The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2135: freed

After listening to the words of Taoist Youhuan, Meng Zhang had some understanding of the three opponents in front of him.

   If Taoist You Huan hadn't lied, she was also used by others.

   As for the tension between the dark alliance and the Taiyimen, the main reason was that some people made troubles and sow discord.

   The three Tang Lun Shangzun and Meng Zhang had no grievances and no grudges before. Why did they do this, and what good would it do for them?

   From the three of them, there should be no answer for the time being.

   Meng Zhang couldn't swallow this breath, and decided in his heart that he must trace it to the end.

   After a frank exchange with Taoist Youhuan, the two of them have cleared up their misunderstanding.

   The dark alliance was also hostile to Taiyi Sect because of someone misleading.

   Meng Zhang still has another question at the end, that is, why did the Taoist Youhuan come to the door so coincidental, that it was chosen at that time?

Taoist Youhuan didn't think much, and directly replied, saying that he should have visited Taiyimen long ago, but on the way he ran into a guard from the old man. The two talked for a long time, which delayed a lot of time. He arrived at Taiyimen a little later than the scheduled time.

   When the Taoist Youhuan mentioned the name Feng Lao, Meng Zhang's heart moved, and there was a sense of imminent crisis, and he felt a burst of invisible pressure.

   This is a warning from the spiritual awareness he possesses as a celestial clerk. This is what the cultivators call a whim.

  Meng Zhang subconsciously felt that this old man should be a key figure.

   Next, Meng Zhang continued to inquire about the origin of the old man.

   Although Taoist Youhuan was calculated and captured by Meng Zhang, she didn't mean to betray the dark alliance.

   So far, she is still a loyal member of the Dark Alliance.

   Regarding the top secrets in the league, she should not disclose it to outsiders casually.

   She had a little bit of regret before when she mentioned the name "Feng Lao" in her heart.

   Meng Zhang is now asking about things related to the old man again and again, Taoist Youhuan shut his mouth tightly and no longer reveals any information.

   Not to mention the friendship between the two, the Taoist Youhuan is of great use to Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang is not good at persecuting her.

   Meng Zhang took the initiative to divert the subject and gave up the questioning.

   But in his heart, Meng Zhang has firmly remembered the name Feng Lao, and is going to carefully investigate everything related to this person in the future.

   Since this conflict between the dark alliance and the Taiyimen was mainly due to Tang Lun's provocation from it, there is no need for Meng Zhang to continue to be hostile to the dark alliance.

   Of course, Meng Zhang would not let go of the three culprits easily.

  Meng Zhang is now not in a mood, but with his own considerations.

   Although he wants to clear up the misunderstanding with the dark alliance, not to mention the restoration of the original relationship, at least not to stay hostile. However, if he does not show sufficient deterrence and shows the determination to fight at all costs, the dark alliance may not be willing to treat the Taiyi Sect equally.

   Meng Zhang has been the head of Taiyimen for many years, and he still has a strategy in doing things.

  Meng Zhang had to figure out the secret plan of Tang Lun's three people, so this time they chose them as the targets of the attack and the rise of power.

   On the surface, the dark alliance is a whole, but there are many internal factions, and there are many disputes. Among them, there may be enemies of Tang Lun.

   Due to the limitation of strength, Meng Zhang should not expand the scope of the attack, but to divide the dark alliance as much as possible.

   After frank exchanges between Taoist Youhuan and Meng Zhang, they roughly figured out what happened.

  As a member of the dark alliance, she has a lot of secrets inside the dark alliance.

   She was able to guess the intentions of the three of Tang Lun, but she couldn't tell Meng Zhang clearly.

   Still the same sentence, Taoist Youhuan is a member of the dark alliance after all, no matter what, she must stand from the perspective of the dark alliance and safeguard the interests of the dark alliance.

   Even if she was calculated this time, it was an internal contradiction in the dark alliance. She would naturally find a way to solve it without the need for an outsider like Meng Zhang to intervene.

   The Taoist Youhuan kindly persuaded Meng Zhang, this time the Taiyimen and the Dark Alliance were a misunderstanding.

   After she goes back, she will be able to explain to the Taiyi Sect, so that the two sides will clear up the misunderstanding.

   There is no need for Meng Zhang to be hostile to the dark alliance, and there is no need to continue to entangle the three of Tang Lun.

   Meng Zhang smiled, he already had a plan in his heart, but he was not so easily moved by Taoist Youhuan.

   Of course, it is really unnecessary to continue to detain Taoist Youhuan.

   He also really needs the Taoist Youhuan to return to the headquarters of the dark alliance to ease the relationship between the dark alliance and the Taiyimen.

   Meng Zhang’s divine mind incarnation returned to the deity silently.

   Meng Zhang thought, and the Youhuan Taoist who was placed in the mustard space was lifted by him and released.

   Youhuan Taoist left the mustard space, restored his free body, and appeared not far from Meng Zhang.

   She glanced at Meng Zhang and the others who were facing each other, sighed, said nothing, turned around and flew away.

  You Huan Taoist did not help the three of Tang Lun Supreme, letting Meng Zhang breathe a sigh of relief.

   Without using the fairy talisman, it was still a bit difficult for Meng Zhang to entangle the three of Tang Lun.

Although   Youhuan Taoist is only the cultivation base of the initial stage of returning to the Void, if he makes the wrong choice, he may still be the last straw to crush the camel.

   You Huan Taoist did not disappoint Meng Zhang, the worst did not happen.

   Seeing the shadow of Taoist Youhuan disappeared, Tang Lun didn't say anything, but the grumpy Lin family brothers cursed a few words fiercely.

   "The **** who eats inside and out."


   "Junior who knows nothing about life and death."


   Meng Zhang didn't care about their I was still thinking about what Youhuan Taoist had just revealed.

   There is an impulse in his heart, and he wants to immediately use the great calculation of Dayan to calculate the origin of the old man.

   As soon as he came, he was confronting a strong enemy. He should not be distracted to perform the heavenly secret technique, so as not to give the enemy a chance.

  Secondly, he had an intuition in his heart that he shouldn't rashly use the secret technique to calculate everything related to the old man.

  三来, now that he knows the existence of the old man, he doesn't need to rush to use the heavenly secret technique to calculate, but collect intelligence through other methods to inquire about the relevant situation.

   Meng Zhang did not use the heavenly secret technique, but secretly used a secret method to contact Niu Dawei and gave him some instructions.

   After receiving Meng Zhang’s order from the Taiyi Gate, Niu Dawei immediately put aside his business and rushed directly to the Tiangong, requesting to see the top of the Tiangong.

   In Tiangong, the iron-faced Taoist from the Hall of Law Enforcement came forward and received Niu Dawei, the true monarch of the Yangshen, which was enough to give him face.

   Niu Dawei recounted the recent events in the Taiyimen realm, and accused the dark alliance of colluding with the demon way, cultivating and containing the magic repairs, and trying to set off a devastating disaster on the Taiyimen territory.

   Taiyimen finally solved the problem, but the dark alliance headquarters made a condemnation.

   Niu Dawei wanted to know what kind of attitude the Tiangong would have if the headquarters of the dark alliance made a move against Taiyimen.

   Is it still turning a blind eye and condoning the dark alliance, or fulfilling his duties as the ruler of Junchen Realm, presiding justice and preventing the dark alliance?

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