The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2219: accidents

Once the three sects of Guanghan Palace, Xuanxin Temple, and Yujianmen went all out to fight, Fuyun Temple would soon be unable to resist.

Although Floating Cloud View is strong, it is not yet strong enough to be one enemy three.

The opponent's three sects have many people, many masters, and their overall strength is much stronger than that of Floating Clouds.

Later, in order to maintain the battle, True Monarch Floating Cloud had to take action himself.

Fairy Guanghan, the strongest among the three sects, hadn't made a move yet, True Monarch Xuanxin and True Monarch Jade Sword joined forces to block True Monarch Floating Cloud and fought him.

The battle between the three true kings of the Yangshen was very fierce.

After a great battle, True Monarch Floating Clouds actually fell into a disadvantage.

Floating Cloud View monk was beaten back on the battlefield steadily and suffered heavy losses. Floating Cloud View kept asking for help from the Ziyang Saint Sect, but received no response.

The territory ruled by the Ziyang Saint Sect is too vast, and it is impossible to manage it by the monks of the sect family alone.

In remote territories such as the Xingluo Islands, the Ziyang Sacred Sect is generally managed and operated by supporting agents.

This is also the management method used by most of Jun Chen realm's comprehension forces.

Taiyimen's management of the territory seems to be a little stricter, essentially the same management method.

Taiyimen also needs to support various vassal forces through organizations like the Hanhai Dao League in order to control the vast territory.

True Monarch Floating Cloud felt that the Ziyang Saint Sect still needed the Floating Cloud View, based on this understanding.

But this time, the war had been going on for so long, and Fuyun Guan could not stand it. The loss was too heavy, but the Ziyang Sect still did not help.

No matter how Floating Clouds view begged Ziyang Saint Sect, Ziyang Saint Sect ignored him.

Ziyang Shengzong's attitude caused Fuyunguan's morale to plummet.

In contrast, the morale of the three sects of the Guanghan Palace was greatly boosted, and the posture of eliminating Floating Clouds in one fell swoop.

Fuyun Guan lost all the outer territory, and the army retreated all the way back into the mountain gate.

The coalition forces of the three sects of Guanghan Palace surrounded the Floating Clouds and Guanshan Gates and began a fierce attack.

Seeing that Floating Cloud View was about to fall, the Ziyang Saint Sect finally made a move.

The reason why it was dragged to this time was that the Ziyang Saint Sect punished Fuyun Guan.

Fuyun Guan's previous small actions against Xingluo Palace could not hide from the eyes and ears of Saint Zong Ziyang.

Although Fuyun Guan didn't betray the Ziyang Saint Sect's heart, but his behavior caused evil results, of course he had to be punished.

For the watchdog, it is necessary to whip it from time to time to keep the owner's interests in mind at all times.

Brother Ziyang Shengzong claimed that the three sects of Guanghan Palace provoked war and caused disaster to the Xingluo Islands, causing disastrous life.

Ziyang Shengzong stepped forward to quell the war and bring the Xingluo Islands back to peace.

The claim of the Ziyang Saint Sect is nothing. The big sects are all justified in their actions, and they like to act like walking on behalf of the sky.

However, the direct participation of the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect caused tremendous pressure on the three sects of Guanghan Palace.

The three sects of Guanghan Palace had to ask Taiyimen for help.

Although Taiyi Sect was unwilling to have a direct conflict with Ziyang Saint Sect, it couldn't be too weak either.

Taiyi Sect was also a side overlord anyway, with countless vassal forces under his command.

No matter what the inner plan is, at least face-saving efforts must be made.

Jin Li Zhenjun, who was on standby near the Xingluo Islands, immediately led the team into the Xingluo Islands and fought against the Brother Ziyang Saint Sect. Valley

Although the monks of Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Saint Sect had already fought each other, they were still restrained.

Not only the strongest monk who participated in the battle was only the Yang Shen stage, but they also didn't have the posture of fighting desperately.

With the participation of the Taiyi Sect monk, the three sects of Guanghan Palace stabilized their positions and blocked the attack of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Of course, their original attack on Fuyun Temple and the siege of its mountain gate can only take the initiative to withdraw.

After the Taiyimen monks participated in the war, the battle was at a stalemate.

If there is no new force to enter the battlefield, there shouldn't be much change in the battle.

Of course Ziyang Shengzong was not satisfied with this result.

The senior officials of Shengzong Ziyang also had a lot of disputes on how to deal with this matter.

Many senior executives agree that now is not the time to start a full-scale war with Taiyimen, but they are unwilling to swallow this breath and accept this defeat.

Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong were jealous of each other, and they looked like they were afraid of hitting a wolf with a stick.

In order to appease the inside and outside of the sect, Ziyang Shengzong, who has always been upright and upright, would inevitably make some sneaky behaviors.

One of Ziyang Shengzong’s rebirth power can hide the attention of the outside world and secretly

Came to the Xingluo Islands.

Said that this Void Returning Great Ability was an acquaintance of Meng Zhang, the head of Taiyi Sect, it was Xiao Jiansheng who used to walk in the world of Saint Zong Ziyang.

When Xiao Jiansheng went to the Jiuqu League with the cultivation base of the late Yuanshen stage, Meng Zhang was just an ordinary Yuanshen stage monk.

After so many years, Meng Zhang became the supreme of the late stage of Void Rebirth, and Xiao Jiansheng finally entered the Void Rebirth period.

Xiao Jiansheng's cultivation speed cannot be said to be slow, this is the normal cultivation speed of the outstanding monks of the Holy Land Zongmen.

But compared to Meng Zhang, it's not worth mentioning at all.

The Xiao family back then could make the Taiyimen feel more pressured. In the eyes of Meng Zhang, the Xiao family is just a clown.

Xiao Jiansheng came to the Star Islands secretly, and UU Reading wanted to destroy the sect of Guanghan Palace that had relied on the Taiyimen before Taiyimen reacted, so as to warn the cultivators from all walks of life.

This time, the Ziyang Saint Sect was disregarding his face, and used the Yin Zhao, it must be determined to win.

In fact, Taiyimen did not react, and knew nothing about Xiao Jiansheng's actions.

Logically speaking, the Void-Returning Power can make a move, and the destruction of Guanghan Palace should be in the palm of the hand.

However, Xiao Jiansheng's actions were not smooth.

He descended directly over the gate of Guanghan Palace, and after a few domineering announcements, he began to take action.

The protective array at the gate of the Guanghan Palace was unexpectedly tough, blocking Xiao Jiansheng's attacks several times.

Of course, no matter how tough this level of defense formation was, it couldn't stop Xiao Jian's sound for too long.

Seeing that Xiao Jiansheng was about to break the protective array of Guanghan Palace, Fairy Guanghan, the head of Guanghan Palace who was in retreat, didn't know when he would break through to the rebirth period.

Xiao Jiansheng is not the kind of casual cultivator who has no foundation, but a monk from the holy land sect.

Fairy Guanghan, who has just broken through, shouldn't be his opponent no matter how strong his foundation is.

But Fairy Guanghan suddenly took out a strange magic weapon.

With the help of this magic weapon, Fairy Guanghan temporarily blocked the sound of Xiao Jian, and he was inextricably fought with him, so that he could not see the hope of victory in a short time.

When the gate of Guanghan Palace just encountered a surprise attack by Xiao Jiansheng, the monks in the gate used the remote communication secret technique to request support from the Taiyi gate.

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