The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2103: rush to the rescue

The Taoist of the ancient capital had said so much, and Meng Zhang also understood what he meant.

  Since everyone cannot agree on the issue of the true dragons, it is naturally difficult to deal with the true dragons.

  Especially the true dragon family has not invaded Middle-earth Continent, affecting everyone's core interests.

   The Taoist of the ancient capital also told Meng Zhang that the general manager of Tiangong, Ban Xuejian, had always advocated a hard-line attitude towards the true dragons.

   Unfortunately, due to the lack of unanimous support from all the sacred sects, Banxue Jianjun was unable to implement his own proposition.

  Since even the rulers of Junchen Realm had such big differences in dealing with the true dragons, Meng Zhang would naturally not be so stupid to fight the true dragons.

   Meng Zhang secretly set the next rules of action in his heart.

   He only needs to help the Sea Spirit faction block the invading army of the Sea Clan, and try to avoid fighting with the true dragon clan.

   Of course, if the battle with the true dragons is unavoidable, he will not escape, but there is no need to take the shot too hard, and leave no room at all.

  The true dragon clan only occupied the depths of the ocean in Junchen Realm. In the Void Realm, it was a race with great influence.

   Meng Zhang has a lofty heart, and his future will never stop at Junchen Realm.

   If you forge a private vengeance with the real dragon clan, after entering the void in the future, I am afraid that countless troubles will come to you.

   The words of the Taoist in the ancient capital are also kind, so that Meng Zhang should not become a deadly enemy with the real dragon clan for no reason.

   Although King Snow Sword is very hostile to the true dragon family, Meng Zhang does not need to be affected by it.

   Meng Zhang thanked the Taoist in the ancient capital for his reminder.

   Although the Taoist of the ancient capital was unable to provide more help to Meng Zhang, he helped him solve the recent troubles.

   The sects of the great sacred land have been asking for Meng Zhang to be transferred to the void battlefield, but Meng Zhang’s opposition made it difficult for Tiangong to make a decision for a while.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity of the sea clan army to invade the South China Sea, although Tiangong could hardly send force to support it, it gave Meng Zhang a lot of support.

   The most important thing is that Tiangong directly ordered Meng Zhang to rush to the South China Sea and assist the Hailing faction to resist the invasion of the sea.

   In this way, Meng Zhang has gained a reputation when he goes to the South China Sea, and he is not acting privately.

   With the name of rushing to the South China Sea, Meng Zhang is naturally justified without going to the void battlefield.

   After talking with the Taoists in the ancient capital, Meng Zhang did not delay in the Tiangong, and went directly to the South China Sea through the teleportation circle in the Tiangong.

  Meng Zhang is not the first time to come to Nanhai.

  He used to stay in the South China Sea for a long time, helping the Hailing faction fight.

   This time he revisited his old place and came directly to the island where the Hailing School Gate is located.

   Hailing faction, including the head of Haiyang Taoist, all the powers of returning to the void, have all gone to the front line, and now the old friend of Meng Zhang’s old friend Yangshen Zhenjun Lu Tianshu is left behind.

   When the two were still primordial cultivators, they had already known each other.

   After so many years, Lu Tianshu is still a Yang Shen stage monk, but Meng Zhang is already a great power in the late stage of Returning Void.

   This is not because Lu Tianshu grows too slowly, his speed of cultivation is normal, but Meng Zhang is too strong.

   Lu Tianshu can only look up to the rapid growth of Meng Zhang.

   The Hailing faction did not have any hidden selfishness in resisting the invasion of the Marines this time. Instead, they did their best and went all out.

Almost all the high-ranking monks in the gate were on the front line. If Lu Tianshu had not been seriously injured soon after the war, he would not have been arranged to sit at the gate.

   The two didn't have time to relive the past slowly, and Lu Tianshu quickly told Meng Zhang of the current situation.

   The front-line war was tight, and Meng Zhang didn't care about any red tape, and soon left the Hailing School gate and rushed to the front.

   There is a long chain of islands on the edge of the South China Sea, including dozens of large and small islands, just like a mountain range, forming a natural line of defense.

   After defeating the Sea Clan who originally entrenched the South China Sea and drove them to the depths of the ocean, the high-level Hailing faction did not relax their vigilance against the Sea Clan.

   In order to prevent the Sea Clan from coming back one day, the Sea Spirit faction has spent a lot of effort, relying on this island chain to establish a solid line of defense.

   On weekdays, this island chain is also an important stronghold for the Hailing faction to control the key points in the South China Sea.

   For so many years, the Sea Clan that was defeated by the Sea Spirit faction has been hiding in the depths of the ocean honestly, seemingly without the intention of making a comeback.

   Hailing faction high-level officials have not reduced their attention to this line of defense, often strengthening and strengthening it.

  Because this line of defense consumes a lot of resources, some people in the South China Sea League have quite a bit of comment on this.

   Now that the Sea Clan army is invading, it proves the foresight of the high-level Sea Spirit faction.

   It was precisely because this line of defense was in front that they bought enough time for the Hailing faction high-level leaders to mobilize the sect monks, recruit the power of the South China Sea League, and come for reinforcements.

   It is precisely because of this line of defense that the Sea Spirit faction has been able to keep the sea clan army out of the country when its strength is insufficient, insisting that it has not been defeated until now.

   When the figure of Meng Zhang appeared above this island chain, a routine offensive and defensive battle was underway.

   A large-scale marine army drove countless warships, braved the wind and waves, and rushed to the line of defense established by this human cultivator like a tide.

Although due to internal and external factors, when the Hailing faction mobilized the power of the South China Sea League this time, there was a tendency to mobilize it a, but the Hailing faction first sent a team of its own monks and arrived here at an extremely fast speed. , Stabilized the front.

   Then, with the prestige accumulated over the years, the Hailing faction overwhelmed all the opposition forces in the South China Sea Alliance, conscripted and organized an army of monks, arrived here in time, and joined the defense.

   Now, the entire cultivation force in the South China Sea is under the call of the South China Sea League to fully support this line of defense.

  Even though this line of defense is being attacked by the marine army, the rear reinforcements, whether human or material, are carried by flying boats, sea ships, etc., continuously rushing here.

   Meng Zhang did not rush into the war, but took a closer look at the top.

  According to what Lu Tianshu said earlier, as well as Meng Zhang’s observations, so far, the true dragons have not directly participated in the war.

   Now all the members of the sea clan launching the attack are pure sea clan from low-level to high-level.

   The Sea Clan was defeated by the Hailing faction that year, and suffered heavy losses and severely damaged vitality. They were expelled from the South China Sea.

   After so many years, this group of men may have recovered a bit from the defeat, but it is still far behind the heyday.

   The current Hailing faction is at its weakest time, no longer the courage of the past, and can barely block the opponent.

   Of course, this is because the true dragons did not participate in the war in a big way.

   Otherwise, the Hailing faction may have long been unable to resist it.

   Moreover, even if the true dragons did not directly participate in the war, the war was still cruel and bloody.

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