The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1994: Watch the battle

The various sacred sects did not delay the war, and their joint attack on the ghost territory of the capital city soon began in full swing.

  Meng Zhang also occasionally left the sect and went to the vicinity of Shangjing to observe the battle from a distance.

   A large number of low-level monks are like ants, starting from the periphery of the ghost domain, constantly destroying the ghost domain.

  Ghost Domain is not some kind of big array, even its creators can’t control it perfectly, and can only use the environment in it.

   Countless low-level cultivators are densely surrounding the ghost domain, launching fierce attacks from all directions.

  Ghost Domain itself does not have the ability to launch attacks. The ghost tribes stationed in it can only send out a large number of ghosts and even ghosts to resist and counterattack these low-level cultivators.

   On the edge of the ghost domain, a large army of ghosts and an army of monks started a **** battle, and the two sides soon suffered heavy casualties.

   And the numerous Void Returning Powers did not enter the shrouded area of ​​the ghost realm, but guarded outside.

   While they attacked the ghost domain, they used various auxiliary spells to bless the low-level monks.

   If the enemy sends out a ghost of the Void Rebirth level, the Void Rebirth abilities of the human race will attack it through the ghost domain, so that it cannot arbitrarily kill its own low-level monks.

   Of course, omissions are inevitable on the battlefield.

   If the ghosts of the Void Return level are flexible enough to avoid the Void Return of the Human Race, they can easily slaughter the low-level monks of the Human Race, causing them to suffer heavy casualties.

   Of course, there are not many cases like this.

   There are a large number of low-level monks dispatched by the human race, and they can afford such a loss.

   After watching the war a few times, Meng Zhang felt dull.

  The practice of the various sacred sects cannot be wrong, but the efficiency is too low.

   These low-level cultivators are like Yu Gong moving a mountain. I don't know how long it will take to weaken the ghost realm and create opportunities for the Void Returning Powers to attack in an all-round way.

  Moreover, the low-level cultivators are all living people, as well as flesh-and-blood creatures, just so cruelly consumed, Meng Zhang also feels a little bit overwhelmed.

  Of course, in the realm of comprehension, it is always high-level monks who really call the shots.

   They don't need to think too much about the life and death of low-level monks, the most important thing is always their own interests.

   The low-level monks never have the power to resist the high-level monks.

   High-ranking monks throw a few bones at random, and countless low-ranking monks can sell their lives for them.

   Although Meng Zhang felt that this battle was too boring, he still insisted on going to the vicinity of the battlefield regularly to make careful observations.

   He needs to figure out the time when the sects of the sacred land will destroy the ghost domain based on the situation on the battlefield.

   Don't look at the sects of the sacred land are still honest now, but after the destruction of the ghost domain, they may make a moth.

   After the last war, Meng Zhang will never relax his vigilance on the sects of the sacred land.

   Taiyi Sect and Hailing School resumed contact, and Meng Zhang also contacted Gu Chen.

  The Hailing faction lost too much last time. Although it is not a complete depression, it has no ability to contain Zhenhai Temple anymore.

   Once Zhenhai Temple is emptied, the Hailing faction can be easily wiped out.

   The high-level Hailing faction is already thinking about the future.

  Dengxianhui has always been hidden in the dark before. Although its reputation is not obvious, its accumulated strength is very powerful.

   After this battle, the Dengxianhui also greatly reduced the threat to the sects of the sacred land.

   Fortunately, Gu Chen is still there, the Dengxian Society is still a bit of a hindrance to the various sacred sects.

  Especially the Daoist of Gudu, the supporter behind Gu Chen Shangzun.

   What the sacred sects did to the Tiangong last time aroused great dissatisfaction in the Tiangong.

   There are many direct monks in Tiangong, who have regarded the sects of the holy land as enemies.

   Of course, due to the ambiguous attitude of the general manager of the heavenly palace and the monarch Xue Jian, the heavenly palace and the sects of the sacred land did not break their faces.

   The Taoists of the ancient capital actively ran around, wooing and persuading the monks from all walks of life, so that everyone would fight against the sects of the great sacred places.

   Taoists in the ancient capital value Meng Zhang very much and have visited several times.

   The two talked very happily every time, and they communicated in all aspects.

   The Taoists in the ancient capital did not have private possessions, and even gave instructions to Meng Zhang in terms of cultivation.

   Although Meng Zhang has a complete heritage of wisdom, he still benefited a lot from Xuxian's guidance.

   Seeing that the Taoists in the ancient capital had a very good attitude, Meng Zhang also asked many secrets about Junchen Realm.

   Except for the top secrets of Tiangong, the Taoists of the ancient capital basically gave a detailed answer.

   Especially about the secrets of the various sacred sects.

  Knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles. The sects of the sacred land are the greatest enemy of Meng Zhang. Of course, Meng Zhang hopes to learn more.

   The ancient capital Taoist qualifications are extremely old. After the establishment of the Tiangong, he moved from the Lingkong Immortal Realm to the Junchen Realm, and has served in the Tiangong for thousands of years.

  He has a high position in Tiangong, and he has access to many aspects of secrets.

   In addition, although he did not explicitly say, Meng Zhang could guess that he should also have a reliable source of information inside the Sacred Land Sect.

   Even, Meng Zhang guessed that the Taoists in the ancient capital might have colluded with invaders outside the territory in order to fight against the sects of the sacred land.

Of course, this kind of speculation Meng Zhang is just hiding in his heart, and he will not be so stupid to mention it in front of Taoists in the ancient capital The chance of Xian De Dao.

   He was a commendable spiritual genius in his early years. He became a virtual immortal early, but because of the selfishness of a few true immortals in his deep sleep, he was unable to break through to the true immortal for a long time.

  The battle of the avenue is endless. The hatred against the road is as deep as the sea.

  The Taoists in the ancient capital hated those selfish true immortals very much, and they even hated the sects of the holy land with extreme hatred.

   He is hindered by his identity, and the enemy is so powerful that he cannot easily reveal his true thoughts.

  Meng Zhangzhu killed the Holy Land Zongmen's rebirth power, and has long become its mortal enemy.

   In front of Meng Zhang, Taoists in the ancient capital can safely reveal their thoughts and vent their hatred.

  He told Meng Zhang frankly that in these years, in addition to being unable to get through with the sects of the sacred lands, he secretly supported various forces in an attempt to subvert the rule of the sects of the sacred lands.

   In the history of Junchen Realm, most of the cultivation forces that challenged and resisted the sects of the great sacred sites have the support of the ancient capital Taoists behind them.

   Even if the Taoists of the ancient capital knew that these challenges and resistances would not succeed, they would still put a lot of effort in secretly.

   In his eyes, as long as it can cause a certain loss to the sects of the sacred land and arouse the dissatisfaction and resistance of the Junchen Realm cultivators, it is considered a victory.

   The Dengxianhui that he had secretly supported for many years, if it were not for this blow, would grow up in the future, I am afraid that he would really have the ability to compete with the sect of the Holy Land.

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