The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1989: Return

The three Xuxians knew in their hearts that Sword Master Companion Xue didn't really want to fight with them now.

   It's just that the sects of the holy land are now facing a problem, and Master Xue Jian takes the opportunity to make trouble, which can be regarded as venting.

   The three imaginary immortals made a tacit move together, blocking the sword energy released by the companion Xue Jianjun.

   The three of them knew that they were wrong, so they decided to delay for a while and let the companion Xue Jianjun vent some vents to make her go smoothly.

   After the Ziyang True Immortal passed the order, the high-level sects of the major sacred sites also tried to contact the Sanshan True Immortal and other true immortals to see if they could provide some help.

   In the void near Junchen Realm, spies for invaders outside the territory have long appeared.

   Among them, the powerhouses of the true immortal level also appear from time to time.

   If you ignore it completely, once the true immortal level enemy shows off, it can easily destroy the outer defense line of Junchen Realm and kill a large number of garrison monks.

   The Three Mountain True Immortals took three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan, taking turns to patrol outside the Junchen Realm to prevent the true immortal level enemies from causing trouble.

   The true celestial level puppet of the Three Mountain True Immortal, even with a group of Void-returning powers, sits in the heaven and earth lore formation, always ready to urge the big formation to respond to the enemy.

   Three Mountain True Immortals and others have no time to get away, but they still have to rely on the power of the sacred sects to solve the problem.

   While the senior sect sects of the major sacred land were discussing, another big trouble appeared.

  Dengxianhui’s behind-the-scenes supporter, the ancient capital Taoist, the deputy director of Tiangong, originally led a delegation to visit the foreign star area, preparing to contact the guests from the four-pointed star area.

   But when it reached the edge of the ascending star area, the mission was intercepted by an intruder from outside the territory.

   After defeating the interception team of the invaders outside the territory, the Taoist priests in the ancient capital who were very dissatisfied with the mission at this time, excuse the enemy is too strong and the road is not going well, so they have to return to Junchen Realm and make a new plan.

   Despite the opposition of many people in the mission, the Taoists of the ancient capital took out the power of a virtual immortal and suppressed all opponents in one fell swoop.

   Taoists in the ancient capital are notoriously weird and difficult to get along with.

   Generally speaking, the great power in the early and middle stages of Void Return can be called a so-and-so Taoist person.

   In the late stage of returning to the Void, it can be called XX Supreme.

   reached the level of the virtual fairy and was called XX Xuxian.

  Of course, some special names are not listed here. Such as the companion of Xue Jianjun.

   Taoists in the ancient capital seem to be very disgusted with the name Xuxian, and hate others calling him Xuxian, and they usually call themselves Taoists in the ancient capital.

   The quirk of Taoists in the ancient capital seems to be nothing. Among the cultivators, the strange quirks are much better.

   Only those who are really close to the Taoists in the ancient capital know that the reason why he hates the name Xuxian is that he is extremely dissatisfied with the sleeping real immortals.

  Because these true immortals modified the law of heaven and earth in Junchen Realm before they fell asleep, and cut off the way for future generations to ascend to immortality, the ancient capital Taoist who was able to impact the real immortal realm for a long time had to stay at the level of imaginary immortality.

   Xuxian is a fake fairy, not worthy of the word fairy.

   Taoists in the ancient capital who have this kind of thought have this quirk.

   For many years, the Taoists of the ancient capital have been working tirelessly against the sects of the sacred places.

   Under the forcible order of the Taoist in the ancient capital, the two void battleships carrying members of the mission immediately turned around and returned to Junchen Realm.

   The members of the mission, including Taoists in the ancient capital, did not know that it was not accidental that the mission was intercepted by an intruder from outside the territory.

   Xianyun Zhenxian didn't want the mission from Junchen Realm to come in contact with visitors from the Four-Pointed Star Area, exposing the secrets of Junchen Realm.

   Xianyun Zhenxian has made up his mind to compete with the sleeping true immortals in Junchen Realm for chance, so naturally he does not want to have spoilers from the four-pointed star area.

   Therefore, Xianyun Zhenxian secretly shot, cleverly attracted a team of extraterritorial invaders, just blocking the forward path of the Junchen Realm Mission.

   After this team of extraterritorial invaders was defeated, Xianyun Zhenxian, who was observing in secret, was still considering what measures he should use next to prevent the mission from moving forward.

   Unexpectedly, this mission turned around and went back.

   This is also good, it just saves Xianyun Zhenxian a lot of energy.

   The two void warships led by Taoist priests in the ancient capital had just entered the outer line of defense of Junchen Realm, and they had contacted the cold war master who was stationed here.

   The monks of the Celestial Family like the Supreme Lord of the Cold War, although they seem to be outside all the time, they are very concerned about the various situations of the Celestial Palace and the battle that is taking place in the Junchen Realm.

   After listening to the report of the Lord of the Cold War, the Taoists of the ancient capital became angrily.

  Okay, it turns out that all the sects of the holy land unanimously requested that they join the visiting mission, which is simply to move the tiger away from the mountain to facilitate their next actions.

   Of course, to say that the Taoists of the ancient capital did not expect this at all, that is also false.

   When he left Junchen Realm, he was puzzled. Otherwise, he would not rush back in such a hurry, and even give up on the mission.

  The ancient capital Taoist left the members of the mission, and only brought a few cronies, and rushed back to the heavenly palace as quickly as possible.

  Among the three deputy chiefs of Tiangong, Taoists in the ancient capital have the strongest character and the most majestic.

  When the Taoist from the ancient capital came back, Wang Puchen Xuxian, who had always been close to the sects of the holy land, retracted suddenly, pretending to be dumb.

   Ma Qiangou Xuxian, who has always appeared as a good old man, did not hesitate to stand on the side of the Taoist in the ancient and began to become tough.

   The two deputy chiefs of the Tiangong came forward and wanted to immediately regain control of the vital points in the Tiangong.

   The sect monks of the great sacred sites who entered the palace, now all know the order from the true immortal Ziyang.

   They also knew that this cleanup of dissidents had been abandoned halfway, and it was impossible for them to control all the vital points of the Tiangong forever.

   The high-level sects of the sacred land are even more unwilling to have a fierce conflict with Tiangong at this time.

   So, the monks of the various sacred sects began to retreat, and took the initiative to give up the place they had previously occupied.

   It didn't take long for the monks of the Tiangong family to basically regain control of the vital points in the Tiangong.

   In the entire heavenly palace, apart from the Heaven and Earth Lore Array and several holy land sect monks stationed there, the holy land sect monks in other places retreated on their own initiative.

   Taoists in the ancient capital also know that the Heaven and Earth Lore Array, as the trump card of Junchen Realm, is too important, and the sects of the sacred land are not assured that it is controlled by the Heavenly Palace alone.

   Don't look at the murderous and aggressive look of the Taoist in the ancient capital. In fact, he didn't want to completely tear his face with the sacred sects at this time, let alone start a battle at this time.

  What he did, and the posture he took, was to gain more weight in the next negotiation, so as to fight for more benefits.

   After regaining all the vital points of the Tiangong, the Taoist of the ancient capital brought a murderous person to the outside of the bedroom of King Snow Sword.

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