visit him, which aroused the last bit of unwillingness in his heart. At the same time, he thought of the friendship between Meng Zhang and Ban Xue Jianjun, and he also had some incense affection with himself, so he told Meng Zhang Tiangong about the recent changes. .

  The troubled Meng Zhang couldn't help shouting, "Could it be that Sanshan Zhenxian allowed the sects of the sacred sites to act so recklessly, causing the Junchen Realm to mess up the world and weakening the overall strength of the human cultivators?"

   The Lord of the Cold War glanced at Meng Zhang with pity, knowing that he was already in a mess and had a tendency to go to the doctor in a hurry, but he explained it to him.

  According to the original agreement with several true immortals, the three mountain true immortals would not interfere with or interfere with the internal affairs of Junchen Realm.

   What's more, the character of Sanshan Zhenxian is like that.

   Unless he is invaded by a real celestial powerhouse on weekdays, he is indifferent to everything, as if this character does not exist in Jun Chen world.

   As for the three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan, if they didn't openly serve the sacred sect platform of the major sacred sites, they would have to act justly.

   After the Cold War Supreme had said these words, he didn't want to say anything to Meng Zhang.

   Before Meng Zhang left, he gave his final advice.

   The side of Junchen Realm who opposes the sects of the great sacred land has long been over, and there is only one result of defeat.

   If Meng Zhang wants to save his life, he should not return to Junchen Realm, but immediately flee from Junchen Realm.

  'S last persuasion to Meng Zhang, this is the only thing the Cold War Supreme can do now.

   As for whether Meng Zhang is willing to accept this kindness and follow his own persuasion, the Cold War superiors can't control it either.

   For the sake of his own future, the Cold War Supreme could not do more.

   Seeing that the Cold War Supreme Being began to chase off guests, Meng Zhang could only leave the residence of the Cold War Supreme Being unwilling.

  Meng Zhang, who was full of thoughts, left the meteorite belt a little bit desperately, and came into the void near Junchen Realm.

  Meng Zhang never thought that the strength of the sects of the great holy land would be so strong, the action would be so determined, and he would immediately grasp the key and hit the most important place.

   The reason why the cultivation forces that opposed the great sects of the sacred land can always exist, except for the internal fighting of the sects of the sacred land, which caused them to drag each other back, it is the secret support of the Tiangong Ruoyuowu.

   Now all the great sacred sects are united, stop fighting, and there is no place to use.

   The current status quo at the top level of Tiangong cannot provide support for opponents.

  In the past, due to the existence of the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array, you have great scruples about returning to the Void.

   Now the sacred sects of the great sacred land control the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array, not only can their Void Returning Powers be unscrupulously shot, but they can even control the Sky Thunder to bombard the enemy Void Returning Powers.

   For a while, Meng Zhang couldn't think of any way to resolve the current crisis.

   From deep in his heart, Meng Zhang knew that the persuasion of the Cold War Supreme was kind, and it was his only life.

   But he wanted him to give up everything in Junchen Realm, to give up his disciples that he had painstakingly cultivated for many years, and to give up the Taiyi Sect that he regarded as the spiritual pillar... He really couldn't do it.

   As far as Meng Zhang knows, there are some special paths of spiritual practice, which must cut off all the ties in the minds of practitioners, and cultivate into a state of mind that is too ruthless and unhindered.

   For the sake of one's own way, all blood kinship, affection, love, and mentorship can be discarded.

  Meng Zhang hadn't looked down on such a path before.

   He has always believed that if a practitioner loses all his feelings and ties, he will no longer be a human being at all, which is different from a puppet.

   But now, Meng Zhang is beginning to sigh, how great it would be if he were such a practitioner.

   Then I can cut off all feelings and ties without any psychological burden, put aside all the drags, go into battle lightly, choose the path that is most beneficial to myself, and immediately stay away from Jun Chen Realm.

   It's a pity, Meng Zhang knew that he still couldn't be too ruthless and couldn't let go of everything in Jun Chen world.

   can just return to Junchen Realm like this, it is tantamount to throwing himself into the net.

   Next time, I'm afraid I won't have such a good opportunity, so I can leave Jun Chen Realm directly.

   Although Meng Zhang is now in a painful psychological struggle, he still has not lost his basic vigilance in the void.

   Meng Zhang suddenly felt something, raised his head and looked into the empty space above.

   A portal split in the void, and a figure walked out of the portal silently and came not far from Meng Zhang.

   "Yang Sheng Shang Zun."

   Meng Zhang called out the identity of the person almost every word.

  Having been hostile to Ziyang Shengzong for many years, how could Meng Zhang not care about the high level of Ziyang Shengzong.

  Especially after getting along well with King Snow Sword, Meng Zhang learned a lot of important information in Tiangong.

  Yang Sheng Shangzun is one of the most powerful high-ranking experts in Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Yang Sheng Shangzun suddenly appeared here, and his purpose was self-evident.

   Yang Sheng Shangzun looked at Meng Zhang with a cat-playing mouse look.

   is such a kid who has fought against Ziyang Shengzong for many years, causing a lot of losses and troubles to the sect.

   The trash in the door is really incompetent.

   Then today it's up to you to solve this scourge.

   Many thoughts emerged in Yang Sheng Shangzun's heart, which strengthened his determination to win Meng Zhang.

   In the past, according to the tacit understanding between the heavenly palace and the sects of the sacred land, a person like Yang Sheng Shangzun would not easily interfere with the internal affairs of Jun Chen Realm.

   Actually, Yang Sheng Shangzun himself is relatively busy.

   In addition to his daily practice, he has to be distracted to defend against intruders outside the domain.

   In addition, the top-notch monks in the various sacred sects will take turns to sit in the heaven and earth lore formation; they must also take turns to guard the depths of the source sea to prevent the sleeping true immortals from being disturbed by external forces.

   To be honest, if it were not for the determination of the sects of the sacred land this time, coupled with the defeat of the extraterritorial invaders, and the characters such as Yang Sheng, it really might not be able to take out their hands and participate in the operation of eliminating aliens.

  Meng Zhang, as an important figure on the clearing list, has always been the focus of attention by the sects of the holy land.

  According to the predetermined plan, the task of the Supreme Lord Yangsheng is to clear Meng Zhang.

   When he left Junchen Realm, Supreme Lord Yang Sheng knew about it.

   If the Void Returning War broke out in Junchen Realm, it would more or less cause some damage to Junchen Realm.

   If you go to war outside of the void, there will be no such scruples.

  Meng Zhang's actions were exactly what Yang Sheng had hoped for.

   So, Yang Sheng Shangzun did not prevent Meng Zhang from leaving Junchen Realm, but silently followed him.

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