The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2128: Youhuan Taoist

Although Meng Zhang hadn't contacted True Monarch Youhuan for many years, the Taiyimen now had a huge information collection system and regularly reported to him various information on Junchen Realm.

   Meng Zhang has heard some news about True Monarch Youhuan.

   She should have mixed up these things quite well, and she has successfully advanced through the rebirth period and became today's Youhuan Taoist.

   Tiangong and the sacred sects' attitude towards the dark alliance is to ignore it and treat it as if it does not exist.

   Even the sword repair companion Xue Jianjun, who has always been very energetic, would not deliberately trouble the dark alliance.

   Extraterritorial invaders invaded Junchen Realm on a large scale, which is related to the safety of the entire Junchen Realm, and all the monks in Junchen Realm could not stay out of the matter.

When    Tiangong recruited the major powers of the Junchen Realm, they would automatically ignore the Dark Alliance.

   Even the last time the Heavenly Palace forcibly conscripted almost all the Void Returning Powers in Junchen Realm to participate in the battle, they deliberately missed the members of the Dark Alliance.

   Of course, if members of the dark alliance are willing to take the initiative to fight against invaders from outside the territory, the palace will naturally be very welcome, and the rewards and rewards that should be given are a lot of half.

   Many monks in the dark alliance have no external reputation, and appear very mysterious in the realm of comprehension.

  You Huan Taoist has a good reputation, because she has gone to the void battlefield to participate in the battle, and has also made a lot of military exploits.

  Meng Zhang is a character who is nostalgic, and the Taoist Youhuan is a powerful person in the rebirth period. It is best to receive him on the Taiyimen side, and also send the rebirth power to receive him, so as not to appear negligent.

   At this time, Meng Zhang once again felt the lack of the Taiyi Sect's regaining power, and many things required him to do it himself.

   Since Meng Zhang is going to receive the Taoist Youhuan next, he can't take his own to capture True Monarch Firefinch.

   Since the whereabouts of True Monarch Firebird has been calculated, he can no longer delay.

   If he transfers during this time, then Meng Zhang is not in vain.

   Meng Zhang thought for a moment, and ordered Xu Kongzi and Yang Xueyi who were in the door to go and capture True Monarch Huoque.

   After Meng Zhang told them the location of True Monarch Firebird, they immediately set off.

   Xukongzi was originally the spirit of the Taiyimen's inherited heavy treasure Void Cauldron.

   With the help of Meng Zhang, he had survived the thunder tribulation of the sun **** and removed the body of the instrument spirit before he could practice like a real creature.

   He is considered the oldest true monarch of Yangshen in Taiyi Sect, and he advanced almost at the same time as Meng Zhang.

   It's just that although he was born in Qi Ling, he has a long lifespan, but there are some obstacles and bottlenecks that he can't get around in his cultivation.

   Compared with ordinary human Yang Shen Zhenjun, it is extremely difficult for him to break through the rebirth period.

   He has advanced to the Yang Shen stage for so many years, and has been unable to break through to the Void Return stage.

  Meng Zhangdu is already the supreme of the late stage of rebirth. He still has no hope of breaking through to the period of rebirth.

   Of course, with a long life, he has a lot of time to cultivate slowly and wait for the opportunity of breakthrough.

   Taiyi Gate in his heyday was the strong one in the gate.

   After so many years, he has accumulated extremely rich experience.

   As a veteran Yangshen Zhenjun, he is also a rare opponent among the monks of the Yangshen stage.

   As for Yang Xueyi, needless to say, he was originally a genius monk, and even the number one master of talisman in the door.

   After she advanced to the Yang Shen stage, her cultivation base still improved rapidly.

   Especially Xianyun Zhenxian gave Meng Zhang the fairy talismans. Meng Zhang taught Yang Xueyi the content of the enlightenment, and after sharing the enlightenment with her, she not only made great achievements in talisman-making, but also benefited from it.

   Yang Xueyi at this moment is definitely the strong one among the monks of the Yang Shen stage.

   With the two of them out there, even if True Monarch Firefinch hides his strength, the problem shouldn't be big.

   After Meng Zhang made arrangements, he received the Taoist Youhuan in the Taiyimen Zongmen Hall.

   Haven't seen him for many years, Taoist Youhuan still looks cold.

   Although the two are old acquaintances, she still maintains enough respect for a superior like Meng Zhang.

  You Huan Taoist is not the kind of person who is good at words, and her character also prevents her from flattering and pleasing Meng Zhang in the name of retelling.

   Neither of them had a few words of greeting, so they went directly to the topic.

  Youhuan Taoist told Meng Zhang that what Taiyimen had done during this time had already angered many high-level leaders in the Dark League headquarters.

   They believe that Taiyimen deliberately targeted the dark alliance, is too hostile to the dark alliance, and persecuted the dark alliance branch...

   Regarding this incident, Taiyimen must make an explanation to satisfy the dark alliance headquarters.

   Otherwise, the Dark Alliance will become the enemy of Taiyimen.

   Youhuan Taoist's words made Meng Zhang sneer again and again, and the good atmosphere of the old meeting was wiped out.

  Dark League headquarters are all arrogant fools?

   There are many situations in the realm of comprehension that do not distinguish right from wrong and bully others, but why does the dark alliance senior think that they are qualified to bully the Taiyi Sect at this time?

  You Huan Taoist was expressionless, as if it had nothing to do with him, and told Meng Zhang the attitude of the dark alliance headquarters on this matter.

   Throughout the announcement process, her tone did not fluctuate in the slightest, just like a puppet with a voice.

  Meng Zhang originally thought that the headquarters of the dark alliance should have the intention to solve the problem, and only then sent an envoy to communicate with Taiyimen.

   But from the words of Taoist Youhuan, all Meng Zhang can hear is the arrogance and rudeness of the dark alliance, and the hostility to Taiyimen Chi Guoguo.

   After listening to Taoist You Huan’s announcement, Meng Zhang was not at all polite, let alone her face.

   For the threat of the dark alliance, Meng Zhang will not take it seriously.

   Meng Zhang told Youhuan Taoist in a cold If the dark alliance has such an attitude, then there is naturally no need for the two parties to continue talking.

   What means does the dark alliance display as soon as possible, and see if it can help Taiyimen?

   Meng Zhang waved his hand, letting Taoist Youhuan get out.

   The Taoist Youhuan took a deep look at Meng Zhang, and left Taiyimen without saying a word.

   But at this moment, Meng Zhang suddenly received a warning message from Yang Xueyi using a secret method. When they were pursuing True Monarch Firebird, something unexpected happened.

   The news was interrupted abruptly before it was completely delivered to Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang didn't know the content of the follow-up, and naturally didn't know what accident happened, so that the two Yangshen True Monarchs couldn't solve it, so he had to warn Meng Zhang.

   From when Meng Zhang arranged for Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi to set off, to when he received the Taoist Youhuan, the negotiation between the two was completed.

   The hiding place of True Monarch Firebird is a bit far away from Taiyimen Mountain Gate, but it is still within the territory of Taiyimen.

   Xukongzi and Yang Xueyi used space magical powers to teleport over, it should take a lot of time.

  If nothing happens, they should find the target quickly and engage with it.

   Now it is only a stick of incense, they immediately warned Meng Zhang, but Meng Zhang was not vigilant.

   Meng Zhang glanced at Taoist Youhuan, the time she visited this time was a coincidence.

   At this time, it happened to stop Meng Zhang's actions.

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