The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2218: attack

The Ziyang Saint Sect has long established a long-distance teleportation circle in the stronghold in the Star Luo Islands.

The team sent by Shengzong Ziyang this time was also teleported to the Xingluo Islands through a long-distance teleportation circle as usual.

However, during the transmission process, the long-distance transmission array suddenly encountered unknown interference, and the transmission was greatly hindered.

The team sent by the Ziyang Saint Sect was almost trapped in the gap of space.

When the long-distance teleportation circle returned to normal, this team finally reached the Xingluo Islands. Not a short time has passed, and the Xingluo Palace has already ended.

The headquarters of Xingluo Palace was destroyed, all the sites were divided up, the monks suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining monks fled everywhere.

At this time, the Xingluo Palace was basically regarded as annihilated.

Even if the Ziyang Shengzong gathers a group of Xingluo Palace monks to help them rebuild the sect, that Xingluo Palace will not be able to continue to be the ruler of the Xingluo Islands.

Even the nominal ruler of the Xingluo Islands still needs a certain amount of strength, otherwise it will not be able to maintain the most basic order at all.

Only by directly sending enough monks to Ziyang Saint Sect, can he forcefully maintain the original position of Xingluo Palace.

But since the Ziyang Saint Sect has all ended, why do you still need the puppet of Xingluo Palace?

Due to the late arrival, he had to face such a mess, which greatly annoyed the cultivators of the Ziyang Sacred Sect who came to aid.

The situation in the Xingluo Islands made them feel a bit of a headache.

The Xingluo Islands are located in the important part of the West China Sea, Ziyang Saint Zong must not easily abandon, and must maintain sufficient influence here.

Not to mention the Ziyang Saint Sect, many monks in the sect have inherited the temper and character of the founder of the mountain, Ziyang Zhenxian, and are extremely arrogant and arrogant.

In these years, the Ziyang Saint Sect has suffered many blows. Especially when facing the Taiyi Sect, it can be said that everything went wrong.

Especially the inexplicable fall of the Supreme Lord Yangsheng that year, the middle and high level of the door always thought it was related to Meng Zhang.

Shengzong Ziyang exhausted all kinds of methods, but he couldn't help Meng Zhang, so that the middle and high level of the door felt a deep shame.

But because of the large-scale invasion of extraterritorial invaders, most of the power of the sacred sects, including the Ziyang Saint Sect, was restrained, so that the Ziyang Saint Sect was unable to deal with Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect with all their strength.

The incident in the Xingluo Islands this time appeared to be caused by the internal strife in Xingluo Palace, but in fact, everyone knew what was going on.

If Ziyang Saint Sect does not deal with it properly, it will be another failure in the face of Taiyi Sect.

Whether it is from the interests of the sect or the emotions of the monks in the sect, the Ziyang Saint Sect is unwilling to see this result.

After some discussion, the cultivator team of the Ziyang Saint Sect began to take action.

They first summoned the Floating Cloud True Monarch of Floating Cloud View, and frightened him severely.

True Monarch Floating Cloud boldly participated in the conspiracy against Xingluo Palace this time. The main purpose was to replace Xingluo Palace's position on the side of the Ziyang Saint Sect, but he never thought of actually destroying Xingluo Palace, let alone betrayal. Ziyang Shengzong.

The initial development of the matter was in line with True Monarch Floating Cloud's plan. But afterwards, the whole thing was completely derailed.

The Xingluo Palace was destroyed, and the Brother Ziyang Shengzong was attacked and killed. The consequences were too serious.

During this period of time, True Monarch Floating Clouds had always been uneasy, for fear of being punished by the Ziyang Sacred Sect.

When Monk Ziyang Saint Sect summoned him, there was even an impulse to leave in his heart.

However, the Floating Cloud Viewer has a great career, and he really can't give up.

After careful consideration, he felt that with the current situation in the Xingluo Islands, the Purple Sun Saint Sect still needed him, and he shouldn't rush to attack him.

In the end, True Monarch Floating Cloud still didn't have the courage to escape, and bit his scalp to visit the cultivator of Saint Zong Ziyang. Valley

Sure enough, after meeting, the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect did not feel embarrassed by Floating Cloud True Monarch, but ordered him to concentrate all the power of Floating Cloud View to attack Yujian Gate with all his strength.

Among the three sects of Guanghan Palace, Xuanxin Temple, and Yujian Gate, Guanghan Palace has the strongest strength, and the number of Xuanxin Temple is too small. Only Yujian Gate is in the middle.

The cultivators of the Ziyang Sacred Sect were determined to show their fists this time, and chose Yujianmen as the object of Liwei.

Even if the Jade Sword Gate cannot be destroyed, it will be severely damaged.

Brother Ziyang Shengzong didn't do much care with him, so that True Monarch Floating Cloud would be pardoned.

Of course, he couldn't violate the order of Shengzong Ziyang, and he had to work hard to do things well and do it beautifully.

After True Monarch Floating Cloud returned to Floating Cloud View, he immediately dispatched troops and generals, formed an army of monks, and slew towards Yujian Gate.

The three sects of Yujianmen have fought openly and secretly with Fuyun Guan for many years, but rarely

Large-scale conflict broke out.

This is the first time a war of this scale has occurred.

Even though he was extremely jealous of the Ziyang Saint Sect, Yujianmen immediately resisted against Fuyun Guan's attack.

The three sects of Guanghan Palace, Xuanxin Temple, and Yujianmen are allies, and they have agreed to watch and help each other.

As Yujianmen was involved in the war, Guanghan Palace and Xuanxin Guan would naturally not sit idly by.

The three sects joined forces to fight Fuyunguan together.

Except for the Xingluo Palace, these four sects are the four most powerful sects of the Xingluo Islands.

A war started between them, and the entire Star Rock Islands was plunged into huge chaos.

The war spreads, UU reading www. has brought more and more disadvantages.

Not only the exploitation of resources around the Xingluo Islands has been greatly affected, but the shipping route through the Xingluo Islands has to be temporarily interrupted.

As the war was confined to a corner of the Xingluo Islands, the most important thing was that there was no ability to return to the void to participate in the war, and the Tiangong did not rashly intervene.

In fact, in the eyes of many people in Tiangong, Shengzong Ziyang suffered a loss this time, and it was a very legitimate act to vent.

As long as the matter is not out of control, Tiangong is also willing to let the Ziyang Saint Sect vent his anger.

After all, Tiangong is only the nominal ruler of Junchen Realm, and to maintain Junchen Realm's situation, the help of various sacred sects is needed.

If the Xingluo Islands were caught in a prolonged war, it would of course affect the interests of Taiyimen.

In order not to stimulate the Ziyang Saint Sect too much, Taiyi Gate did not develop in the Xingluo Islands, only a few small strongholds.

To interfere in the affairs of the Xingluo Islands, the Taiyi Sect mainly passed through the three sects of Guanghan Palace.

Judging from the appearance of the Ziyang Saint Sect, he wanted to provoke a proxy war, and Taiyi Sect was naturally not to be outdone.

Taiyimen quickly notified the three sects of Guanghan Palace, hoping that they would fight quickly and not let the war spread for too long.

In fact, the continuation of the war did not conform to the interests of the three sects of Guanghan Palace.

The Star Rock Islands are in chaos, which has caused huge losses to them a long time ago.

In the past, they were scrupulous about the Ziyang Saint Sect, so they didn't go all out.

Now that there were instructions from Taiyi Sect, the three sects immediately began to operate at full capacity.

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