The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2213: Overseas news

It is too wonderful to have unified the underworld, sitting on most of the resources of the underworld.

Of course, these resources are too wonderful in name, but they cannot appear in his large library out of thin air.

Many resources also need to spend time and invest a lot of manpower and material resources for development.

In addition to sending resources to the Taiyi Sect, exchanging what is needed, in exchange for Taiyi Sect's materials and products, Tai Miao spent a lot of resources on training more and more elite army of ghosts.

With a powerful army of ghosts, it is too wonderful to maintain and strengthen the rule of the underworld, and increase the search and development of the resources of the underworld.

Among the many wonderful gods, the most experienced, most trusted, and strongest foundation sword **** generals and others have already possessed the perfect strength of the Yang God level, and are about to begin to attack the Void Returning level.

Although Tai Miao has the strength in the mid-stage of returning to the Void and holds two great powers, he still does not have enough certainty to clear the Devil May Cry Mountain Range.

In order to wait for the Great Sword God General to break through the Void Return Period, he not only temporarily stopped sweeping the Devil May Cry Mountain Range, but also invested a lot of resources on them.

In fact, with Tai Miao basically dominating the underworld, Tai Miao has almost monopolized most of the resource output of the underworld.

Originally, those forces that maintained a semi-independent position in the underworld could continue to provide the special resources of the underworld to the Yang world.

As Tai Miao continued to weaken and even completely quell these semi-independent forces, their ability to provide special resources to the Sun World was greatly reduced.

During these years, the total amount of various special resources provided by the entire underworld to the Yang world has been continuously declining.

Because of the wonderful relationship of Taiyimen, it is easier to obtain the special resources of the underworld, and the scale of the transaction with Taimiao is still expanding.

Too wonderful, if you like, you can completely cut off the trade between other forces and the Yang world, and let the special resources of the underworld flow only to the Taiyi gate.

After thousands of years of development in the cultivation civilization of Junchen Realm, the channels for the cultivation realm to obtain resources have been relatively fixed.

Many special resources in the underworld are of great use to many sects and monks, and they are the kind of great use that cannot be replaced in a short time.

If the special resources from the underworld are completely lost, problems will arise in the operation of the entire cultivation world.

If the Taiyi Sect really monopolizes the resources of the underworld through Taimiao, then the Taiyi Sect will become a target of public criticism while gaining huge benefits, and will be hostile by many comprehension forces.

Although Meng Zhang was jealous of such benefits, he did not faint his intellect, but remained sufficiently clear and sane all the time.

Taiyi Gate currently does not have enough strength to guard such interests.

Moreover, if it is really done, then the sects of the holy land will probably put their power on the underworld at any cost to eradicate it with all their strength.

Under Meng Zhang's order, Tai Miao only controlled and reduced the special resources that flowed from the underworld to the Yang world, and did not completely monopolize it.

Perhaps, at the right time, the Taiyimen can use the special resources of the underworld as a card.

In the battlefield of the void, due to the distance and the barrier of the void, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao couldn't keep in sync at any time.

They all synchronize information and communicate at regular intervals.

It was also at that time that Meng Zhang gave instructions to Tai Miao based on the latest situation.

Tai Miao, this external avatar can be regarded as a sufficiently independent and extremely capable individual.

Even without Meng Zhang's instructions, Too Miao not only can survive intact, but also knows to improve himself and develop and grow his forces.

After many years of observation, Meng Zhang is very relieved of Taimiao, and he is allowed to maintain a certain degree of independence on weekdays, and will not arbitrarily interfere with his life and decision-making. Valley

After confirming that there was no problem in the underworld, Meng Zhang turned his attention back to Yang Shi.

In addition to the vast land territory in the north of Junchen Realm, Taiyimen also has important interests in the West Sea.

Taiyimen has been trying to strengthen the control of the West Sea by completely controlling the Xingluo Islands.

However, Xingluo Palace, the original owner of the Xingluo Islands, completely took refuge in Ziyang Shengzong after the Qi family brothers left.

With the support of Shengzong Ziyang, Xingluo Palace strictly guards the Xingluo Islands and rejects foreign forces like Taiyimen.

The Taiyi Sect competed with the Xingluo Palace by supporting the three sects of Guanghan Palace, Yujianmen and Xuanxinguan, and competed for the dominance of the Xingluo Islands.

The heads of the three sects, Fairy Guanghan, True Sovereign Jade Sword, and True Sovereign Xuanxin are all true princes of Yangshen, and Xingluo Palace alone cannot compete with them.

With the help of Ziyang Saint Sect, Floating Cloud True Monarch has been loyal to the Ziyang Saint Sect after he entered the Yang Shen stage.

Xingluo Palace has the support of Floating Clouds, and the most important thing is the support of Ziyang Shengzong, in order to guarantee

Hold its position.

Although he is still the ruler of the Star Rock Islands in name, his rule is already unstable and his position is precarious.

Last time, Meng Zhang sent the Taiyimen Keqing to sit in Xihai on Tsilaodao to ensure the interests of Taiyimen in Xihai.

Yu Ci Lao Dao spent most of the time sitting in the depths of the West Sea, guarding the enclaves of Taiyi Gate in the West Sea.

Taiyimen has many important resource output points in Xihai and is a very important source of income.

Because of his scruples about Ziyang Yu Ci Lao Dao did not directly intervene in the affairs of the Xingluo Islands, but only gave support to the Guanghan Palace and other forces in name.

Guanghan Palace and other sects have the backing of Taiyi Sect, and when facing the Ziyang Saint Sect, they have a little more confidence.

Although these three sects still didn't dare to compete head-on with Ziyang Shengzong, at least they didn't care about Xingluo Palace very much.

Some time ago, Guanghan Palace and other three sects sent a message to Taiyi Sect, saying that there will be major changes in the Xingluo Islands.

Specifically, after the departure of Xingluo Palace because of the Qiu family brothers, some of the Qiu family brothers, who were originally loyal, also left Xingluo Palace one after another.

Some of these people took refuge in the Yujianmen and other sects, and some left the West Sea directly to develop on the mainland.

Although Xingluo Palace has the support of Ziyang Shengzong outside, there are no strong figures inside.

The current Palace Master of Xingluo couldn't convince the masses in terms of ability or cultivation, but it was the product of compromise by the high-level officials in the palace.

The biggest problem of Xingluo Palace is the lack of top combat power. There are many great monks in the late Yuanshen in the palace, but there is no true monarch Yangshen.

Shengzong Ziyang supports and supports Xingluo Palace, but it is impossible to take care of Xingluo Palace in every detail, let alone solve every problem for Xingluo Palace.

When facing challengers such as Guanghan Palace, Xingluo Palace will inevitably lack confidence.

Since Brother Qiu didn't leave the secret method for overcoming the Sun God Thunder Tribulation in Xingluo Palace, the power of Xingluo Palace alone would not be able to cultivate the true monarch of Sun God.

For this reason, the senior officials of Xingluo Palace actively sought the secret method to survive the thunder tribulation of the sun god.

The most important way is to seek help from the Ziyang Saint Sect.

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