The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1990: compromise

Sword Monarch Banxue had no intention to kill originally, but was just venting his anger.

   The three virtual immortals joined forces to temporarily block her offensive, which seemed to be quite easy.

   Now the ancient capital Taoist and Ma Qiangou Xuxian rushed here aggressively with his men, and the situation has changed again.

  Ban Xue Jianjun is recognized as the number one master under the true immortal in Junchen Realm.

   If there is a real war, the three virtual immortals will have to rely on their numbers to block her.

   Now the ancient capital Taoist and Ma Qiangou Xuxian are here, and their numerical advantage is gone.

  Guantian Pavilion's Weiwu Xuxian has a lively mind and flexible wrists, so he immediately bowed his head to the Snow Sword Monarch Companion.

   He pulled down his old face, followed carefully, and said a lot of soft words.

   Guantian Pavilion is different from other sacred sects. The Guantian Pavilion in Junchen Realm can only be regarded as a branch. Its headquarters are very powerful in the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, and even the backing behind Snow Sword Monarch is a bit jealous.

   But Wu Xuxian gave Master Xue Jian the face, and Master Xue Jian had to take it.

   So, Ban Xue Jianjun reluctantly stopped the attack.

   The companion Xue Jianjun stopped, but the Taoists of the ancient capital didn't intend to let it go.

   are both virtual immortals, and he is not very afraid of the three old guys in front of him.

   He asked the other party, what exactly the sects of the holy land are going to do, do they want to bring down the heavenly palace, overthrow the rule of the heavenly palace, or mess up the Junchen realm and cause chaos in the world?

   The Taoists in the ancient capital secretly supported the Dengxianhui against the sects of the sacred land, and the three virtual immortals had known it for a long time.

   If it weren't for not wanting to completely rip the face with Tiangong, they would have organized a siege of Taoists in the ancient capital.

   The question of the Taoist in the ancient capital attracted the contempt of Yang, Xuxian and others.

   Seeing that the two sides had a disagreement, and they were about to clashed again, the good old man Ma Qiangou Xuxian jumped out again to complete the battle.

   After all, between the sacred sects and the heavenly palaces, no one can do without one, and neither of them has any plans to completely turn their faces.

   There was a step, and both sides went down the donkey.

   Then, the two sides started to wrestle again.

   Regarding the responsibility for this incident, the destruction of Junchen Realm by the Return to Void War, the most important thing is the huge harm caused by the ghost realm of the Great Li Dynasty...

  Yang and Xuxian seldom intervene in the specific affairs of the sect.

   Except for the three of them taking turns garrisoning in the void and the source sea, most of the rest of the time is closed in the sect to reduce the loss of vitality and delay the passage of life.

   Only when the sect needs to deal with a strong enemy, will they be invited out.

   When it comes to negotiating with the Tiangong, other high-level sects of the sacred land are still needed to come forward.

  The various sacred sects sent high-level monks to the Tiangong and started difficult negotiations with the high-ranking officials of the Tiangong.

   The sects of the sacred land were under heavy pressure due to the strict orders of the Ziyang True Immortal.

And the three lions guarding in the void and the two true celestial powers of the ancestor Xuanxuan, all asked someone to bring back words, saying that they did not want to see the current chaos in Junchen Realm, and hope that Junchen Realm will restore stability as soon as possible. .

   The only words of the real immortal powerhouse put a lot of pressure on the monks of the Tiangong family.

   In the end, after a long negotiation, Tiangong and the sacred sects finally reached a compromise.

   As for the cleansing operations previously organized by the sacred sects, the Tiangong can be regarded as having never happened.

   The various sacred sects apologized for their offense to Tiangong, and gave up a lot of benefits.

   From now on, without the order of the Heavenly Palace, the sects of the sacred land are not allowed to cause a war in Junchen Realm.

  Especially all of you who are capable of returning to the Void, you are not allowed to participate in the civil war between the cultivators without the permission of the heavenly palace.

   Tiangong needs to fully support the sacred sects of the holy land, so that they can destroy the ghost realm far away from the dynasty at the fastest speed.


  ZeroZero's total set of conditions seems to make Tiangong a lot of advantage.

   But whether it is the Snow Sword Sovereign Companion or the Taoist of the Ancient Capital, everyone knows that the peace between the cultivators is only temporary.

   It’s really the day when the true immortals wake up, not to mention that there will be large-scale conflicts between the Tiangong and the sects of the sacred land, even within the sects of the sacred land.

   A compromise was reached, and the Tiangong and the sacred sects at least restored their apparent harmony.

   There is another important thing for the Heavenly Palace, which is to appease the forces that have been attacked by the various sacred sects this time, and forbid them to retaliate against the sects of the sacred land.

   The Taoist of the ancient capital brought a group of cronies personally and began to visit all the forces one by one.

  Dengxianhui suffered the heaviest loss this time, and the entire organization was almost on the verge of destruction.

   Among the three superiors in the organization, two of the superiors died in battle, and the only surviving superior Gu Chen was also seriously injured.

  The other members suffered countless casualties, almost all losses.

   The seriously injured Gu Chen and his subordinates were rescued by Taoists from the ancient capital.

   If you want to take revenge on the sects of the sacred land, the Dengxian will have more than enough energy at this time.

   Hailing faction's losses were equally huge, with a large number of monks casualties.

   The elder generation of the Hailing Sect almost all died in battle, and only the head of the Haiyang Taoist and the newly promoted abilities survived.

   Now that the Hailing faction is too late to lick the wounds, where is there to take revenge on Zhenhai Temple?

   If it were not for the Taoists in the ancient capital to comfort them in time, the Taoists in Haiyang would have the heart to lead the remaining disciples in the door to escape from the South China Sea.

   It would take a long time for the Hailing faction to regain its vitality.

  Dali Dynasty became the public enemy of Junchen Realm because of the creation of the ghost domain.

   Even those monks and forces who have secretly supported the Dali should quickly clear the relationship at this time.

   The ancient capital Taoist who had secretly supported the Dali dynasty back then. At this time, on behalf of the Tiangong, he openly declared that the Dali dynasty had perversely perversed and committed evil deeds that were indignant between humans and gods, and called on practitioners from all walks of life to crusade against it.

   Speaking of it, this time the Taiyimen and its Hanhai Dao League suffered the least loss, and it can be said that there was almost no loss.

   The head Meng Zhang even killed three Void Returning Powers, and also surrendered to the old way of compassion.

   Soon after Meng Zhang returned to the mountain gate, Yu Ci Laodao took the initiative to let go of his body and mind, allowing Meng Zhang to plant a restriction in his body.

   The prohibition planted by Meng Zhang is very clever, enough to allow him to completely control the compassionate way.

   In this way, there was originally only one Taiyi Sect with the Void-Returning power, which is considered to have an extra Void-Returning combat power available.

  The Taoist from the ancient capital took the initiative to visit Meng Zhang and had a very happy conversation with him.

   On the issue of fighting against the sects of the sacred sites, the two have a lot of common language.

   Meng Zhang learned from the ancient capital Taoist the status quo of the Heavenly Palace, and the pressure that the ghost domain brought to the sects of the sacred land.

  Meng Zhang is finally relieved now.

  Before that ghost domain is completely destroyed, the sects of the holy land should have no spare energy to regenerate incidents.

   In addition to these big powers, the Taoists of the ancient capital also sent people to appease the other powers and solitary monks involved in this battle.

   Under the running around of Taoists in the ancient capital, Jun Chen Realm seemed to be temporarily settled down.

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