The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2107: Tentative

The Chi Yin Sword Shaman commonly used by Meng Zhang is still nourishing in the underworld, absorbing the yin evil spirit from the underworld.

   Treasures such as the Ziyang Sacred Fire are not suitable for use in Junchen Realm, and it cannot be exposed that they have fallen into the hands of Meng Zhang.

   He placed the Ziyang Holy Fire in the Taiyimen Sun and Moon Blessed Land, and used its power to nurture the Sun and Moon Blessed Land.

   Aurora Usuo is more suitable for dark calculations, and it is not the time to use it.


   Although there is no such thing as offering magic weapons, Meng Zhangshi has shown his true abilities in the Taiji Yin-Yang picture of the world.

   Meng Zhang is very struggling to deal with a powerful enemy like Shanggang Dragon King.

   Although Meng Zhang has some hole cards and assassins, he can't use it rashly.

   So far, the two sides seem to be fighting very lively, but neither side has much intention to kill, and both have reservations.

   In other words, both sides are still testing each other's reality at this time.

   Yin and Yang two qi jumped out of the Tai Chi Yin and Yang map, turning into a pike and swept toward the Ganglong King.

   The Dragon King roared, and a looming shadow of the giant dragon appeared behind him, and he fought with Yin and Yang.

   Compared to Meng Zhang, who is a bit strenuous, Ganglong Wang seems to be able to move forward and retreat easily.

   Judging from the scene, Ganglongwang has a greater advantage.

   Of course, the Dragon King Gang did not start to despise Meng Zhang just because he had a little advantage.

   The information on those well-known monks in Junchen Realm is in the hands of the Dragon King.

   In particular, monks like Meng Zhang who were not born in the Holy Land sect, nor were they born in the Heavenly Palace sect, but have been contending with the Holy Land sect, have always been the focus of his attention.

   Judging by the age standard of rebirth, Meng Zhang is amazingly young.

   If you compare the longevity of the real dragons, Meng Zhang is just a child.

  Many human races admire the extraordinary talents of the real dragon race. They are born with powerful powers, and their bloodlines give them all kinds of magical abilities...

   But a person of insight in the dragon race like the Ganglong King, never arrogant, can soberly recognize the problems of his own race, and be able to value the advantages of other races.

  In the eyes of King Ganglong, the human race is uniquely endowed with superior talents and is the most suitable race for cultivation.

   Among the cultivators of the human race, there are many talents, and they can often nurture extraordinary powers.

   Characters like Meng Zhang, among the true dragons, it is difficult to find a comparable existence.

   What is hateful is that people like Meng Zhang will be born from time to time in the human race.

   If it is absolutely necessary, the true dragons are not suitable for taking over the deadly enemies with the cultivators of the human race, and there is no need to be at odds with them.

  If you have to deal with the human race, you can't do it without thinking, but you have to pay attention to strategy.

   There are many internal contradictions among the cultivators of the human race, and there are countless hatreds and grievances. This has something to use.

   In addition, now that extraterritorial invaders from all over the world are aggressively attacking Junchen Realm, there is really no need for the true dragon clan to go head-to-head with the human cultivators at this time.

  Snipe and clam fight, and the fisherman gains, only then can we reduce our own losses.

   The old-fashioned and prudent viewpoint of the Gang Dragon King has many supporters and many opponents within the true dragon clan.

   is probably inherently powerful, causing many members of the true dragon clan to be confused by the power, becoming arrogant and imposing.

   They think that the mere cultivators of the human race can resist the noble real dragon race.

   In the past, the true dragon clan allowed the human cultivators to rule the Junchen Realm. It was a shameful surrender, and it was a shame for the entire clan.

   Old people like Gang Longwang have been smoothed out by the years, lost their fighting spirit, and become too weak.

   If it hadn't been for the suppression of the real dragon clan's high-level leaders, the young and strong faction in the clan would have already broken out an all-out war with the human cultivators.

   This time the True Dragon Clan drove the Sea Clan to launch an offensive against the Human Clan cultivators, but the Dragon King did not agree with it.

   It's just that for so many years, the human cultivators have pressed on step by step, annihilating many of the sea tribes, and drove the remnants of the sea tribe to the depths of the ocean, which has long aroused strong anger within the true dragon clan.

   It depends on the owner to beat the dog. The human cultivator is so careful, so it doesn't give the true dragon clan face, the true dragon clan absolutely can't bear it anymore.

   The arrogant real dragon clan seems to have forgotten the fact that they have urged the sea clan to attack the territories of the human race many times.

   Dragon King Gang also knows that the dissatisfaction within the clan has been suppressed for a long time, and there must be a channel for venting, otherwise there will be problems.

   He had no choice but to agree to this attack, but he did not expect that some of the true dragons in the clan would actually go into battle shirtless and personally command the sea clan army.

   If it is simply a sea army attacking a human cultivator, the situation can still be controlled.

   The true dragon clan participated in the war in person, and it is very likely that a full-scale battle with the human cultivators would break out.

   The time has not yet arrived, and it is not suitable for a full-scale battle with the human cultivators. Otherwise, it will only be in vain for invaders from outside the territory.

  The real dragon clan seniors have long regarded Junchen Realm as their own pocket. Those extraterritorial invaders who invade Junchen Realm are also the objects that the real dragon clan needs to drive away or even destroy in the future.

   It's just that the extraterritorial invaders still have utility value, and the true dragons still need them to deal with the human cultivators.

   In order to control the scale of the war and prevent a full-scale war with the human cultivators in advance, the Dragon King rushed to the front and took over the supreme command of the army.

As for the East China Sea, the Jade Dragon King who is in charge of the command is not a guy who can’t distinguish the importance ~ and the sacred sects of Zhenhai Temple and other holy land have already invested in the battle. Not much cheaper.

   On the South China Sea side, the Hailing faction has been severely weakened. If the true dragon clan directly participated in the battle, the Hailing faction would definitely not be able to resist it.

   If the sea tribe army completely occupy the South China Sea and then massacre, it will only trigger a greater conflict with the human cultivators.

   If the sea tribe army pursues victory and attacks from the South China Sea to the mainland, then the war may expand, which will seriously go against the wishes of King Ganglong.

   The Gang Dragon King had always suppressed the members of the true dragon clan and prevented them from directly participating in the war.

   The Dragon King just wants to wait for the response of the human cultivators to test their bottom line.

   If the high-level human cultivators have not provided support to the South China Sea, the Sea Clan army will, with the support of the true dragon, eliminate the human cultivating forces headed by the Sea Spirit faction, and completely occupy the South China Sea.

   The Dragon King Gang is not a good man, he has advantages to take advantage of, and he will not let it go easily.

   If the high-level human cultivator reacts violently and promptly removes reinforcements, and refuses to give way to this area of ​​the South China Sea, as soon as the Dragon King meets, he will accept it, and he will stop at it.

   Still the same sentence, now is not the time for a full-scale battle with the human cultivators.

   What the Dragon King didn't expect was that the high-level human cultivators didn't heavily reinforce the South China Sea, but instead sent the fellow Meng Zhang.

   The strength of Meng Zhang is also a bit beyond the expectations of the Dragon King.

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