The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2214: debate

Because of the lessons learned from the Qiu family brothers, Shengzong Ziyang has a limited degree of trust in Xingluo Palace.

Although Ziyang Shengzong supports Xingluo Palace, he has reservations about it and is unwilling to make it too powerful.

With years of experience in the rule of the Ziyang Saint Sect, a vassal who is too powerful will often give birth to some thoughts that shouldn't be there.

Qiu Gangfeng is still opposing Ziyang Saint Sect to this day, and has broken many things about Ziyang Saint Sect, and has long been a thorn in the eyes of Ziyang Saint Sect.

Under the anger, many senior members of Ziyang Shengzong were very displeased with the Xingluo Palace created by the Qiu brothers.

If it wasn't for the situation in the West Sea, the Ziyang Saint Sect might not be willing to continue to support Xingluo Palace.

Shengzong Ziyang has always been unwilling to provide Xingluo Palace with a secret method to survive the Thunder Tribulation of the Sun God, which made many senior officials of Xingluo Palace very dissatisfied.

The interior of Xingluo Palace was unstable, and people's hearts were floating, and many monks were looking for a way out.

Under the matching bridge of those monks who had left Xingluo Palace before, the three sects of Guanghan Palace had a lot of insiders in Xingluo Palace.

Due to the deterrence of the Ziyang Saint Sect, the three sects of the Guanghan Palace were not able to directly attack the Xingluo Palace, but were prepared to use the instability inside the Xingluo Palace to create chaos in the Xingluo Palace.

At this time, he had been supporting the Floating Cloud View of Xingluo Palace all the time, and it seemed that he had been thinking differently.

Floating Cloud View was originally the second largest power in Xingluo Archipelago besides Xingluo Palace. After the Master Floating Cloud True Monarch entered the Yang God Stage, he even had the strength to challenge Xingluo Palace.

It's a pity that when the Qiu family brothers were there, Xingluo Palace had been crushing the Floating Cloud View to death.

Brother Qiu is no longer here, but Xingluo Palace has received strong support from the Ziyang Saint Sect.

True Monarch Floating Cloud is very upset about the current status of Xingluo Palace. Everyone is serving for the Ziyang Saint Sect. Xingluo Palace is obviously weakened. Why is it still qualified to rule the Xingluo Islands?

Over time, True Monarch Floating Cloud will inevitably be moved with bad thoughts.

He wanted Floating Cloud View to replace the position of Xingluo Palace and become the sole agent of Shengzong Ziyang in the Xingluo Islands.

For the benefit of his family's sect, True Monarch Floating Cloud not only failed to reveal the secret actions of the three sects of Guanghan Palace, but took the initiative to join them.

The four sects all have support objects in the Xingluo Palace, trying to completely split the Xingluo Palace, and then they took the opportunity to carve up everything in the Xingluo Palace.

Although the four sects had a tacit agreement, the two sides did not have the slightest basis for trust.

The three sects of Guanghan Palace were greedy for the interests of Xingluo Palace and were unwilling to let go easily. They were also worried that this was a conspiracy by Floating Clouds, and intended to draw them into the game, and then attacked them with the power of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect.

The three sects of Guanghan Palace are not afraid of floating clouds, but they can't provoke the Ziyang Sect.

If their actions against Xingluo Palace were caught by the Ziyang Saint Sect, they would give the Ziyang Saint Sect an excuse to clean them up.

Many comprehension forces in Junchen Realm are actively exploring the West Sea and exploiting various resources here.

Due to the step-by-step oppression of the invaders outside the territory, Junchen Realm lost almost all the resource points in the void.

The current West Sea has become a very important source of resources in the Junchen Realm.

Because of the major implications, Tiangong has always suppressed the cultivation forces of all parties and forbids them to break out in large-scale battles in the West Sea.

Shengzong Ziyang has never directly intervened in the Xingluo Islands, but has supported agents for many reasons.

The three sects of Guanghan Palace didn't know the bottom line of Ziyang Saint Sect, so they didn't dare to test it easily.

Their current psychology is typically that they want to eat meat but are also afraid of fishy.

Under this situation, for the sake of safety, they contacted the Taiyimen, hoping to get help from the Taiyimen to offset the threat from the Ziyang Sect.

After receiving requests for help from the Guanghan Palace and other three sects, the senior officials of Taiyimen had a lot of disputes.

Although the three sects of Guanghan Palace have been secretly supported by Taiyimen, they have maintained a strong independence.

They neither joined the Hanhai Dao League, nor did they obey the Taiyi Sect.

In many cases, they are more concerned with their own interests.

In addition, since the last time Meng Zhang fought against the sacred sects of the great sacred land, the Taiyi Sect has been avoiding large-scale conflicts with the Ziyang Sect.

Regardless of when it was dividing the territory of the Great Leaving Empire, or during the border conflicts on weekdays, Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong maintained a relatively restrained attitude, and neither side had the intention to fight.

If, because of the actions of the three sects of the Guanghan Palace, Taiyi Sect had to come forward to harden the Ziyang Saint Sect, then it would not be worth the loss for Taiyi Sect.

But it would be very inappropriate if one refused the request for help from the three sects of Guanghan Palace.

These three sects fell to the Taiyimen, which is very important to the layout of the Taiyimen in the West Sea. Not to mention, there are still great interests involved around the Xingluo Islands.

For a long time, Taiyimen has been very upholding to its own little brother.

If you don't support these three sects, it will inevitably ruin the reputation of Taiyimen.

The high-level Taiyimen argued endlessly, and Niu Dawei, such as Rebirth, has never expressed his views.

After receiving the relevant news, Meng Zhang also did not intend to intervene personally.

He wanted to see how the Taiyimen seniors would deal with this incident.

Although the Taiyimen executives were still arguing, they quickly gave Guanghan Palace and other three sects a Taiyimen’s response was very vague, and it restrained the Guanghan Palace and other three sects. The action of the door, don't let them get into trouble easily, let alone provoke the interference of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

At the same time, he also stated that if they encounter troubles that they cannot handle, the Taiyimen will never ignore them.

Although the top executives of Taiyimen have different opinions and a lot of disputes, they still have consensus on some issues.

In the case of no major losses in their own interests, Taiyimen would not directly face the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Taiyimen will support its own little brother, but this support is limited.

As the boss of Taiyimen, he wanted to enjoy the benefits his younger brother brought to him, but he was unwilling to be involved in a battle with the Ziyang Saint Sect because of his actions.

The Taiyi Sect’s sect’s mentality of taking advantage and unwilling to pay the price is funny, but it is the style of most sects in the cultivation world.

The strong take advantage of the weak, but they cannot be dragged down by the weak, let alone get involved in unnecessary wars because of the weak.

Soon after responding to Guanghan Palace and other sects, the Taiyi Sect also disputed a result.

In order to win over them in Guanghan Palace, verbal support is far from enough.

Regardless of morality or interest, Taiyimen should provide them with some substantive support for Guanghan Palace.

However, in order to avoid overstimulating the Ziyang Saint Sect, Taiyimen should not send too much force to the Xingluo Islands.

Finally, Taiyimen veteran Yangshen Zhenjun Jinli Zhenjun led a team of elite monks to the West Sea, waiting to move.

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