The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2126: Tianji

Through the organization of the dark hall, Taiyimen has mastered a lot of information about the dark league branch, and collected it well.

   Now, this information is useful.

   In the process of Taiyimen clearing and suppressing the various strongholds of the dark alliance, the monks of the dark hall were dispatched and joined in the operations.

   Speaking of it, when the Taiyimen Secret Hall was first established, the training methods used came from the dark alliance, and in many ways it was also imitating the dark alliance. The owner of the dark alliance, An Moran, had also received guidance from Jueying, who was born in the dark alliance.

   After years of development, taking advantage of the rapid development of Taiyimen, Antang is also developing rapidly, becoming stronger day by day.

   In many respects, the dark hall has surpassed the teacher of the dark league, and it can even be said that the blue is better than the blue.

   In the process of fighting outside the Taiyimen and dealing with various opponents, the monks in the dark hall made a great contribution.

   If you talk about the elite of the headquarters of the dark alliance, Taiyimen dark hall may be a little bit short of its background. Now dealing with the dark alliance's higher local branch, the Taiyimen dark hall monk had the upper hand, and soon took the initiative.

   There are fewer and fewer dark alliance strongholds on the Taiyimen territory. Those hidden dark alliance members slowly lose their hiding place, and one after another is caught.

   What makes the Taiyimen seniors feel very sorry that so far has not found the whereabouts of True Monarch Huoque, the principal of the Dark League branch.

   The Taiyi Sect seniors knew in their hearts that no matter how the Taiyi Sect was traced, it would be difficult to find all the secret strongholds of the Dark Alliance.

   If a great monk like the true monarch of the fire bird hides his heart, it will be difficult to find out its whereabouts in a short time.

   If he had escaped from the Taiyimen territory long ago and returned to the Dark League headquarters, there would be no other way.

   As the Taiyi Gate becomes stronger and stronger, the horizons of the middle and high level of the gate are also improving, and they know a lot of the hidden power of the realm of comprehension.

  The existence of the Tianji Master is no secret in the upper echelons of Taiyimen.

   In the Taiyimen Cangjing Pavilion, there are classics for cultivating Tianji masters.

   Over the years, there have been countless manufacturable materials in Taiyimen.

   Among them, there are very few monks who have the qualifications to practice heavenly secrets.

   Taiyimen spent a lot of effort to cultivate a few celestial secretaries.

  The middle and high level of the door regarded these celestial pilots as the treasure and the trump card in the door, and they were reluctant to use them easily.

   After all, the ancient books in the Taiyimen collection clearly record the undesirable consequences of using the heavenly secret technique to the heavenly Secret Master.

   Now I have not been able to find the whereabouts of True Monarch Fire Sparrow, and there is a high-end power such as the heavenly secret technique that the middle and high level of the door wants to use.

   It is a pity that the few Heavenly Secret Masters currently possessed by Taiyimen are not high enough in their cultivation level and Heavenly Secret Skill.

  If they had to use the heavenly secret technique to calculate the whereabouts of True Lord Firefinch, I am afraid it would seriously consume their lifespan and even endanger their lives.

  Tian Jishi is a precious treasure of the sect, and it is very worthless to spend on this kind of thing.

  Most of the high-level members of the Taiyi Gate were unwilling to suffer damage to the celestial pilot in the gate.

Among the Taiyimen, only Niu Dawei had speculation about the identity of Meng Zhang Tianji.

   In addition, there are a few high-level officials who know that the Gu Yue family has the inheritance of the secret technique, and that Gu Yue Fenghua is a rare secret master.

  Guyue Fenghua is the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Yuanshen. If you pay a certain price, you should be able to calculate the whereabouts of True Lord Firefinch through the heavenly secret technique.

  Since the celestial jigsaw in the door was reluctant to consume, he had to turn to Gu Yue Fenghua for help, and at most he would give some compensation afterwards.

  Don’t look at Taiyimen’s senior officials who emphasized how equal and friendly members of the Hanhaidao League are. When the Taiyi Sect is in need, the vassal must have the consciousness of the vassal and sacrifice for the Taiyi Sect.

   After Meng Zhang knew about this, he ordered to stop the actions of these few high-level officials.

   This is not Meng Zhang's consideration of old feelings.

   Compared with the old sentiment and the interests of the sect, it is natural to make concessions for the interests of the sect.

   Meng Zhang has other arrangements for Gu Yue Fenghua, and he is ready to vigorously cultivate it and improve his cultivation level as soon as possible.

   If Gu Yue Fenghua at this time calculates a cultivator whose cultivation level is better than his own, his vitality will definitely be greatly damaged, which will affect his future cultivation.

  Meng Zhang hasn't used the Heaven's Secret Technique for many years, and it just happens to be itchy in his hands.

   After knowing the various taboos about the heavenly secret technique, Meng Zhang has always avoided using the heavenly secret technique at will.

   Generally speaking, if there is no other way to think of, he would never use the heavenly secret technique.

   Of course, since he has practiced the heavenly secret technique, it is impossible not to perform it forever.

   When needed, he will also use heavenly secret spells.

   The use of Heaven's Secret Art will cause Heaven's Backlash, and even cause calamity.

   In these years, Meng Zhang has accumulated a lot of merits of the Heavenly Dao, which can greatly offset the backlash of the Heavenly Dao.

  Moreover, this time the whereabouts of True Monarch Firebird is estimated because this person is related to the magic way.

   Taiyimen needs to find this guy, and interrogate why he wants to support demon repairs on the Taiyimen territory.

  The magic way is harmful to the entire world. Clearing the magic way is a natural act of responding to people, and it will be encouraged by the will of heaven.

   To be honest, Meng Zhang still has doubts in his heart.

   The collusion between the remaining forces of the Great Li Dynasty and the magic way can also be said to be a problem left over from history.

  Your secret alliance supports these magic repairs on the Taiyimen territory. What is the picture?

   Even if the dark alliance wants to support and cultivate magic repair, it can find other hidden places.

   In the vast Junchen Realm, there must be many such places.

   True Monarch Firefinch is doing trouble on the Taiyimen Do you think Taiyimen will never find out? Doesn't he know the serious consequences that Taiyimen will have after discovering it?

  Meng Zhang always felt that there was something hidden in it that he didn't know.

  Meng Zhang is the power in the late stage of Void Rebirth. Although the level of the Heavenly Mystery Technique cannot keep up with the level of cultivation, it is not a big problem to calculate the person or thing of Void Rebirth level.

   A cultivator in the late Primordial Spirit stage, it shouldn’t be a problem to figure out his whereabouts.

   Of course, if True Monarch Firefinch has escaped from the Taiyimen realm and returned to the headquarters of the Dark Alliance, then there is really no way.

   Although Meng Zhang has great confidence in himself, he does not want to rush into the headquarters of the dark alliance.

   However, Meng Zhang felt that it was unlikely that True Monarch Firebird would escape back to the headquarters of the Dark Alliance.

   Since Taiyimen began to completely clear away the magic power on the territory, it has tightly sealed all the long-distance teleportation arrays on the territory.

   If you want to use the long-distance teleportation circle, you must go through the strict examination of the Taiyimen monks.

   Now that the Junchen Realm and the invaders from outside the domain are fighting in the void, the Tiangong is also guarding the door closely, closely checking the visitors from all walks of life

   It is also not an easy task for ordinary true primordial primordial monarchs to enter the heavenly palace and transit through the heavenly palace.

   Taiyimen territory is very vast, but it is not so easy to cross.

   Get rid of these two ways, whether True Lord Fire Sparrow leaves through spatial Taoism or casts a clever escape technique, it will leave obvious traces.

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