The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2136: look

Facing Niu Dawei's questioning, there was no wave on the face of the iron-faced Taoist.

  Meng Zhang also holds a position in the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall, and the two are considered colleagues.

   The iron-faced Taoist has not only dealt with and friendship with Meng Zhang, but as a monk of the Tiangong family, he is also willing to make friends with a promising figure like Meng Zhang, but who is also hostile to the sects of the major sacred places.

   The iron-faced Taoist came out to receive Niu Dawei this time, just to get a face in Mengzhang.

   He told Niu Dawei very frankly that although Tiangong had ignored the existence of the dark alliance for some reason. But this does not mean that the Dark Alliance can do whatever it wants in Jun Chen Realm.

   Tiangong and the various sacred sects are the rule-makers of Junchen Realm, and the dark alliance must obey them, abide by the rules, and cannot easily violate them.

   The big operations of the dark alliance are actually under the supervision of the heavenly palace.

  Niu Dawei can rest assured that the dark alliance will never dare to send out an army in an upright manner and aggressively invade the Taiyimen territory.

  The dark alliance cannot trigger a large-scale battle with the Taiyimen, and it is impossible to directly attack the Taiyimen.

   Of course, the Iron Masked Taoist also admitted that it is impossible for Tiangong to monitor and control all the actions of the Dark Alliance.

   If the dark alliance does some tricks secretly and uses some indirect means to calculate the Taiyi Gate, it will be difficult for Tiangong to detect and stop it.

   The answer of the iron-faced Taoist is clear enough, without the slightest idiom in Mandarin, Niu Dawei is very satisfied.

   For Niu Dawei, with the words of the iron-faced Taoist, his purpose of coming to Tiangong this time is basically achieved.

   As long as the Dark Alliance cannot directly attack the Taiyimen, there is nothing to worry about in the Taiyimen.

   As for some secret methods, Taiyimen can deal with it by itself.

   The iron-faced Taoist also told Niu Dawei that Modao had always been the public enemy of Junchen Realm.

   This time the branch of the Dark Alliance in the Taiyimen Territory is involved in matters related to the Demon Dao, and Tiangong will also send someone to warn the Dark Alliance.

  Although the warning may not have much effect, it at least shows the attitude of Tiangong, the headquarters of the dark alliance will be more or less jealous, and then it will become a little bit restrained.

   Now that Meng Zhang has entangled the three of Tang Lun's superiors, Tiangong will not interfere.

  Many people in Tiangong actually support Meng Zhang in their hearts. As long as Meng Zhang's next actions are not lined up, Tiangong has no opinion.

   In addition, on the side of the sects of the major sacred sites, they have no spare time to deal with this matter for the time being, and they are not willing to be involved in the troubles related to the dark alliance.

   Meng Zhang and the dark alliance are hostile and conflict, they are all happy to see.

   The iron-faced Taoist said so much and fully expressed his kindness.

   Niu Da thanked the iron-faced Taoist for a good life, and hurriedly left Tiangong and returned to Taiyimen.

   After returning to the sect, Niu Dawei contacted Meng Zhang through the remote communication secret technique, and told Meng Zhang about the attitude of Tiangong.

   Meng Zhang was completely relieved now.

   Since Tiangong has such an attitude, there is no need to worry about the dark alliance aggressively attacking.

   is the most, beware of the secret alliance sending a few strong people to secretly add chaos to the Taiyimen.

   When Niu Dawei was heading to the Tiangong, the Taiyimen seniors followed his instructions before leaving and contacted the old Yu Ci Dao in the West Sea through remote communication secrets.

   The current Taiyi Gate is exactly the time for those who need to return to the virtual world to sit down.

   Yu Ci Lao Dao quickly put down everything in Xihai and hurried back to Taiyimen.

   Meng Zhang, who had resolved his worries, began to figure out how to target Tang Lun's three persons.

   What Meng Zhang desperately needs to know is why the three of Tang Lun's Supreme Master wanted to kill people, and what was the secret of the demons in the Taiyimen territory?

   Meng Zhang patiently continued to entangle with the three of them, while the high-level Taiyimen, in accordance with Meng Zhang's instructions, tried their best to track down everything related to magic repair and monsters.

   After this period of rigorous purging, most of the magic repairs on the Taiyimen territory have basically been arrested, and at most a few lucky ones have escaped the pursuit.

   Taiyimen monks uphold the tradition of the sect, and will never show mercy to Moxiu.

   Except for those killed on the spot, most of the captured demons also died in subsequent interrogations one after another.

   The source of most magic repairs, Taiyi Sect has basically figured it out.

   The remnants of the remnants of the Great Li Dynasty; foreign magic repairs sheltered in the dark alliance, or haunted in the black market; there are even magic repairs cultivated by the dark alliance itself.

   From these demon cultivators alone, it is impossible to find out the deep-seated secrets, let alone the reason why the fire sparrow was killed.

   The branch of the dark alliance above the Taiyimen territory was breached by the Taiyimen, and many strongholds were cleared, allowing the Taiyimen to capture many monks.

   Before that, there was still room for Taiyimen. For those monks who have nothing to do with the magic repair, they can still be merciful.

   Now, Taiyimen severely interrogated these captured dark alliance members again. Do everything possible to open their mouths and try to get useful information.

   Even the methods of searching for souls with great sequelae, the monks of Taiyimen also frequently use them.

   During this process, many members of the dark alliance either died in interrogation or became idiots, but the Taiyimen monks still did not get the answers they wanted.

   The Taiyimen monk's intensive action, Meng Zhang did not idle.

   In addition to keeping the Tang Lun three of them tightly entangled so that they could not get out, he also kept thinking about why the three of them should intervene in this matter.

  Meng Zhang suddenly thought of Firebird True Monarch finally escaped into the sea of ​​death. Could it be that he didn't panic, but had a purpose.

   The place of Death Shahai has been cleaned up by the Taiyimen monks in the early years, and there is no hidden secret for a long time.

   Even if there are individual ghost repairs and demons hidden inside, the level is not high, it is impossible to attract people like Tang Lun and the others.

  Since the death of Shahai is not a problem, it is possible that the death of Shahai is only the place where True Monarch Firebird must pass.

   Meng Zhang looked at the surrounding area of ​​the Dead Sea, and after a round of inspection, he bet on the north of the Dead Sea.

The surrounding area of ​​Dead Sand Sea is basically the territory of Taiyimen, and as the earliest conquered territory, Taiyimen has extremely deep control over here, and the territory itself has been fully developed. It is unlikely that there are any hidden big secrets. .

   is north of the Dead Sea, already close to the northern end of Junchen Realm. It is remote, desolate, and of no value. Taiyimen, including Meng Zhang, have not paid much attention to that place.

  Meng Zhang observed that place roughly in his early years, and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he left it behind and didn't go any further.

   At the time, Meng Zhang's cultivation was not enough and his eyesight was limited. Maybe he missed something.

   Thinking of this, Meng Zhang had the urge to explore there again.

   Of course, he has entangled the three of Tang Lun Supreme, and he is also entangled by them, and everyone can't get out for the time being.

   He also has no way to personally explore the north of the dead sand sea.

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