The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2217: deterioration

If this situation is completely calmed down, Guanghan Palace and other sects have not achieved their ultimate goal, but they have already reaped huge benefits.

Although they are not particularly satisfied, they can barely accept it.

For Xingluo Palace, despite the huge losses, as long as the sect does not perish, there is still a chance for everything.

With the support of the Ziyang Saint Sect, the disputes within the sect began to be suppressed for the time being, and the various benefits lost could be slowly regained.

In short, for all parties in the Star Rock Islands, this is just another routine battle.

Since it is a struggle, naturally some will suffer and some will benefit.

The three sects of the Guanghan Palace are backed by the Taiyi Sect. No matter how dissatisfied the Ziyang Sect is, it should not be rash to them.

Unfortunately, many things in the world will not develop in accordance with people's guesses and expectations. In many cases, something unexpected happens.

The monks in the stronghold of the Ziyang Saint Sect were greatly annoyed by this incident.

What they were annoyed was not the loss suffered by Xingluo Palace, but the feeling that the situation in Xingluo Islands was slowly getting out of their control.

When did the sacred land sects such as Ziyang Shengzong fail to keep their promises and thoroughly carry out their will?

Many cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect had begun to plan in their hearts, and after receiving the support sent by the headquarters, they had to carry out a thorough cleansing of the Xingluo Islands.

Failure to do so is not enough to demonstrate the prestige of the Ziyang Saint Sect, and not enough to deter all parties Xiaoxiao.

Even if it started a war with Taiyimen, it would be no hesitate.

Of course, these are just some of the ordinary monks' thoughts in the Ziyang Saint Sect.

As for how to treat Taiyi Sect, that is something that can only be decided by the senior officials of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

There are not enough monks in the stronghold of the Ziyang Saint Sect, especially the high-level monks.

They temporarily stunned all parties in the battle of Xingluo Palace and asked them to stop temporarily, not relying on strength, but the prestige accumulated over the years by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Just when they thought that the overall situation was set and they began to relax their guards, many monks in Xingluo Palace suddenly attacked the monks of the Ziyang Saint Sect who didn't have much defense.

Unprepared, Brother Ziyang Saint Sect suffered a certain amount of casualties.

Many violent cultivators of Ziyang Saint Sect immediately began to counterattack.

These cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect only knew that the cultivators of Xingluo Palace sneaked on them, so almost all the cultivators of Xingluo Palace were the targets of their counterattack.

Some of the sacred cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect knew that only a few cultivators inside the Xingluo Palace had attacked them, and most of the cultivators of the Xingluo Palace did not dare to be an enemy of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Unfortunately, once the counterattack begins, the scale of the battle is difficult to control.

The arrogant holy land sect monk, when did he suffer such a loss?

Many cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect almost immediately launched an indiscriminate attack, attacking all members of the Xingluo Palace indiscriminately.

No matter how great the prestige of the sect of the holy land is, it can't be greater than the fate of one's own family.

In order to save their lives, the monks of Xingluo Palace instinctively made a counterattack.

Under the instigation of interested people, the rumor that the Ziyang Saint Sect was about to bloodbath Xingluo Palace quickly spread throughout Xingluo Palace.

Even if many cultivators of the Star Luo Palace were unwilling to believe these rumors, the scene where the cultivators of the Ziyang Holy Sect went on a massacre was happening right in front of them, and they could not help but continue to doubt.

Many Xingluo Palace monks who were greedy for life, fear of death and lack of courage began to flee from the Xingluo Palace headquarters. More Xingluo Palace monks were involved in this battle either actively or passively.

At the juncture of life and death, many monks in Xingluo Palace didn't care about anything else, only knowing to fight back against monk Ziyang Shengzong desperately.

Brother Ziyang Shengzong actually slaughtered at the headquarters of Xingluo Palace, which was really beyond everyone's expectation.

After receiving this news, the Guanghan Palace and other sects, who had already planned to die, saw new opportunities in it.

Soon, the cultivators of Guanghan Palace, Fuyun Temple, Yujian Gate and Xuanxin Temple appeared outside the headquarters of Xingluo Palace.

Their reasons were surprisingly consistent. They came this time to rescue the Brother Ziyang Sage Sect and help him calm the chaos in Xingluo Palace.

The cultivator of Ziyang Saint Sect, who was in a big battle, had no time to stop them.

The monks from Guanghan Palace and other sects entered the headquarters of Xingluo Palace and began burning, looting, and mass killing.

They wantonly slaughtered the monks in Xingluo Palace and robbed everything valuable in Xingluo Palace.

Some sage monks from Ziyang Saint Sect saw this scene, and felt awkward to the extreme.

Ziyang Shengzong has been supporting it for many years, and the Xingluo Palace that allowed it to dominate the Xingluo Islands suffered a devastating blow. Its headquarters was ravaged by hostile sects such as Guanghan Palace.

But in this situation, it is difficult for them to make too much interference.

What is particularly hateful is the Floating Cloud View, who is clearly the running dog of the Ziyang Saint Sect like Xingluo Palace. Now for profit, he dares to start biting the dog under the eyes of the owner.

The number of cultivators and cultivation bases of Shengzong Ziyang were far from enough, and it was already very difficult to resist the desperate counterattack of the cultivators of Xingluo Palace.

If you want to completely suppress the parties, completely calm the situation, and restore stability to everything, they can't do it alone.

The chaos and killings in the headquarters of Xingluo Palace finally subsided.

But at this time, the headquarters of Xingluo Palace was almost turned into a piece of ruins. Most of the valuable things of UU Reading were robbed, leaving only the miserable scene of corpses spreading across the field and blood flowing into rivers. .

Most of the monks in the headquarters of Xingluo Palace were killed, and the rest had basically escaped.

Even the monks of the Ziyang Saint Sect here have lost nearly half.

The remaining cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect was filled with raging anger, but he didn't know where to vent.

After waiting for so long, the support from the headquarters of the Ziyang Saint Sect finally arrived at the Xingluo Islands.

The response from the headquarters of the Ziyang Saint Sect hadn't been so slow.

After receiving the report from the Xingluo Islands stronghold, many senior members of Ziyang Shengzong realized that there will be a chaos in the Xingluo Islands, and maybe Taiyi Sect will intervene in secret.

Since most of the Void Returning Powers in the gate are still in the void battlefield, the Ziyang Saint Sect is not ready to turn his face with Taiyi Sect now.

Secondly, I don't want to stimulate the Taiyi door too much and cause the situation to escalate.

Therefore, the choice of the Ziyang Saint Sect was surprisingly the same as that of Taiyimen. They both sent a team led by Yangshen Zhenjun to the Xingluo Islands to respond.

The order this team accepted was to quell the chaos in the Star Rock Islands as soon as possible.

In this process, certain sects such as Guanghan Palace can be hit and punished.

If the sects of Guanghan Palace and other sects are interesting enough to take the initiative to retreat, then there is no need to kill them all.

If Taiyimen wanted to take the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the Star Rock Islands, it must compete against each other and not give way.

Of course, if it is not necessary, try to avoid fighting with the Taiyimen monks as much as possible.

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