The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2109: Formation threat

Meng Zhang sighed helplessly.

   If it wasn't forced, he really didn't want to use the fairy talisman bestowed by Xianyun Zhenxian.

   At this moment, the sound of rolling thunder suddenly came from high in the sky, and the thunderclouds were rapidly condensing...

   It seems that Tiangong still has not forgotten Meng Zhang, and is still trying to help him as much as possible.

  Although it is arguing with the sects of the sacred land, Tiangong is not good at sending reinforcements directly.

   But the monks of the Tiangong family urged the Tianwei Lei Xing Array, which is regarded as cheering for Meng Zhang, and also as providing support for Meng Zhang.

   Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array is one of the powerful weapons for the Heavenly Palace to dominate the Junchen Realm.

   Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array possesses extremely strong sensing ability, and can sense the aura of battle of Junchen Realm's return to the Void level in time.

   If necessary, the Tiangong monks who control the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array can drop the sky thunder and bombard various targets.

   In the past, the entire Junchen Realm did not allow a battle of returning to the imaginary progression. Otherwise, it will be punished by Tianwei Lei Xingzhen.

   In recent years, Tiangong had to relax the corresponding restrictions step by step.

   Terran cultivators fought against foreign enemies, and the battle of returning to the Void was unavoidable and could not be completely banned.

The biggest function of    Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array has become to prevent the civil war of the human cultivators from breaking out of the battle of returning to the void.

   But the last time the major sacred sects launched a large-scale cleansing operation to eliminate dissidents and eliminate the power of returning to the void among the opponents, it is a complete break of this rule.

   Even though the monks of the Tiangong family regained control of the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array later, they reiterated various rules again.

   However, once the rules are broken, it is difficult to completely make up for it.

   The Void Returning Powers in the Junchen Realm are getting weaker and weaker in awe of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

   Even Meng Zhang often feels that Tianwei Lei Xing Array is not of much benefit to practitioners.

   Now, the monks of the Tiangong family urged Tianwei Lei Xing Array to cheer for Meng Zhang, but Meng Zhang changed a lot.

  Perhaps, the monk who controls the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array may not dare to control the sky thunder to fall and bombard the strong of the real dragon clan.

   But at least they put up such a posture, it was considered a kind of support for Meng Zhang.

   The Dragon King, who had originally murdered Meng Zhang, saw the thundercloud condensing in the sky, and couldn't help frowning.

   Tianwei Thunder Penalty Formation poses a greater threat to the monks in the early and middle stages of Returning Void.

   The monks in the late stage of returning to the Void, such as the Dragon King, can resist the bombardment of the sky thunder summoned by him.

   What he worries about is not the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array itself, but the activation of the formation, which represents the meaning in the middle.

   This may be that Tiangong is demonstrating to himself, showing its strength; it may also be that Meng Zhang has a close relationship with Tiangong, and Tiangong is supporting him...

   The vast majority of creatures in the world have a certain fear of thunder.

  Especially the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array brings together the power of the heavens and the earth, and the Heavenly Lightning it recruits has the momentum to execute punishment on behalf of the heavens.

   Even if the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array did not formally launch an attack, its breathtaking aura has already spread.

   The strong men of the true dragon clan who faintly surrounded Meng Zhang on the outside could not completely ignore such Tianwei, and there was some commotion among them.

  Perhaps, it is difficult for the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array to kill the Ganglong King, but bombarding other powerful players of the true dragon clan can create good results.

   Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array is activated, indicating that Tiangong has begun to notice this side.

   Even if the Gang Dragon King pulled his face down and led the group of real dragons to besiege Meng Zhang, under the interference of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array, he might not be able to kill him.

   What's more, if Tiangong dispatches strong men to fight in time, it is very likely to trigger a full-scale battle with human cultivators.

   The Dragon King Gang always felt that the time for a decisive battle with the human cultivators was not yet reached, and he still needed to endure silently.

   After thinking clearly in his mind, the killing intent of the Dragon King quickly dissipated.

   Meng Zhang, who was fighting the Dragon King, quickly noticed it.

   Although he has the fairy talisman as his hole card, Meng Zhang does not want to fight the real dragon clan at this time.

   Just as the Dragon King's killing intent disappeared, Meng Zhang also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Although the Dragon King Gang has always had the upper hand and seemed to have suppressed Meng Zhang, it is not easy to defeat Meng Zhang completely.

   Knowing that it doesn't make much sense to continue fighting, and the purpose of testing Meng Zhang's strength has long been achieved. As soon as the Dragon King lost his intent to fight, he wanted to end the battle.

   Meng Zhang had the intention to fight more with Ganglong King.

  Meng Zhang, who was only in the late stage of Advanced Void Return, just needs the power of the same level to fight against him, increase his combat experience, and hone his combat skills.

   Especially the strong of the real dragon family like the Dragon King, who has experienced many battles and various methods are endless, and he is really a good opponent.

   Dragon King Gang has no idea of ​​practicing with Meng Zhang.

   He has the upper hand, he has a lot of initiative, and he can move forward and retreat freely.

   He forced Meng Zhang back with a few moves, so he took the initiative to withdraw from the battle.

   Gang Long Wang didn't want to continue, it was even more impossible for Meng Zhang to stay entangled.

   A seemingly earth-shattering battle ended so easily.

   Dragon King Gang said seemingly casually: "Boy, since you don't know how to promote and refuse to accept the old man's kindness, the old man is too lazy to talk nonsense."

   "When you suffer, you will naturally know the kindness of the old man."

   The Dragon King Gang thought he had put down his posture just now, and Haosheng persuaded him.

   But Meng Zhang still refused to take refuge in the Dragon Clan.

   However, since the killing intent in his heart dissipated, Dragon King Gang began to think about how he would win over Meng Zhang and let him create chaos within the It doesn’t matter that Meng Zhang refuses now. Dragon King Gang will have a chance in the future.

   The Dragon King didn't say much, and returned to the rear of the sea clan army with a group of unwilling real dragons.

   Meng Zhang looked at their backs thoughtfully.

   Meng Zhang didn't feel that he had the upper hand and forced them back.

   They took the initiative to retreat, they must have their own calculations.

   Meng Zhang glanced around and sighed deeply.

   He and the Dragon King hadn't fought for a long time, and the two sides didn't want to destroy them, but even so, it still caused huge damage to the surroundings, as if a natural disaster had come.

   The battle is over, the space in the sky is still shaking and vibrating, and countless space cracks are faintly visible.

   The waves below are surging, and the huge waves that have been set off have not yet subsided.

   Several small islands were blasted to pieces by the aftermath of the battle, and were completely wiped out in the huge waves.

   The earthquake on the bottom of the sea has not subsided so far, and it is faintly visible that there are many more gullies on the bottom of the sea.


   It's no wonder that whether it's the heavenly palace or the sects of the sacred land, they have always tried to avoid the eruption of the Void Returning War in the Junchen Realm.

   Return to the Void is capable of unscrupulously launching a battle in Junchen Realm, and the damage to the surrounding environment is too great.

   What Meng Zhang saw was nothing.

   The long, large-scale battle of returning to the Void, the damage to the origin of Jun Chen Realm is truly terrible.

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