The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2211: normal

Meng Zhang brought back a lot of resources from the void this time, greatly reducing the financial pressure on the sect.

Especially those high-level resources, no matter how much spirit stones are spent, they cannot be purchased.

Several people in the door are capable of returning to virtuality, and their daily consumption is astronomical.

In order not to put too much pressure on the fast-growing Sun Moon Blessed Land, they restrained the urge to absorb aura, and instead absorbed and refined the aura provided by the Sun Moon Blessed Land in a restrained manner.

Now that they have these resources brought back by Meng Zhang, their practice will become much smoother.

Of course, since they have accepted the sect's support, they have to work for the sect.

It is their bounden duty to guard the sect and fight against foreign enemies.

Next, some of them will enter the void battlefield together with Meng Zhang to fight against invaders outside the territory.

Taiyimen, all of you who have returned to the Void have begun to actively make preparations in all aspects.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Meng Zhang took a lot of time to give them pointers, discuss with them, improve their combat experience, and enhance their ability to survive in the void.

Meng Zhang also put the corpse of the Thousand-legged Demon Lord into the Zongmen Great Treasury.

In addition to its flesh and blood can be used to refine pills, feed monsters, and cultivate spiritual plants, its sharp claws have been exchanged a lot by master craftsmen in the door.

Especially its thick carapace, after the monks in the Shengongtang in the door have checked, they feel that it can be used on the void battleship to make outer armor.

So far, Taiyimen does not have the ability to independently build a void warship.

On the contrary, the damaged void battleship brought back by Meng Zhang, after continuous repairs over the years, has almost been completely repaired.

A void battleship is really meaningful for a sect like Taiyimen.

Its combat power of the Void Returning level is nothing. It can carry a large number of monks in and out of the void, and survival in the void for a long time is what Meng Zhang values ​​most.

Although the interior of Meng Zhang's mustard space is very large, the number of monks that can be accommodated is limited, and it is impossible to support too many monks to survive and practice in it.

But an ordinary void battleship can do this.

With the accumulated experience of repairing the damaged Void Battleship, the monks of Taiyimen God Crafts Hall can slowly try to build a brand new Void Battleship.

Of course, building a brand-new void battleship is not only a huge test for the monks in Menzhong Shengongtang, but also the various resources required are massive.

After years of collection, Taiyimen still has many shortcomings.

Especially for some high-end resources and special resources, Taiyimen has no channels to obtain so far.

Meng Zhang knew that as the ruler of Junchen Realm, the Heavenly Palace and the various sacred sects controlled all aspects of Junchen Realm.

Some of the key resources of great significance are completely controlled by them and will never go out.

Not to mention that Meng Zhang has so many friends in Tiangong, and he has a very good relationship with senior officials such as Banxuejian, and Tiangong is also willing to take care of Taiyimen.

But on some key issues, Tiangong will not help Taiyimen.

In addition to the Taiyimen actively trying to gather the necessary resources, the monks from the Shengongtang also tried to find alternatives.

Meng Zhang was actually very satisfied with the development of the sect and the efforts of the monks in the Shengongtang.

In the thirty years since Meng Zhang was not in the door, the relationship between the dark alliance and the Taiyi door has also returned to normal.

The Taoist Youhuan and Taoist Shushan in the dark alliance have been actively running for it.

After seeing their sincerity, the senior Taiyimen were also willing to cooperate fully.

Still the same sentence, although the dark alliance and the Taiyi Sect have fundamentally different positions and have many contradictions, they should be natural allies when facing the great sacred sects, rather than being enemies and internal friction.

The dark alliance and Taiyimen resumed normal communication. A brand-new dark alliance branch was built on the Taiyimen territory, and various black markets that had been closed for a long time were also reopened...

The senior officials of the Taiyimen believe that after experiencing the last conflict and lessons, the branch of the dark alliance above the Taiyimen territory will act more cautiously and will know how to respect the landlord of the Taiyimen.

Under the promotion of Taoist Youhuan and others, many dark alliances are interested in Taiyimen and are willing to make good friends with Taiyimen. They have visited Taiyimen one after another.

Although Meng Zhang was not in the door, there was enough Void-Returning Power in the door to welcome them so that they would not underestimate Taiyimen.

In fact, the dark alliance is willing to improve relations with the Taiyimen this time and resume normal contacts. A large part of the reason is that the number of Taiyimen's revival powers is growing rapidly.

A family with multiple Void-Returning powers, and the head is the sect of the late stage of Void-Returning Power. As long as they are sane enough, they know that they can’t

To continue to maintain a contemptuous attitude towards it, we must face each other squarely and deal with the relationship between the two parties seriously.

In fact, the Taiyi Gate is not only the number of Void Returning Powers increasing at a high speed, but the monks of all classes have maintained a strong growth.

There are still many Yangshen Stage True Monarchs in Taiyi Sect, and they may attack the Void Return Stage at any time.

Taiyi Sect also has a larger number of late stage primordial monks, and they are all reserve true monarchs of Yangshen.

Taiyimen monks system is very healthy, UU reading www. has no weaknesses, its inheritance is orderly, and there are successors.

As long as you understand this information a little, you should know the potential of Taiyimen.

With the dark alliance's ability to gather intelligence, it is impossible not to notice these.

For so many years, the Dark Alliance has been actively looking for allies in order to increase its power against the existing rulers of Junchen Realm, and even secretly fostered a lot of cultivation forces and potential monks.

The dark alliance's efforts for many years are still very effective. Many powers in Junchen Realm are secretly controlled by the dark alliance...

However, the existing rulers of Junchen Realm were too powerful. Due to their deliberate suppression, Junchen Realm basically did not have any cultivation forces that could pose too much threat to them.

The comprehension forces standing on the side of the dark alliance, in front of the various sacred sects, are no doubt with the chickens.

The young Taiyimen can be said to have grown up under the eyelids of the dark alliance.

Facing all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, Taiyimen has grown under tremendous pressure all the way to the present level.

Taiyimen's growth rate and its dazzling achievements, even those high-level dark alliances with hostility and prejudice against Taiyimen, at this time have to pay enough attention.

For the dark alliance, Taiyi Sect is already a very valuable sect.

Although the Dark Alliance has not formally formed an alliance with Taiyimen, many high-level officials on both sides are already actively promoting this matter.

The Dark Alliance and Taiyi Sect put aside their previous grievances, and the relationship between the two parties returned to normal, which was the first step.

Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the two sides will become allies.

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