The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2220: On the sidelines

After the news that the Ziyang Saint Sect's Returning Power Xiao Jiansheng sneaked into the Guanghan Palace came to the Taiyimen, it really made the Taiyimen high-level anger.

This time, the Ziyang Saint Sect surreptitiously, regardless of the unspoken rules of the cultivation world, even the face of the Sect of the Holy Land was gone, which was really chilling.

Anger goes to anger. How should Taiyimen deal with it, but he can't act impulsively.

The Ziyang Saint Sect even sent out the Void Returning Power this time, which shows his ambition to win.

If Taiyi Sect also sends out the Void Return and prevents it, will it escalate the fighting, or will it lead to a full-scale battle between the two sects?

The Guanghan Palace kept asking Taiyimen for help, the situation was very endangered, and the Taiyimen side did not know about Fairy Guanghan breaking through the rebirth period.

If the Taiyimen side was delayed for too long, maybe Guanghan Palace was razed to the ground by Xiao Jiansheng, and there would be no point in doing anything.

In the end, it was the acting head cow that made a big deal.

Even if Taiyi Sect was unwilling to go to war with Ziyang Saint Sect, he couldn't be too weak.

Even if the Taiyi Sect was willing to retreat, it could not retreat as soon as the opponent dispatched the Void Returning Power.

Taiyimen should make tit-for-tat actions, at least after confronting the opponent for a while before considering the retreat.

In the absence of Meng Zhang's stance, Niu Dawei, the head of the Taiyi Clan, has the most say.

The decision made by Niu Dawei is generally not opposed by the senior management.

After Niu Dawei expressed his stance, he personally led the five penalty swords Han Yao, Yang Xueyi and Yu Ci Lao Dao to the Xingluo Islands together.

Taiyimen set up a long-distance teleportation array near the Star Rock Islands.

After the Void Returning Powers are teleported, they can quickly teleport to the Star Rock Islands by virtue of their space magical powers.

When Niu Da rushed to the gate of Guanghan Palace for the four of them, Fairy Guanghan was fighting with Xiao Jiansheng.

Seeing that many of Taiyimen rushed to return to the Void, Xiao Jiansheng did not dare to stay here for a long time, so he immediately gave up the fight and retreated in time.

If he were surrounded by them, maybe he would really fall here.

Although he was surprised by Fairy Guanghan's breakthrough, now the other party is his own ally, and Niu Dawei and the others still enthusiastically talked to her.

Xiao Jiansheng did not withdraw too far.

He used his communication secret technique to contact the Ziyang Saint Zong Mountain Gate and reported back the latest situation.

Hearing that the Taiyi Sect had sent a number of Void Returning Powers, the senior officials of the Ziyang Saint Sect were equally astonished and caught up in a controversy.

Although there was no arguing result, nor a consensus on a full-scale war with Taiyimen, the Ziyang Saint Zong dispatched brand new reinforcements to the Xingluo Islands in time to prevent Xiao Jiansheng from fighting alone.

Soon, the Void Returning Power and Xiao Jiansheng sent by the Ziyang Saint Sect for reinforcements merged in the Xingluo Islands.

The reinforcement Xiao Jiansheng's confidence greatly increased, and together with the reinforcement's rebirth power, returned to the gate of the Guanghan Palace, and confronted them with Niu Dawei who temporarily stayed here.

The two sides vehement at each other, not giving way to each other, and the battle seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

While Niu Dawei was confronting them with Xiao Jiansheng and others, Meng Zhang also secretly came to the vicinity of the Xingluo Islands to secretly observe the situation here.

Although he seems to let go this time and let the senior sect handle this matter, but the matter involves the Ziyang Saint Sect, how can he be completely relieved.

Soon after Niu Da left for them, Meng Zhang also left Taiyimen and rushed to the Xingluo Islands.

As a bystander, Meng Zhang can see the situation very clearly. Valley

The current situation seems tense, but Taiyimen and Ziyang Saint Sect will not start a full-scale battle for the time being.

You guys really want to start a big fight with the intention of returning to the virtual world, where would they be playing tricks and wasting saliva there.

What Meng Zhang is really interested in is Fairy Guanghan from Guanghan Palace.

Fairy Guanghan is beautiful in the country and is a rare beauty in the cultivation world. There are many monks who are interested in her, and there are countless pursuers.

But this is not what Meng Zhang cares about. What Meng Zhang really cares about is the secret behind her.

At that time, Fairy Guanghan and other senior primordial cultivators had been suffering from the lack of the secret method of crossing the catastrophe, and they were unable to advance to the Yang Shen stage for a long time.

Later, at the request of the Qiu family brothers, Meng Zhang provided them with a secret method of crossing the catastrophe.

The secret method provided by Meng Zhang is not clever, and there are many hidden dangers after practicing.

A monk who cultivates this secret method of crossing the tribulation to achieve the Yang Shen stage does not mean that he will not be able to break through to the Void Rebirth stage, but that the chance of breaking through the Void Rebirth stage is small.

If there is no big chance, Fairy Guanghan and the others should stay in the Yang Shen stage for a long time.

Meng Zhang recalled the original scene.

After obtaining the Secret Art of Crossing Tribulation

At that time, everyone else was overjoyed, only Fairy Guanghan didn't care much.

At that time, Meng Zhang still thought that this person had always been cold and his personality was like this. In addition, Meng Zhang had other things at the time, so he didn't continue to pay attention to this unimportant little thing.

Now that I think about it, Fairy Guanghan mostly does not practice the Secret Art of Crossing Tribulation provided by him, but has another inheritance.

In the realm of comprehension, the Secret Technique of Crossing Tribulation is something that the various forces strictly control the spread.

Especially the kind of Secret Transcendence technique that has little hidden danger after practice and has a lot of hope in the advanced stage of returning to the virtual period.

If Meng Zhang hadn't had the inheritance of Taiyimen in its, maybe he would have encountered similar problems.

If Fairy Guanghan only accidentally obtained a good Secret Art of Crossing Tribulation because of personal chance, and then advanced to the Yang Shen stage, then the problem is not big.

If she is supported by someone behind her, or if there are forces that secretly support her, then the problem can be serious.

The Xingluo Islands are where the Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Saint Sect competed. Ordinary cultivators or powers would not dare to be involved in it at will.

The Guanghan Palace has been actively moving closer to the Taiyi Sect for many years, and it is regarded as a subordinate of the Taiyi Sect, and it has received strong support from the Taiyi Sect.

If there are other supporters behind Guanghan Palace, what is Taiyimen?

Where is Guanghan Palace inclined and whether Taiyimen has been taken advantage of? Meng Zhang wants to clarify these issues as soon as possible.

Of course, now the Taiyimen and Ziyang Saint Sect's rebirth powers are still in confrontation, Meng Zhang did not rashly show up, and did not start investigating the matter.

In any case, it is important to resolve the dispute with the Ziyang Saint Sect first.

Many Void Returning Powers faced off in the Star Rock Islands. Everyone did not conceal their aura and wanted to show their strength. Naturally, they quickly alarmed the Celestial Palace.

Heavenly Palace is willing to let Ziyang Shengzong give vent. He has always closed one eye to Ziyang Shengzong’s actions before, but Ziyang Shengzong acted carelessly, and the Void Returning Power he sent was too useless and failed to achieve the goal. , Then no wonder Tiangong intervened.

The bottom line of Tiangong has always been very clear.

At this time, Junchen Realm absolutely does not allow a large-scale war of returning to the Void to break out.

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