The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2125: Anger

After this investigation, the Taiyimen high-level officials discovered that the dark alliance above the Taiyimen territory was actually under their own eyes, evading their own supervision, and introducing and shielding a lot of demonic repairs.

   Among the demons discovered this time, some were even members of the Dark Alliance themselves.

   With the help of the dark alliance branch, these magic repairs lurked well above the Taiyimen territory.

   This made the Taiyimen high-level anger extremely angry, and some people even demanded that all the forces belonging to the dark alliance on the territory be cleared directly.

   The news reached Meng Zhang, which surprised him. Why is the Dark Alliance so unwise?

   The relationship between Meng Zhang and the dark alliance can be said to be very deep.

   True Monarch Fallen Leaves and Master Jue Shadow, who were born in the dark alliance, were friends whom Meng Zhang met at the end of his life. They had been a great help to Meng Zhang. Both sides had a friendship of fighting side by side and being born to death.

   Because of their relationship, there was a honeymoon period between Taiyimen and the local black market.

   After the Taiyimen entered the Nine Music League, Meng Zhang directly participated in the internal fighting in the black market and became friends with True Monarch Shushan.

   Taiyi Gate rose in the north and became the regional overlord. The Dark League branch in its territory was led by True Monarch Shushan.

   Taiyimen and the dark alliance branch are also closely related.

   Later, True Monarch Fallen Leaf and Master Jue Shadow failed in an internal fight in the dark alliance and fled to the Taiyimen territory to take shelter in Meng Zhang.

   Although the senior leaders of the dark alliance were very angry, they even sent an assassin to assassinate Meng Zhang. However, due to the relationship with True Monarch Shushan, the dark alliance branch in the Taiyimen territory did not participate in the relevant operations and still maintained friendly relations with the Taiyimen.

   Later, the internal struggle in the dark alliance eased, and Zhenjun Luo and Jueying master and apprentice who had sheltered in Meng Zhang returned to the dark alliance one after another.

   For many years after this, they broke contact with Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang, who is busy with business, cannot pay attention to the whereabouts and status of every friend.

   True Monarch Shushan was transferred back to the headquarters of the Dark Alliance after he advanced to the Yang Shen stage.

   Now presides over the dark alliance branches in the Taiyimen territory, is a late-stage primordial monk named Fire Sparrow True Monarch.

   True Monarch Firebird once came to visit Taiyimen when he took office.

   Meng Zhang didn't bother to pay attention to him, and handed it to Niu Dawei to deal with.

   True Monarch Firefinch is very respectful to Niu Dawei, and even more respectful to Taiyi Sect.

   For many years to come, he has been honestly observing the rules of Taiyimen, almost never going wrong.

   Taiyimen acquiesced to the existence of the dark alliance branch in the territory, allowing the black market to conduct some underground transactions that would not harm the interests of the Taiyimen.

  Many senior leaders in the cultivation world understand the truth that blocking is worse than sparse, knowing that illegal transactions on their own territories cannot be completely eliminated.

   Leaving channels like the black market can give these dark things a place to vent without letting the situation go out of control, and you can maintain general control over it.

   Actually, the black market branches in the realm of comprehension have been doing very well.

   If there is some situation involving the overlord of the area, they will communicate with him in time.

   This time, the dark alliance branch above the Taiyimen territory, hiding from the Taiyimen to cause such a big incident, it is rare in the entire cultivation world.

   If it's other forces, Niu Dawei and other high-level Taiyimen will deal with it directly.

  Dark Alliance is one of the top forces in the realm of comprehension.

   Niu Dawei did not call the shots without authorization, but made a report to Meng Zhang.

   With the higher the level of cultivation and status, the higher the level of information mastered.

   In the eyes of previous Meng Zhang, the Dark Alliance is an extremely mysterious, extremely powerful, and seemingly unfathomable terrorist force.

   From his perspective today, the dark alliance is nothing great.

   As far as Meng Zhang knows, the dark alliance is also a force from the spiritual world, and the dark alliance in the Junchen world is just a branch.

   It is said that in all the big worlds under Lingkong Immortal Realm, there are basically dark alliance branches.

   The dark alliance has a deep background, and the immortals on the spiritual sky fairy world have acquiesced to its existence.

   But this is not the Lingkong Immortal Realm, but the Junchen Realm that hangs alone.

   In the Junchen Realm, the Dark Alliance is no longer strong, can there be those sacred sects that are strong?

   Taiyi Sect has been hostile to the Holy Land Zongmen for many years, and Meng Zhang has killed more than one person from the Holy Land Zongmen.

   Taiyi Sect is still standing proudly in Junchen Realm, and Meng Zhang is getting stronger and stronger for a day.

   The dark alliance will not make Meng Zhang too jealous.

   If the dark alliance abides by the rules, Meng Zhang can acquiesce to its existence.

   The dark league broke its rules this time, and naturally it lost the qualification to gain a foothold in the Taiyimen territory.

   Meng Zhang’s attitude is very clear. Starting today, the dark alliance and its surrounding organizations will not be allowed to exist in the Taiyimen territory.

   Next, Niu Dawei will personally preside over the dark alliance branch in the Taiyimen territory to carry out a comprehensive cleanup, in order to uproot it.

   Meng Zhang gave an order, and Taiyimen's huge war machine immediately began to act.

   As a huge organization with forces covering almost the entire cultivation world, the dark alliance has a large number of members and an endless stream of powerful people at all levels.

   On the vast territory of Taiyimen, there are many strongholds in the dark alliance.

  Of course, according to the practice of the cultivation world, these seemingly hidden strongholds must be reported to the Taiyimen at the beginning of the construction.

  Especially where the black market is located everywhere, no matter how secret it is, as long as it is traded externally, it is impossible not to show its traces.

Niu Dawei committed suicide and went to the largest dark alliance stronghold in Taiyimen territory, and it was also the home of the principal of the Lord Lord Firebird probably received the news a long time ago. Has left early.

   Don't think Niu Dawei is a kind and honest person on weekdays. Once he gets angry, it is quite frightening.

   threw an empty cow with great anger, and directly razed this stronghold to the ground.

   After that, he issued a wanted order and offered a reward for the capture of King Firefinch: he personally led the team to clear and suppress other strongholds of the dark alliance.

   True Monarch Firefinch was also a great monk in the late Yuanshen, he wanted to hide it, so it was not easy to find out.

   If you want to take him down, you must also dispatch a corresponding master.

   Taiyimen's Qing suppression team, very smoothly took down the known dark alliance strongholds one by one.

   Taiyimen killed many members of the dark alliance in the battle and captured more members.

   All prisoners must undergo strict interrogation and identification.

   Anyone who has practiced magic skills and fell into the magic way must all be put to death.

   Those monks who have nothing to do with the magic way can be temporarily imprisoned, waiting for the next step.

   Hidden organizations such as the Dark Alliance, even if they behave honestly on weekdays, they will have reservations and will not tell Taiyimen all their secret strongholds.

   The Taiyi Gate used to be confused on the surface, but secretly, the monks in the dark hall in the door were sent out to track down the secret strongholds of the dark alliance.

   These dark hall monks who are proficient in sneaking and spying have indeed achieved many results and have mastered many secret strongholds deliberately hidden by the dark alliance.

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