The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2110: Sparring

The battle between the Dragon King and Meng Zhang ended, and the thunderclouds and thunder in the sky soon disappeared.

   That is the power of the monks who control the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array in converging the formation.

   The loss of launching the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array is not small. Even if you don't launch an attack, just making a gesture, it is also a big burden for the Tiangong who is currently in short supply.

   The Dragon King Gang led the strong of the true dragon clan to retreat and temporarily truce with Meng Zhang. However, as slaves, the sea people did not dare to truce at will without receiving a clear order.

   The marine army underneath is still continuing to violently attack the human line of defense.

   When the Tianwei Thunder Xing Formation was mobilized just now, there were a small number of sensitive guys in the lower sea clan who noticed the huge threat brought by the great formation, and all kinds of actions were stopped.

   Now the breath of the big formation disappeared, and they started the battle of life and death again.

   Although the Hai Clan has a deep hatred with the Hai Ling faction, they are so desperate, but it is not only because of hatred.

   The real dragon clan is extremely strict under the control and the methods are cruel.

   Under his watch, there are no people who dare to be lazy in the sea clan army.

   The Void Returning Powers of the Sea Clan are in a slightly better situation, but they are limited.

   In addition to maintaining a confrontation with the Human Race Returning to the Void, they also have to fight each other from time to time.

   Although neither of the Void Returning Powers of both sides have suffered casualties so far, this does not mean that they will be very relaxed.

   Whether it was the sudden appearance of Meng Zhang, or the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array that was later mobilized, it brought them a lot of pressure, letting them know that the human cultivators had the power to kill them.

   These sea clan's return to virtual abilities are also life-saving generations.

   If it were not for the intimidation of the True Dragons, even if they had a deep hatred with the Hailing faction, they would not dare to return to the South China Sea at will and launch an attack on the Humans.

   After the battle with the Dragon King, Meng Zhang appeared next to the Hailing Daoist, the head of the Hailing School.

   Perceiving Meng Zhang's movements, those Sea Clan's return to Void abilities are extremely vigilant.

   Gang Dragon King Although they were behind, Gang Long King still cast a warning to Meng Zhang.

   If Meng Zhang is able to return to the void from these sea races, then the true dragon race will never sit back and watch.

   With the strength of Meng Zhang, if the real dragon clan does not intervene, it can completely break the balance of the battle.

   The Dragon King Gang had to maintain the pressure on the human cultivators, and of course he would not allow Meng Zhang to change the situation.

   Meng Zhang did not intend to attack the Sea Clan's return to the virtual power, but chatted with Haiyang Taoist.

   Both of them are heads of the same school, and both can fully represent their own sects.

   When the two talked, some red tape was inevitable.

   Haiyang Taoist first thanked Meng Zhang for a good life, and then introduced him to the current situation in detail.

   What Daoist Haiyang said is not much different from what Zhenjun Lu Tianshu said before, except that Daoist Haiyang has been at the forefront and has a clearer picture of his own casualties.

   This is almost as Meng Zhang expected.

   If the true dragon clan does not take part in the battle, the sea clan army seems to be on a fierce offensive, but within a short period of time, it will not be able to break through the immediate line of defense.

   Hailing faction is strong in its own right, and the South China Sea League under its dominance has many self-cultivation powers.

   Although the frontline has suffered heavy casualties, the various supports from the rear are still being delivered continuously.

   Due to some small actions behind the Zhenhai Temple, a lot of problems have arisen within the South China Sea League.

  Some comprehension forces have violated the Hailing faction's right and wrong, which caused the Hailing faction to recruit various materials and organize an army of monks, etc., which was hindered to a certain extent.

   The high-ranking cultivators of the Sea Spirit faction basically fight the sea clan army on the front line, and they are temporarily unable to quell internal problems.

   Fortunately, the prestige of the Hailing Sect is still there. Most of the leaders of the cultivation forces in the South China Sea League are also sensible people, knowing the truth about the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth.

   If the Sea Clan army defeats the Sea Spirit faction and returns to the South China Sea again, then all comprehension forces will suffer.

   Maybe, the Terran cultivators will no longer be able to gain a foothold in the South China Sea and have to flee their homes.

   Hailing faction resists the invasion of the sea tribe army and has a righteous reputation.

  Many cultivating forces who understand the meaning and understand the overall situation are still actively supporting them.

   As time goes by, the more reinforcements come from all over the South China Sea, the stronger this line of defense will become.

   The biggest problem with the situation in the South China Sea, or where it is uncertain, is whether the true dragons will fully participate in the war.

   Under the circumstances that Meng Zhang didn't use the fairy talisman, once the true dragon clan participated in the war, the Hailing faction would inevitably lose out.

   Even if Meng Zhang uses the fairy talisman, it may not necessarily be able to beat the real dragon family.

   The true dragon family with a long history and strong foundation must also have a lot of cards.

   Of course, there shouldn't be much problem with Meng Zhang's self-protection.

   Even if the worst happens, he is sure to cover the high-level retreat of the Hailing faction.

   The dispute between Tiangong and the sects of the holy land does not know when it will end.

   Prior to this, Meng Zhang was all dependent on the overall situation of the South China Sea.

  Meng Zhang has limited abilities and can do little, and he can only try to maintain the status quo.

   In the next time, Meng Zhang will sit here for the time being to guard against the attacks of the true dragons.

   Regarding the battle between the Sea Clan army and the Terran monks, he really couldn't be distracted.

   Dragon King Gang did not let Meng Zhang idle.

   Soon after, the strong dragons under his men challenged Meng Zhang one after another.

  Meng Zhang naturally can't avoid the battle, only actively challenge.

  The cultivation bases of these real dragons are not as good as Meng They are just the cultivation bases of the early and middle stages of Void Return.

   Therefore, they did not fight Meng Zhang alone, but joined forces in twos and threes and divided into several teams to fight Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang doesn't matter, it's just a means to see the real dragons.

   The strength of these dragon clan powerhouses is not weak, and each has a life-saving hole card.

   The most important thing is that there is King Ganglong next to him personally opposing the formation, even if Meng Zhang is murderous, it is difficult to act.

   They fight fiercely, but they will not worry about their lives.

   These powerful dragons are all elites in the clan, and they are used to being arrogant in the clan, and many of them are arrogant.

  Meng Zhang's strength has been recognized by King Gang Long, and King Long Gang wants to use his hand to temper these guys.

  Furthermore, the true dragon clan is bound to have a full-scale battle with the human cultivators in the future.

   Now let these guys who are used to fighting within the clan and the same clan to see the skills of the human cultivators and accumulate combat experience, which will be of great benefit to future battles.

   Next, Meng Zhang started a series of battles with the strong of the true dragon clan.

   They fought a battle every three to five, and both sides showed a lot of real skills.

   In this way, Meng Zhang has actually become the de facto training partner for these real dragon powerhouses.

   Of course, such continuous battles are also of great benefit to Meng Zhang.

  He can also accumulate experience in fighting against real dragon powerhouses and hone his fighting skills.

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