The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2221: Aftercare

The Ziyang Saint Sect and the Taiyi Sect sent a number of Void Returning Powers to confront each other in the Xingluo Islands, which indeed greatly violated the taboo of Tiangong.

Regardless of whether they will really start the battle of returning to the virtual world, Tiangong cannot ignore it.

Although the Tiangong side also knew that the possibility of them starting a war was very small, everything was in case.

In case these gangs can't hold back their Void Return, wipe their guns and misfire, and really fight, then the consequences will be very serious.

The Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array in the Tiangong began to pay attention to this side, and there were waves of thunder like demonstrations in the sky.

The messenger of the Tiangong came here soon, isolated the two sides, and announced the order of the Tiangong.

The dispute between the two parties in the Xingluo Islands must be resolved as soon as possible. Everyone, please go back to each house and find your own mother.

Now that the Tiangong has come forward, Ziyang Shengzong and Taiyimen, who were not planning to start a full-scale battle, just borrowed the Poxia donkey to end the confrontation.

Of course, both sides looked reluctant on the surface, and seemed not afraid to continue the confrontation like this.

Someone made a few ruthless words in the rebirth power of both sides, and then everyone retreated.

The fierce fighting on the Xingluo Islands also quickly ceased.

Next, the two sides bargained over the terms of the truce.

In general, the Ziyang Saint Sect suffered a loss this time.

Xingluo Palace, the nominal ruler of the Xingluo Islands, is basically destroyed, and the Ziyang Saint Sect needs to foster a new puppet.

Even Floating Cloud View is not capable of fighting the three coalition forces of Guanghan Palace, let alone other forces in the Xingluo Islands.

In the Xingluo Islands without the Xingluo Palace, apart from the foreigner Ziyang Shengzong, there is no other sect that can independently rule the Xingluo Islands.

The Ziyang Saint Sect had to retain a strong force in the Xingluo Islands in order to maintain the suppression of the three sects of the Guanghan Palace.

Although Fuyun Guan suffered a heavy loss and his vitality this time, he was not completely abandoned by the Ziyang Saint Sect, and still served as a dogleg, assisting the Ziyang Saint Sect with the affairs of the Xingluo Islands.

Although there are deep contradictions between the three sects of the Guanghan Palace, the Floating Cloud Temple, and even the branch of the Ziyang Shengzong in the Xingluo Islands, everyone still has to pinch their noses to cooperate in order to maintain the order of the Xingluo Islands.

The grounds of Xingluo Palace that were divided up were completely eaten by the Guanghan Palace and the others.

If Xiao Jiansheng can successfully destroy the Guanghan Palace, then the Xingluo Islands may be another situation.

But since Xiao Jiansheng's action failed, even if the Ziyang Saint Sect's senior officials were unwilling, they would only suffer from this dumb loss.

Fairy Guanghan was able to be promoted to the Void Return Period in time, and could also come up with such a powerful magic weapon. In the eyes of the senior officials of the Ziyang Saint Sect, this was mostly the handwriting of the supporter Taiyimen behind him.

Taiyi Sect actually had this kind of ability, so Ziyang Shengzong had to pay more attention to it.

In the subsequent negotiations between the two parties, the Ziyang Saint Zong did not take advantage.

What is not available on the battlefield is even less likely to be available at the negotiating table.

The Ziyang Saint Sect dispatched the Void Returning Power, and it seemed that he was going to do a big job, but in the end it was over.

The Ziyang Saint Sect hurriedly ended everything in the Xingluo Islands. In addition to the situation, there was another reason.

Brother Ziyang Shengzong carefully investigated everything that happened in Xingluo Palace afterwards, and went all out to track down those Xingluo Palace monks who took the initiative to attack first, and found the culprit behind it.

It turned out that Qiu Gangfeng, the original owner of Xingluo Palace, didn't know when to secretly return to the Xingluo Islands, secretly instructing the diehard who stayed in Xingluo Palace to create such a scene.

In recent years, Qiu Gangfeng has entangled several Void-Returning Powers, and has always been against Ziyang Shengzong, causing great trouble to Ziyang Shengzong. Valley

This time, Qiu Gangfeng's intention was obvious, that he would not hesitate to put the Xingluo Islands into the flames of war, to bring the Ziyang Saint Sect and the Taiyimen into a direct conflict, and an all-out war broke out.

Of course, the Ziyang Saint Sect couldn't let Qiu Gangfeng's intention succeed, so he decided to find a way to catch Qiu Gangfeng and completely solve this scourge.

Although Tiangong strictly forbids a battle of returning to the Void in Junchen Realm, there are always exceptions.

Qiu Gangfeng's strength is far inferior to Meng Zhang, and he has no backing in Tiangong, and he does not have a powerful sect like Taiyi Sect.

If the Ziyang Saint Sect could solve him without making too much noise, the Heavenly Palace would not be too careless.

Saint Zong Ziyang even notified Qiu Gangfeng this time to Taiyimen.

The high-level Taiyimen originally wanted to make friends with Qiu Gangfeng, and it was best to join forces with him to fight against Ziyang Saint Sect. But Qiu Gangfeng's appearance this time greatly annoyed many high-level Taiyimen.

After Meng Zhang heard the news, he was not very surprised.

When he was in the void, he knew

Dao Qiu Gangfeng and several rebirth powers took refuge in the aboriginal gods.

Qiu Gangfeng made such a move while calculating the Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Saint Sect at the same time, it was completely reasonable.

Meng Zhang didn't even hate Qiu Gangfeng very much in his heart.

If there are suitable opportunities in the future, Taiyimen and Qiu Gangfeng can still cooperate.

After all, the Ziyang Saint Sect is the biggest enemy of both sides.

The Xingluo Islands slowly restored peace, and the Taiyimen's rebirth power, and the team led by Jinli Zhenjun before, have successively returned to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

However, in the following time expanded its stronghold in the Xingluo Islands and strengthened its power.

After the Fairy Guanghan in Guanghan Palace broke through the rebirth period, he did not celebrate or hold a puja.

Originally, Guanghan Palace was the strongest among the three sects.

As Fairy Guanghan is promoted to the Void Return Period, perhaps Xuanxin Guan and Yujianmen will be completely reduced to their vassals.

In fact, this situation is not in the interests of Taiyi Sect, nor is it that Meng Zhang and other senior officials of Taiyi Sect are willing to see it.

Of course, Fairy Guanghan has become the power of returning to Void, and it is the branch of Sacred Sect of Ziyang in the Xingluo Islands that is directly under pressure.

Before long, the situation in the Xingluo Islands might change again.

Soon, after the various cultivation forces in the Star Luo Islands received the news of Fairy Guanghan's promotion and return period, everyone was greatly shocked.

Almost all the comprehension forces sent envoys to the Guanghan Palace to congratulate them, and everyone moved closer to the Guanghan Palace.

Even the original ally Xuanxinguan and the head of Yujianmen, with a very complicated mood, went to the Guanghan Palace to meet Fairy Guanghan in person.

This time Fuyun Guan could be regarded as stealing chickens but not eroding rice. For a little profit, he completely lost the trust of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

After learning that Fairy Guanghan was promoted and returned to the Void, True Monarch Floating Cloud was even more like a concubine.

Almost everyone attributed the promotion of Fairy Guanghan to Taiyimen's support.

Guanghan Palace is not even a full member of the Hanhai Dao League, and can receive such strong support from Taiyimen.

After receiving the news, many principals of the cultivation forces inevitably have some other thoughts in their hearts.

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