The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1988: True fairy will

The existence of this ghost domain should greatly attract the attention of the various sacred sects and reduce the pressure on Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect.

   Meng Zhang did not stay outside the ghost realm for a long time, let alone contact the thoughts of the senior officials of the Dali Dynasty.

   He glanced at Han Yao, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, thinking that the two sides met for a while, he took him with him and returned to the Taiyi Gate together.

   After several space shuttles, Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate Sun Moon Blessed Land.

   The huge chaos caused by the attack of Weijue old ways has now subsided.

   Meng Zhang handed Han Yao over to Niu Da to deal with them, and communicated with the senior management of the door.

   Hearing about the abnormal changes in the capital of the Dali Dynasty, the upper echelons of Taiyimen were all surprised.

  The practice of getting away from the top officials of the dynasty made the Taiyimen executives very angry.

   Fortunately, due to the existence of Meng Zhang, Taiyimen has not really been involved in the war yet.

   Meng Zhang was a bit hesitant at this moment, next he should go to the South China Sea to help the Hailing faction, or go to rescue the stronghold of the Dengxianhui.

   Because the major sacred sects controlled the vital departments of the Tiangong, Meng Zhang could not transit through the Tiangong for the time being.

   Even with his Void Returning Power, it would take a certain amount of time to cross the vast Junchen Realm.

   While Meng Zhang was still hesitating, the situation in Jun Chen Realm had once again undergone tremendous changes.

   First, the monk who stayed near the upper capital by the Ziyang Saint Sect. After some careful observation, it was discovered that the power of this ghost domain was not only continuously increasing, but also the scope of its envelope was slowly expanding.

   This situation is very bad. If no one comes out to curb the expansion of the ghost domain, theoretically one day, the ghost domain will cover the entire Jun Chen world.

   After receiving this report from the Ziyang Saint Sect monk, the senior sects of the major sacred land became more vigilant.

   It didn't take long for the true celestial Ziyang, who was sleeping, to convey a consciousness from the sea of ​​origin.

   This consciousness is full of anger, full of accusations against the various sects of the holy land.

   These juniors are all rubbish, why do they watch the appearance of this ghost domain?

   This ghost domain has become the cancer of Junchen Realm, and it has interfered with the plans of several true immortals.

   All the monks in the sects of the great holy land must immediately put down everything at hand, destroy this ghost domain at the fastest speed, and return everything to normal.

   This is not just the will of Ziyang True Immortal alone, but also the common will of the six true immortals in sleep.

   Regarding the will of the ancestors who founded the mountain, the sects of the holy land have no room for resistance, only honest acceptance.

   The ghost domain is mysterious, and there are countless ghosts and ghosts hidden inside.

   Only relying on the power currently available to the various sacred sects, there is not enough certainty to clear them.

   The high-level sects of the major sacred sites are all human beings, and they are not stupid enough to come up with fueling tactics, and one after another they send monks to die.

  Either they will not move, they must use enough strength to completely crush the ghost domain with their crushing advantage.

   Despite being extremely unwilling, the high-level sects of the sacred places still only gave very painful orders. The battles in various battlefields immediately ended, and all the monks sent immediately returned to their respective gates.

   The monk who was fighting on the front line did not understand and was very unwilling to accept this order, but in the face of the strict order from the rear, he had to accept it in the end.

   A monk from the sacred sect began to leave the battle, leaving the battlefield together.

   Many strongholds of Dengxianhui were destroyed, and its main cultivator was also under siege under the leadership of Gu Chen.

   Before the cultivators of Dengxianhui were killed, the enemy finally retreated. Gu Chen, who was seriously injured, got a rare respite.

In the South China Sea, the old generations of the Hailing Sect had almost lost all their Void-returning abilities, the newly promoted Void-returning abilities, the head of Zhenjun Haiyang, no, it should be called Haiyang Taoist now, and is leading the remaining ones. The high man in the door is struggling to death.

   The cultivators of Zhenhai Temple suddenly gave up their low-handed victories and retreated immediately, making Haiyang Taoists feel incredulous.

   Hailing faction has been driven to a desperate situation, there shouldn’t be any tricks in Zhenhai Temple?

  The ecstasy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe soon enveloped the entire Hailing faction.

   The monks of Zhenhai Temple who had rushed to withdraw from the Hailing faction returned to the vicinity of the mountain gate, and just broke into the battlefield where the monks resisted the sea and the true dragons.

   This group of monks who were reluctant to retreat, with a lot of anger in their hearts, immediately joined forces with the remaining monks to fight the enemy.

   After a fierce battle, the coalition forces of the Sea Clan and the True Dragon clan had to retreat temporarily.

   All the sects dispatched by the sacred sects are all capable of returning to the void. They went quickly, and they withdrew it quickly.

   After the monks from all walks of life returned to the mountain gate, it was time to consider how to attack the ghost domain of the Dali Dynasty.

   At this time, since the gate of the bedroom was blocked, the face of Snow Sword Master, who was full of iron, had a smile on his face.

   Even though Mr. Snow Sword is stuck in the bedroom, he has enough means to understand what's happening outside.

   The three people, Yang and Xuxian, Weiwu Xuxian, and Haixuxian, who are stuck outside the door of King Ban Xuejian’s bedroom, have also kept in touch with the outside world.

   Order from their ancestors, even if they are virtual immortals, they dare not violate the slightest.

   I really didn't expect that, after planning for a long time, he did not hesitate to offend the high level of Tiangong ~, headed by the companion Xue Jianjun, in order to smoothly implement this operation to eradicate dissidents, but so inexplicably gave up halfway.

   The three imaginary immortals were preparing to say a few words on the scene, and after apologizing to King Snow Sword, they immediately left here to destroy the ghost domain of the Dali Dynasty.

   But before they could say anything, a fierce sword aura shot out from the palace, enveloped them, and nailed the three of them firmly in place.

   If they want to leave here, they must resist this sword aura and have a head-on battle with Snow Sword Master.

   "You three old things, when this is where, do you just leave it?"

   Accompanied by Xue Jianjun suddenly broke out, and the three virtual immortals had only relative wry smiles.

   This time they had made the mistake first, and then maybe they would ask for help from Snow Sword Master Companion. They really didn't want to offend King Snow Sword Companion severely, and they didn't want to do anything with Master Snow Sword Companion.

   While resisting the attack of sword energy, the three virtual immortals pulled down and explained in a low voice.

   In short, they had no choice but to do it this time, and they really had no intention of being an enemy with Snow Sword Monarch Companion.

   If there is any offense, please accompany Xue Jianjun to Da Haihan.

   In the future, they will definitely bring their generous gifts to the door to apologize, and they will definitely satisfy King Snow Sword.

   Now, please also Mr. Snow Sword, please take the overall situation as the most important, look at the faces of all true fairies, take pity for the safety of Junchen Realm, and let them go for the time being.

   Regarding their explanation, Sword Master Banxue didn't respond in half, but only strengthened the power of Jian Qi.

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