The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1995: promise

Meng Zhang was very interested in how the few true immortals who opened up the Junchen Realm changed the laws of the world and prevented future generations from becoming immortals.

   A few true immortals did this, aren’t they afraid that the younger cultivators will rebound?

   Not to mention anything else, even their disciples and grandchildren, I’m afraid they won’t watch their own fairy roads cut off.

   In front of the avenue, even the ancestor may not work well.

   For these questions of Meng Zhang, the Taoist of the ancient capital gave detailed answers.

   At the beginning, the six true immortals wiped out the aboriginal forces in Junchen Realm. Before they started to fall asleep, there were many arrangements.

   They left many disciples and grandchildren to help them guard Junchen Realm.

   In order to make up for the lack of high-end combat power, they also paid a huge price to invite the Three Mountain True Immortals.

   The six true immortals are very suspicious, and they are not worried about the younger monks of Junchen Realm.

   The power of the true immortals within the Junchen Realm, the three true immortals, the three lions, and the ancestor Xuanxuan, are all subject to various constraints and will not destroy the arrangement of the six true immortals.

   But if there are younger cultivators who become true immortals, they may destroy their arrangements.

   Therefore, before falling asleep, the six true immortals changed the laws of the world of Junchen Realm through a vast ritual with the help of an immortal weapon, so that future generations could not become immortals.

   Of course, the six true immortals also knew that doing so would cause many complaints.

   Therefore, they have also made many arrangements and made many promises.

   Tiangong Grandmaster Ban Xuejian was born in the spirit of spirits, and his lifespan was much longer than that of ordinary human monks, but when he became immortal, he would face many difficulties.

   The six true immortals promised that after they woke up, they would help Monarch Banxue overcome those difficulties.

   The Snow Sword Master also got the promise of the six true immortals, and only in these years did he cooperate with the various sacred sects in many things.

   For other outstanding monks, including their own disciples and grandchildren, the six true immortals have made similar promises, saying that they will help everyone become immortals and attain Taoism.

   After finishing the top gang of monks in Junchen Realm, the six true immortals went into deep sleep with confidence.

  According to the original plan, the six true immortals should have woken up long ago.

   Regardless of who wins or loses in the battle between them, they should follow their previous promises and fulfill their promises.

   But the days when the six true immortals awakened were repeatedly postponed, and they did not wake up for a long time.

  Meng Zhang knew that a great demon broke into Yuanhai last time, causing serious damage, and the six true immortals had to postpone the day of waking up.

   What Meng Zhang didn't know before was that the six true immortals had delayed waking up several times.

   And they postponed awakening several times without giving any reason or explanation at all.

   Their actions like this naturally caused dissatisfaction and even panic among many people.

   The limit life span of the Human Race's Void-Returning Power is 10,000 years.

   If these six true immortals never wake up, and do not change the rules of the world in Junchen Realm, then don't those old virtual immortals just wait to die?

   The Taoists in the ancient capital felt that the six true immortals had blocked their path to immortality, and some virtual immortals who had not many years of age believed that the six true immortals were killing them.

   Even in the Holy Land Zongmen, Xu Xian was dissatisfied with this.

   Of course, there are many young imaginary immortals in the sects of the major sacred places.

   The Taoists of the ancient capital contacted many colleagues and asked the Supreme Master Gu Chen to come forward to establish the Immortal Cultivation Association, which was an attempt to break the restrictions set by the six true immortals, or force them to wake up and give them a chance to live as a god.

   Meng Zhang heard the words of the Taoist in the ancient capital and fell into deep thought.

   The Taoists in the ancient capital are desperate for the six true immortals to wake up, so the last time the Great Demon broke into Yuanhai, it seems that it really has nothing to do with him, and his previous thoughts were wrong.

   Taoist in the ancient capital said that the six true immortals had delayed their awakening several times.

   Although the six true immortals did not explain the reason, most of them were due to external forces.

   From this point of view, there should be a mysterious force in Junchen Realm, which is blocking the awakening of the six true immortals and arousing the dissatisfaction of some older virtual immortals.

  Meng Zhang knows that he is not the kind of intelligent man, but sometimes he thinks more.

   He doesn't know whether his guess is correct, and he always follows his feelings.

  As a celestial mystery master, although the celestial mystery technique deduction is subject to many restrictions, Meng Zhang would not easily perform the mystery technique, but in many cases, his feelings are very accurate.

   Even though he is already a monk in the middle stage of returning to the Void today, he has deeply participated in many events in Junchen Realm, and has come into contact with high-level monks in Junchen Realm, but Junchen Realm still has many hidden secrets, so he can't get the idea.

   Meng Zhang felt that even though the Taoists in the ancient capital were a high-ranking imaginary immortal, who had mastered many resources and information channels, they still had many blind spots in their vision.

   Meng Zhang didn't say much, but actively asked some questions to broaden his horizons.

   Don't look at the current relationship between Meng Zhang and Taoists in the ancient capital, but the interests of the two are not exactly the same.

   Meng Zhang hopes that the six true immortals will wake up as soon as possible, and it is best for him to enter the Void Return to Great Perfection and have the strength to impact the true immortals.

   Taoists in the ancient capital can't wait to hope that the six true immortals will wake up as soon as possible.

   Only the six true celestial beings awake, the Junchen Realm has undergone tremendous changes, and the rules of heaven and earth change accordingly, so he has the chance to become a celestial being.

   Because I can’t wait, the ancient capital Taoists hope to force the six true immortals to wake up through other means

   Such as attacking various sacred sects, or destroying the rules of heaven and earth in Junchen Realm.

   If it were not that the chance of success was too low, the Taoists of the ancient capital would even want to go directly into the depths of the source sea and forcibly awaken the six true immortals.

   Meng Zhang took advantage of his honeymoon relationship with the Taoist in the ancient capital and tried his best to get benefits from him.

   Taoists in the ancient capital also used their power to provide some convenience to Taiyimen.

   Taiyimen is currently in a very good position and has won a period of peaceful development.

   In the void outside the Junchen Realm, the invaders from outside the territory united again and gathered forces, and there was a tendency to invade again.

   A team of strong men among the extraterritorial invaders began to infiltrate the outer defense line of Junchen Realm, conducting various trials and destruction.

   While the major sacred sects were aggressively attacking the ghost realm of the capital city, they had to allocate a large part of their minds to the defense outside the Jun Chen world.

   Although he is very dissatisfied with the sects of the sacred land, when facing invaders from outside the territory, the Tiangong must also cooperate with the sects of the sacred land to strengthen the defense outside the Junchen world.

  As the deputy general manager of the Tiangong, the Taoist of the ancient capital also became busy next, focusing more energy on the void near Junchen Realm, and interacting with Meng Zhang less.

  The extraterritorial invaders have not yet aggressively attacked, and the Heavenly Palace has not aggressively recruited the various cultivation forces in the Junchen Realm. It just requires everyone to actively prepare for the war and accumulate strength to deal with the upcoming war.

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