The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2102: Disagreement

While transiting in the Tiangong, Meng Zhang met with the Taoist of the ancient capital.

   Although due to time constraints, the two had a good talk.

   The content of the discussion between the two of them is naturally the fact that the true dragon clan led a large-scale invasion of the sea clan army this time.

   The Taoist of the ancient capital has something to remind Meng Zhang.

   Whether it is Tiangong General Manager Ban Xue Jianjun, or other high-level officials including Taoists in the ancient capital, they are all dissatisfied with the current situation.

   At present, in the void battlefield outside Junchen Realm, the Junchen Realm side is facing off with the army of invaders outside the realm, and the battles of all sizes are almost uninterrupted.

   Although the extraterritorial invaders experienced the last failure and suffered heavy losses, they were not reconciled and kept staring at Jun Chen Realm.

  The extraterritorial invaders are composed of coalition forces of various forces, and their overall strength is extremely strong, which has caused great pressure on the Junchen Realm side.

  Under this situation, from the overall situation of Gu Quan, the Tiangong and the major sacred sects should hope that the inside of Junchen Realm will remain stable and there will be no troubles.

   Various bulls, ghosts and snakes are making trouble everywhere in Junchen Realm, and soon they will be hit by heavy blows from the sects of the holy land. It seems that all kinds of chaos will be settled in the near future.

   When the sea tribe army aggressively invaded the East China Sea this time, the sect headed by Zhenhai Temple also organized a force to actively resist.

   But after the South China Sea encountered a large-scale invasion by the sea people, there was a situation of wrangling in all aspects.

   There are many reasons for this.

   The incident occurred in the South China Sea, and the sects of the holy land have not been harmed for the time being.

  The sects of the great sacred sites, especially the Zhenhai Temple, deliberately used the sword to kill people, and took this opportunity to make the Hailing faction suffer a major blow.

   The sects of the great sacred land have to take the opportunity to compete with the Tiangong for benefits.


   In addition to these reasons, there is another important reason, which involves how to treat the true dragon clan in the end.

   On the issue of dealing with the true dragon clan, there are big differences between the Tiangong and the sects of the holy land, and within the sects of the holy land.

   Even the sleeping true immortals could not reach an agreement on this issue.

  Meng Zhang is not a frog at the bottom of the well, and at any rate, he has also spent some years in the void.

   The Taoist of the ancient capital just opened his head, and he guessed the reason.

   The true dragon clan is a powerful race that ranks top in the entire Void World.

  The true dragon family is numerous and has a very wide division, and its traces can be seen in many large worlds.

   Apart from anything else, even the source of the immortal Dao of Junchen Realm—the many big worlds controlled by the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, there are quite a few true dragon races.

  With the power of the spiritual world, it is impossible to completely expel these true dragons.

   If it is not necessary, there are really not many forces or people willing to offend the true dragon clan.

   The following narration of the Taoist in the ancient capital really confirmed Meng Zhang's guess, and also mentioned some secrets of the high level of Jun Chen Realm.

   Junchen Realm is just a big world under the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, and it is a relatively weak one. Now it has temporarily lost the connection with the Spiritual Realm Immortal Realm, and has no backing.

   I really want to fight to the end with the real dragon clan, I really lack a trace of confidence up and down.

   Of course, if the true dragon clan in Junchen Realm really affected the path of several true immortals, they would not be soft.

   The sky is big and the earth is big, not as big as one's own way.

   For their own way, several true immortals are willing to pay a heavy price, including becoming a mortal enemy with the true dragon clan.

   But so far, the true dragon clan seems to be an enemy of Jun Chen realm's cultivators, and they often come out to make troubles, causing many troubles in Jun Chen realm. However, the true dragon clan did not directly pose a threat to the sleeping true immortals.

   When the true dragons came to Junchen Realm, the calculations of several true immortals changed.

   Not to mention what they did, their existence is a huge threat.

Some people with tough attitudes, such as the founder of Zhenhai Temple, have been calling everyone to act first and be strong, and expel them from Jun Chen before the true dragons cause more harm and truly threaten their way. World, and even wiped it out.

   is a matter of one's own way, can not tolerate the slightest carelessness, some threats must be eliminated in the bud.

  Some true immortals hope that everyone will exercise restraint, and don’t rashly cause too much damage to the true dragon clan before reaching the last step.

   Such a proposal may seem weak, but there are good reasons for it.

   Although there are too many ethnic groups in the true dragon family, its ancestors seem to have little concern for the various ethnic groups distributed in various large worlds, and let them fend for themselves.

   But if it really caused a lot of damage to one of the tribes, or even wiped it out, the senior leaders of the true dragon clan would never sit idly by.

   You know, the true dragons are never a good race.

   The impression it gives to people is often associated with arrogance, unreasonableness, and short-term protection.

   If the true dragon clan that enters the Junchen Realm is really wiped out, it will be counted as a few true celestials who successfully break through to become celestial celestial beings, and they will face countless troubles in the future.

   You must know that in the void, let alone the heavenly immortal level, there are even true dragons of the golden immortal level.

   Several true immortals were unable to reach an agreement on this issue, and their attitude naturally affected their disciples and grandchildren.

   Because everyone has too much disagreement, it is naturally impossible to concentrate everyone's strength to carry out a large-scale attack on the true dragon clan.

   Relying on the strength of a certain family alone, it is impossible to completely defeat the real dragon family.

   Later, the heavenly palace and the sacred sects had to accept the status they defaulted to the existence of the true dragon family in Junchen Realm.

  If the real dragons come to the door, they will organize resistance and actively fight back.

   When necessary, he will also take the initiative to strike and beat the real dragon clan.

   As for proactively triggering a full-scale battle with the real dragon clan, it is not to even think about it.

   Fortunately, the True Dragon Clan has rarely taken the initiative to come forward for so many years. The most is to compete with the human cultivators of Junchen Realm through the Sea Clan under him.

   After so many years of fighting, the Terran Cultivator has established an absolute advantage in Junchen Realm.

   Even on the sea far away from the mainland, the Sea Clan couldn't resist and retreat steadily in the face of the human cultivators.

   Now that the Sea Clan has no place to stand on the sea, they have to flee to the depths of the ocean and take refuge in the real dragon clan.

   This time the true dragons personally commanded the sea clan army to launch a massive invasion, which is really an extremely rare phenomenon.

   The true dragon clan sees that the sea clan is really useless. They are not the opponents of the human cultivators, so they have to go shirtless?

  The true dragon family chose to launch at this time, is it to cooperate with the extraterritorial invaders outside Junchen Realm?

  Or, everyone thinks too much, this is originally a routine harassment of the real dragons?

   The other party doesn't have too many thoughts, just as usual, add chaos to the human race, and take advantage of the opportunity.

   It is difficult for everyone to determine the final response plan until the true intentions of the true dragon clan are understood.

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