The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2108: thought

The Dragon King Gang had previously known information about Meng Zhang, but he had not personally interacted with him.

   Now that I have played with Meng Zhang, I know that this young man is not an easy one.

   The real combat power he showed was far stronger than the paper.

   To defeat Meng Zhang, the Dragon King Kong must show his real hole cards.

   And Ganglong King faintly felt that Meng Zhang also had his hole cards hidden in his body, which brought him a huge sense of threat.

   Those with advanced cultivation level, even if they have never practiced the secret counting method, they will often have a certain amount of inspiration to avoid bad luck.

   True dragons with pure bloodlines are regarded as divine beasts, and the natural induction of divine beasts is particularly acute.

   Therefore, up to now, the Dragon King saw that Meng Zhang did not show any flaws, and he had been dealing with the law, so he had no desire to fight with him.

   Moreover, the appearance of Meng Zhang made the Ganglong King a little confused.

   To say that the high-level human cultivators don't pay attention to the South China Sea, then Meng Zhang is also a great power in the late stage of returning to the void.

   The high-level human cultivator sent him to support Nanhai, and it can’t be said wrong.

  I want to say that the top human race attaches great importance to the South China Sea, so why did not send a stronger team in time for reinforcements, but only sent Meng Zhang?

   Could it be that the high-level human cultivators really thought that a mere Meng Zhang would be able to stop the many powerful men of the true dragon clan?

   The wrangling of the Tiangong and the sects of the holy land is not a glorious thing, and the two sides will naturally not publicize it.

  Although the true dragons have reliable sources of information within the human cultivators, due to various restrictions, many high-level secrets of the human cultivators cannot be transmitted to the true dragons in time.

  Gang Longwang looks rough on the outside, but on the inside it is very delicate.

   From the origin of Meng Zhang, he guessed that the current situation may be related to the internal fighting of the human cultivators.

  Although he is still fighting with Meng Zhang, but Ganglongwang's mind has been put on other things.

  Perhaps, the contradictions among the human cultivators are bigger than I thought.

   Is there anything I can use in the middle?

   Compared to causing civil strife in the human race, letting them fight inwardly, the gains and losses of the South China Sea, are of no importance at all.

  Meng Zhang felt very keen, and soon discovered that King Ganglong was distracted.

   Meng Zhang was taken aback for a moment, and then a huge sense of humiliation surged into his heart, making him very angry.

   When the Dragon King Gang was fighting with him, he was still able to distract him and think about his own thoughts. This was obviously because he didn't put Meng Zhang in his eyes and thought that Meng Zhang had nothing to do with him.

   Anger returns to anger, but Meng Zhang did not lose his mind.

   He quickly controlled his emotions and temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart.

   Meng Zhang had to admit that there was still a gap between his cultivation base and the Ganglong King.

   Even if the Gang Dragon King didn't put all his energy into it, he could still force Meng Zhang to a disadvantage.

   If Meng Zhang didn't show his real hole cards, he wouldn't be able to win the Dragon King.

  Meng Zhang didn't faint again. How could it be that because of the anger in his heart, he took out the last hole cards and played endlessly with the Dragon King.

  Looking at the appearance of the Dragon King, and without the mind of a death fight, Meng Zhang can also save a little effort.

   Still the same sentence, Meng Zhang doesn't need to take over the death feud with the true dragon family, he should try to avoid the endless death fight.

  Meng Zhang and Ganglong King are both sensitive people, and they have faintly guessed the other side's mind from the attitude of their opponents.

   There is a certain tacit understanding between the two sides unknowingly.

   The two of them seem to be fighting fiercely, the scene is vast, the momentum is shocking, but in fact there is no killing intent.

   Those who return to the Void of the Sea Clan and the Sea Spirit School have insufficient eyesight, so naturally they can't see the inside story.

   They just think that the fighting power of both sides is really strong, and they can fight so fiercely.

  Especially the few strong Sea Clan returning to the Void, Meng Zhang, who was able to beat the Dragon King, left a strong impression in their hearts, making them extremely jealous.

   Hailing faction's Void Returning Powers secretly prayed in their hearts, hoping that Meng Zhang would be able to withstand such powerful enemies as the Dragon King.

   Even the true dragons who watched the battle did not find anything wrong.

  Only those who have enough individual cultivation bases, have clever eyesight, and have a deep understanding of the Dragon King, can faintly feel that something is wrong.

   In any case, the true dragon family has an absolute advantage here.

   Meng Zhang and Gang Longwang singled out, and it seemed that they had fallen into a disadvantage.

   There are such a group of real dragons who are strong in returning to the Void, who surrounds Meng Zhang in a vague manner, obviously they have no good intentions.

   If the Dragon King is shameless and lets this group of people embrace him, it will be difficult for Meng Zhang to escape.

  Don't tell me, just now the Dragon King has really moved his mind in this regard.

   This kind of complicated mind is easy for him to change his mind.

   He is now thinking about the benefits and disadvantages of killing Meng Zhang here.

  The heroes of the human race like Meng Zhang have a bright future.

   If he were to be killed here, it would inevitably cause huge losses to the human cultivators, and maybe it would also shake the luck of the human race.

  Although Meng Zhang may have hidden a powerful killer move, this does not necessarily require the Dragon King to parry.

   There are so many real dragons in the vicinity of the Void-Returning Powerful, it is completely possible for others to parry Meng Zhang's hidden killer moves.

   If you can kill Meng Zhang and sacrifice a true dragon clan, it is not impossible to return to the

   One life for another, this kind of business doesn't seem to be a loss.

   It's just that without a target like Meng Zhang, we have to find another target to cause civil unrest among the cultivators of the human race.

   Is it worth it?

   The Dragon King was very tangled in his heart.

   Meng Zhang, who was easily responding to the attack by the Dragon King, was keenly aware of the change in the opponent's mind.

   When Meng Zhang had a low-level cultivation base, he possessed the innate and supernatural powers to see through people's hearts.

   On his path of cultivation, this talented supernatural power has given him a great help, allowing him to avoid many murderous opportunities.

   With the continuous improvement of cultivation level, the level of enemies Meng Zhang faces is getting higher and higher.

   In most cases, the more advanced the cultivation is, the less likely it is for others to see through the mind.

   Although Meng Zhang's talents and supernatural powers have also improved, it seems that many times they have no use for them.

   In fact, Meng Zhang's true skills are far beyond many people's imagination.

   Even if he can't easily see through the minds of enemies of the same rank, he retains a keen sense of malice and can judge good and evil very accurately.

   The Dragon King Gang had a murderous intent on Meng Zhang in his heart, and Meng Zhang quickly noticed it.

   Originally, the two sides were still very tacitly involved, and they were playing happily. Why did the other side move to kill?

   As expected, the heart of the dragon is sinister, and you can't relax your vigilance against the real dragons.

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