The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2212: relation

In view of the great value displayed by the Taiyimen, some people in the dark alliance have proposed that they can pay a certain price to win over the Taiyimen and pull the Taiyimen into the chariot of the dark alliance.

Since there are many old friends in high positions in the dark alliance, Meng Zhang is quite familiar with the situation inside the dark alliance.

Taoist Youhuan visited Taiyimen many times, and Taoist Shushan also had in-depth conversations with Niu Dawei. Although Taoist Luo Ye and Taoist Jueying did not come to Taiyimen in person, they trusted Meng Zhang to pass a letter.

Meng Zhang is aware of the dark alliance's ambitions and plots.

As for whether or not to formally form an alliance with the dark alliance, the two sides are completely on the same front, and Meng Zhang still hesitates so far.

The Dark Alliance is ambitious and wants to overthrow the existing ruling order of Junchen Realm and make itself the new ruler of Junchen Realm.

Taiyi Sect had never thought of overthrowing the existing rulers of Junchen Realm, and even less willing to provoke those sacred sects.

During the development of Taiyimen, those sacred sects discovered the potential of Taiyimen and felt that Taiyimen would pose a threat to them, so they began to suppress Taiyimen and even directly attacked Taiyimen.

For a long time, Taiyi Gate faced the various sacred sects passively.

Taiyimen worked hard to make friends with the Tiangong and actively sought shelter from the Tiangong.

Taiyimen struggled to survive in the cracks and grew hard.

After forming an alliance with the Dark Alliance, in the future, it will definitely be inevitable to take the initiative to challenge the existing rulers of Junchen Realm.

From passive to active, this is really a huge change.

If you form an alliance with the dark alliance, will the dark alliance be a reliable ally? Will it betray the Taiyimen at a critical moment...

All these kinds of problems require careful consideration by Meng Zhang and Taiyimen senior executives.

With the dark alliance's working style, once the dark alliance is brought to the top, it really becomes the new ruler of Junchen Realm, which may not be a good thing for Taiyi Sect.

The magic nest secretly built by the dark alliance was exposed last time, exposing the collusion between the dark alliance and the magic way.

Although Taoist Youhuan repeatedly claimed on the Taiyi Gate that it was only the personal behavior of a few people in the dark alliance, and had nothing to do with the dark alliance as a whole, many high-level members of the dark alliance strongly opposed this.

The dark alliance senior Tang Lun who presided over this matter died at the hands of an extraterritorial invader, and the dark alliance completely cut off from this matter.

Meng Zhang and the senior officials of Taiyimen were not convinced by this statement.

Meng Zhang killed Tang Lun's superior, the dark alliance high-level should be aware of it.

Meng Zhang didn't believe it, the dark alliance seniors didn't have any knots in their hearts.

Especially Tang Lun's relatives, friends, disciples and grandchildren, don't they have any hostility towards Meng Zhang.

There is also the Lin family brothers who have escaped safely back to the dark alliance. I am afraid that they hate Meng Zhang a long time ago.

If these people may not be able to influence the overall policy of the dark alliance, then the collusion between the dark alliance and the magic way cannot be easily washed away.

Meng Zhang did not believe in the dark alliance, especially the relationship between the dark alliance and the magic way, which made Meng Zhang deeply suspicious.

Although Meng Zhang had the side of cultivators who only wanted profit, he still had a bottom line in many things.

One of the very important bottom lines is that Taiyi Sect must never collude with the Demon Dao, let alone form an alliance with the Demon Dao forces.

The dark alliance, such as Youhuan Taoist and Shushan Taoist, have a good relationship with Meng Zhang, but they may not be so reliable when it comes to major matters related to the interests of the sect.

Although they are the high-level members of the dark alliance, they do not have the strength and status within the dark alliance.

If the dark alliance hides evil intentions against the Taiyi Sect, even if they strongly oppose it, they might end up on the side of their own sect.

After discussing with the high-level men of the door, Meng Zhang decided on the principle of how to deal with the dark alliance.

Taiyimen will work hard to maintain a good relationship with the dark alliance, and actively make friends with each other.

The two sides will have a lot of cooperation, such as the development of commerce, high-level visits, exchanges between monks and so on.

Especially when it comes to fighting against the sects of the sacred land, the two sides can cooperate closely.

But on the issue of formal alliance, Taiyimen will not rashly agree.

In order to avoid angering the dark alliance, Taiyimen will not refuse the issue of alliance.

Taiyimen would have been hanging from the side of the dark alliance, secretly obstructing, looking for some excuses to delay time.

Of course, the dark alliance is not a fool. Sooner or later, Taiyimen's small movements will be discovered, and there may be a showdown with Taiyimen.

At that time, Taiyi Sect, facing the pressure of the sacred sects of the great holy land, still couldn't give up the ally of the dark alliance, and had to form an alliance with the dark alliance.

However, when the alliance is formally formed, Taiyimen must insist on the content of the covenant.

Taiyimen wants to maintain a loose ally relationship with the dark alliance, and the covenant cannot restrict both parties too much.

In a word, Taiyimen

The dark alliance and the dark alliance can use each other and cooperate with each other to fight, but the Taiyimen must not be tied to the dark alliance this chariot, and the Taiyimen must reserve the room to disembark at any time.

In the middle, how to negotiate with the dark alliance, how to negotiate with it, and how to operate it are all things that test the wisdom of the practitioner.

Meng Zhang asked himself that he was not good at this aspect of affairs, and he gave the matter to his senior disciple Niu Da for disposal.

After so many years of development, Taiyimen has long cultivated many good enough foreign cultivators.

They are exquisite, long-sleeved dancing, good at communicating with others, good at negotiation, keen on intrigue, proficient in various mediation methods, and familiar with various conspiracies...

Niu Dawei will arrange these monks, UU Reading to deal with the issue of communication with the dark alliance.

As long as they do not violate the basic principles laid down by Meng Zhang, they can play flexibly and freely.

When Meng Zhang was not in the sect, under the leadership of Niu Dawei and other high-level sects, although the sect was still able to maintain normal operation, it still accumulated a lot of problems, which needed to be handled by the head of Meng Zhang himself.

Especially the major events related to the life and death of the sect, the major policies related to the future development of the sect, and so on, it is necessary for Meng Zhang to make his own decision.

After Meng Zhang was busy with all the affairs of the sect, he was able to take care of the underworld.

Meng Zhang synchronized the information with the external avatar Taimiao, and learned about Taimiao's latest development in the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Originally, I was very eager to enter the Devil May Cry Mountains and couldn't wait to get the treasures inside. Over the years, I showed great patience.

Tai Miao led the army, nibbled bit by bit, starting from the periphery of the Devil May Cry Mountain Range and gradually deepening into it.

After encountering strong resistance, he did not act recklessly, let alone anxious.

Tai Miao spent more time on strengthening one's own power.

He not only stepped up his cultivation, worked hard to improve his own strength, and tried to fully exert the power of the two powers in his hand-the power of life and death and the power of reincarnation.

Moreover, he also vigorously cultivated and strengthened his followers.

To this end, he did not hesitate to pay a huge price and invest massive resources.

------Off-topic ------

Thanks to my old friends for listening to Shui Yin and ericwsc for their many rewards.

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