The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2215: undercurrent

Jin Li Zhenjun and others will not directly enter the Xingluo Islands, but will stand by in nearby areas.

If the three sects of Guanghan Palace can solve the problem on their own, Jin Li Zhenjun's team will remain on the sidelines.

If they were hit by an unexpected blow in Guanghan Palace, Jin Li Zhenjun and the others would provide assistance when needed.

Although Taiyimen only sent a team led by Yangshen Zhenjun, the Void Returning Power in the door is also on standby at any time, ready to teleport to the Star Islands, in case the conflict between the two parties escalates after the Ziyang Sect is gone. .

Of course, Taiyimen did not have the determination to start a full-scale battle with the Ziyang Saint Sect now.

If the situation is not right, the three sects of Guanghan Palace must retreat immediately.

Otherwise, the Taiyimen might even regard them as abandoned children.

In a word, Taiyi Sect is ready with both hands, and chooses to fight or reconcile with Ziyang Saint Sect according to the situation.

Everything is based on the interests of one's own sect and never sacrifices in vain.

The senior officials of Taiyimen paid great attention to the progress of this matter, and kept in touch with Jin Lizhenjun and others in the front.

During the days when Meng Zhang was in the sect, he would hold pujas from time to time to open the altar to preach to the monks in the sect, especially the high-ranking monks, and to impart spiritual experience and insights.

With the exception of Meng Zhang and Yu Ci Laodao, Taiyi Sect's promotion time is not long.

If nothing happens, Meng Zhang will take a large part of it next time he goes to the void battlefield.

Even if these Void Returning Powers have a solid foundation, the promotion time is too short and the accumulation is not sufficient.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation base at this time, ordinary magic weapons have long been useless.

He put all the magic weapons in the Zongmen Great Treasury, allowing the Void Returning Powers in the door to borrow them.

These Void-Returning abilities of Taiyi Sect were not only behind closed doors in the sect, they took turns to the South China Sea to exchange ideas with the Void-Returning abilities of the Hailing School.

The Hailing faction, which was originally much stronger than the Taiyimen, suffered a major loss, and its strength was greatly reduced.

The primary and secondary relationship between the two sects has also begun to slowly change.

The strength of Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect, can overwhelm all the Hailing faction's powers of returning to the void. Not to mention, Taiyimen possessed more emptiness-returning powers than Hailing faction.

In the last large-scale invasion of the Sea Clan, the Tiangong and the various sacred sects sold out many of the interests of the South China Sea cultivation world in order to quell the incident as quickly as possible and avoid an all-out war with the true dragon clan.

Although the Hailing School suppressed the dissatisfaction of many comprehension forces in the South China Sea, its rule of the South China Sea still encountered many problems.

After occupying a large area of ​​the South China Sea, the Sea Clan did not become honest.

There are constant conflicts between the Sea and Terran cultivators in the South China Sea, and small-scale battles often occur.

Within the South China Sea League, there has been a force against the Hailing faction.

Compared with before, Hailing faction now needs Taiyimen's help.

Before they knew it, the Hailing School became more respectful of the Taiyi Sect's opinions on many things, and was also willing to follow some instructions from the Taiyi Sect.

The Taiyi Sect still attached great importance to the Hailing faction, a long-time ally, and was willing to give it whatever help it could.

The Dengxianhui, which was secretly supported by the ancient capital Taoist, the deputy chief of Tiangong, was punished by various sacred sects last time, and suffered heavy losses and severely injured vitality. After so many years of cultivation and vitality, it is far from being able to recover.

Dengxianhui is a secret organization mainly composed of high-level monks such as Returning Void Great Neng, and it took thousands of years to develop.

Once the various high-ranking monks in the meeting suffered major losses, they would not be able to be replenished in a short period of time.

After Gu Chen, the nominal principal of the Dengxian Hui, recovered from his injuries, he cooperated with the Taoist Gu Lu who had returned to Junchen Realm to try to revive the Dengxian Hui.

After years of hard work, the Dengxianhui, which was already on the verge of extinction, not only survived tenaciously, but also began to accumulate strength again.

They ran around, actively contacting and fostering monks who were fighting against the various sacred sects in Junchen Realm.

Taiyi Sect, Hailing Sect, and Dengxianhui, under the pressure of the sacred sects of the great sacred sites, they had no choice but to keep warm and cooperate closely.

The dark alliance had already begun to actively win over Taiyimen, trying to pull Taiyimen onto his chariot.

Although Taiyimen is willing to maintain a friendly relationship with the dark alliance, it has never let go of the issue of alliance, adopting a strategy of procrastinating.

The sect of the dark alliance is not only the Taiyimen family. According to the high level of the Taiyimen, the dark alliance has not only hooked up with the Dengxianhui for a long time, and the relationship is not shallow, but also the strength of the Hailing faction is not shallow.

Both the Hailing faction and the Dengxianhui are very happy to be able to establish a good relationship with the dark alliance, and forming allies is a very welcome thing for them.

It’s not that the Hailing faction and the Dengxianhui don’t know about the collusion between the dark alliance and the magic way, but they need a strong external force too much.

Aid, a bit hungry and can't choose food.

Not all cultivating forces and practitioners have a bottom line like Meng Zhang.

Regarding this kind of problem, the Taiyimen can't interfere too much, let alone engage in evil with the dark alliance.

The only thing Taiyimen could do was to remind the Hailing School and the Dengxian Society.

The Hailing faction also paid more attention to the Taiyimen's reminder, and the Dengxianhui party would not take it seriously.

Taiyimen has nothing to do with this only to wait for the development of things.

In fact, the relationship between Taiyimen itself and the dark alliance is getting deeper and deeper, and the two sides are not far from the alliance.

After the last Magic Nest incident, the dark alliance promptly clarified all relationships and basically managed to stay out of the matter.

In order to maintain the stability of Junchen Realm, Tiangong and the sects of the various holy land did not excessively stimulate the dark alliance, and they were more tolerant of the dark alliance, so they did not continue to investigate the matter.

The tolerance of the Heavenly Palace and the sects of the sacred land did not exchange the gratitude of the dark alliance, but was regarded as a sign of weakness by the dark alliance.

In the dark alliance, many high-level officials looked down on the Tiangong and the sacred sects, and their ambitions could no longer be suppressed.

In Junchen Realm, it seemed calm now, but it was actually undercurrents.

The dark alliance is active in secret, colluding with the cultivation forces of all parties, trying to organize a united force against the sects of the sacred land.

Taiyi Gate, as an important force against the sects of the holy land, was also involved in it involuntarily.

The exchanges between Taiyimen and the dark alliance became closer, and the top leaders of both sides began to discuss many issues in more depth.

The dark alliance visited the high level of Taiyimen, has made no secret of its ambition, openly expressed its dissatisfaction with the great sacred sects in Taiyimen, and began to provoke Taiyimen to counterattack the great sacred sects.

The senior officials on the Taiyimen side mentioned one of the most important issues in their conversations with the senior officials of the dark alliance.

Even if the dark alliance is deep and strong, it can organize a coalition that is sufficient to fight against the sects of the sacred land. However, once the ancestors of the sacred sects of the major sacred sites, that is, the sleeping true immortals, once wake up, how will this coalition force respond?

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