The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2127: Dark Alliance Guest

Soon after the magic repair on the territory was exposed, the Taiyimen high-level officials immediately took action and adopted various countermeasures.

   In order to wipe out the magic repairs, Taiyimen had already tightly sealed off the border, and sent patrol teams to patrol the territory day and night.

   The high-ranking monks of Taiyimen had already been dispatched to closely monitor various movements in the territory.

   Of course, the Taiyimen territory is too vast, and the border with the outside world is too long.

   The cultivator Taiyimen couldn't seal the dripping water, and there are bound to be some loopholes.

   As the true master of the soul, there are too many ways to sneak through the blockade.

   However, if you want to quickly pass through the Taiyimen territory and escape directly to a distant place without leaving any traces, it is also not an easy task.

   At the very least, the various fluctuations left by the movement of high-level spells are not so easy to eliminate.

   Ether Gate's monitoring of the territory at this moment is very likely to detect these fluctuations.

   Although Meng Zhang has never dealt with True Monarch Huoque, he has heard from his subordinates that this person is a curious and cautious guy.

   For him, instead of venturing through the Taiyimen territory and leaving traces, it is better to find a place to hide temporarily and wait until the limelight passes before leaving the Taiyimen territory.

  The great cultivator of the late Yuanshen is extremely adaptable, just find a hole to go in, and hide for decades, it is not difficult.

   Without a clear clue, it is almost impossible to find it out.

   Therefore, Meng Zhang judged that True Monarch Firebird should still be hidden in the territory of Taiyimen.

   Now that Meng Zhang decided to cast the heavenly secret technique to find it out, he soon began to cast the spell.

   The heavenly secret technique practiced by Meng Zhang's practice is Dayan magical calculation with a mysterious origin.

   When he was just a little monk, he accidentally got this heavenly secret technique.

   The more he practiced, the more he felt the brilliance of this heavenly secret technique.

   On his path of spiritual practice, Dayan has helped him tremendously, saving his life many times.

   Even though he is already capable of returning to the void today, he still feels that this heavenly secret technique is unfathomable.

   When practicing this heavenly secret technique, one needs to meditate on weekdays and condense a kind of illusory calculations.

   When performing the Dayan calculations, according to the difficulty of the calculation target, it consumes a variety of calculation chips.

   When ordinary celestial secret masters use celestial secret technique to derive, they often have to pay various costs, such as vitality, longevity, and so on.

   Some evil celestial secretaries even use disgusting methods such as blood sacrifices.

   Dayan magic calculation only needs to consume the calculation chips accumulated in the weekdays. From this point alone, it is better than other heavenly secret arts.

   Moreover, after Meng Zhang's cultivation of Heaven's Ji Shu became more and more sophisticated, he also discovered another function of counting chips.

   That is, it can consume the calculation chips to offset the backlash of the heavens and delay the coming of the tribulation.

   For the Tianji Master, the backlash of the Heavenly Dao after performing the Heavenly Mystery Spell is a cruel punishment for his own family.

   Meng Zhang had encountered such a celestial jigsaw master back then, and suffered a great deal from the backlash of the heavens.

   If you are over-surveying the secrets of the heavens, and the catastrophe is imminent, it will be a headache for even a rebirth power like Meng Zhang.

  Don't look at Meng Zhang, when he advanced to the Yang Shen stage, he had already passed a catastrophe.

   But there is a difference between the tribulation and the tribulation.

   The Heavenly Tribulation brought down by the punishment of the Heavenly Path is the most powerful and the most difficult to deal with, and it may be upgraded to Heavenly Punishment at any time.

   Even true immortals would not be willing to head-on the punishment of a great world's heavenly consciousness.

  Meng Zhang originally thought that based on his own cultivation level today, it should be easy to calculate a cultivator of the late Yuanshen stage, and it would be right to catch it with his hands.

   After he started to cast the spell, he realized that something was wrong.

   He is constantly consuming counting chips, and the number of counting chips currently consumed has far exceeded what the cultivators need in the late stage of estimating the soul.

   However, it is a countermeasure to consume so much, the calculation result is still chaotic, and the whereabouts of the target is not calculated.

   Meng Zhang began to be serious now, and his contempt was gone.

   Now that the calculations have already begun, no matter how difficult it is, Meng Zhang will go through to the end.

   He continued to cast the spell, putting in more calculations.

   After a while, Meng Zhang finished the calculation.

   In the end, the target still did not escape his calculation, and he calculated the current hiding place.

   However, both the difficulty of the calculation and the number of calculation chips consumed far exceed what the cultivator needs in the late stage of the calculation of the soul.

   Even the average Yang Shen stage monk, Meng Zhang would not have invested so much.

   Meng Zhang, who can calculate even people or things at the Void Return level, didn't feel how laborious the calculation process was, but felt that the situation was a bit wrong.

   Could it be that True Monarch Firefinch, who has hidden his true strength, has a Yang Shen level cultivation base himself?

   For the sake of prudence, Meng Zhang is going to take a trip in person.

   Regardless of whether he hides his strength or not, he can never escape Meng Zhang's palm.

  Meng Zhang was about to set off, but suddenly received a notification from the disciple in the door.

   An envoy from the headquarters of the dark alliance came to Taiyimen to visit Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang knew that the Taiyimen violently cleaned up the Dark League branch in the territory this time, and killed and imprisoned many cultivators of the Dark League. The Dark League headquarters would certainly not sit idly by.

   He just didn't expect that the dark alliance headquarters would react so quickly.

However, he immediately thought that the dark alliance itself is the largest intelligence agency in Junchen Realm. It has always been known for collecting and selling all kinds of intelligence. It is well-informed and quick to respond, and it is not this The second time to clean up the Dark League branch was just a matter of fact, and did not completely break with the Dark League headquarters, and tried to fight.

   There are too many enemies in Taiyimen, too strong, there is no need to make enemies easily.

   Of course, if the headquarters of the dark alliance must have trouble with Taiyimen, then Taiyimen will not be afraid.

  If the headquarters of the dark alliance is willing to reason with Taiyimen, then Taiyimen will certainly treat each other with courtesy.

   The dark alliance headquarters sent an envoy to the door, and that was mostly because of the willingness to communicate.

   Since this is the case, Taiyimen should also actively work hard, and everyone sits down together to resolve this turmoil.

  If the dark alliance sent someone else, Meng Zhang would hand it over to Niu Dawei to receive it.

   The messenger sent by the Dark League this time is Meng Zhang’s old acquaintance You Huan Zhenjun many years ago.

   No, he should be called Youhuan Taoist now.

   Many years ago, True Monarch Youhuan, who was still a great monk in the late Yuanshen, was hired by Meng Zhang and worked for Taiyimen for a period of time.

Although Taiyi Sect paid enough money, Meng Zhang had to admit that True Monarch You Huan did more back then, beyond what ordinary hired monks needed to do. He took care of Taiyi Sect and helped Meng Zhang a lot. .

  Meng Zhang also believed in his heart that he owed True Monarch You Huan a favor.

   Moreover, You Huan Zhenjun and Meng Zhang's old friends Luo Ye Zhenjun and Jue Ying have a good relationship. When she accepted Taiyimen's employment, she got along with Meng Zhang happily and actively cooperated with Taiyimen's actions.

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