The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2235: distribute

Gu Yue Fenghua is a wise man, and never thought of violating the agreement with Meng Zhang.

After the two of them came to a hidden place, Gu Yue Fenghua first thanked Meng Zhang sincerely and thanked Meng Zhang for his move.

If it hadn't been for Meng Zhang's help, the Gu Yue family would definitely not be able to keep these three treasures in the face of the coming attack.

Meng Zhang had known the grievances between the Gu Yue family and Guantian Pavilion for a long time, and knew that the branch of the Gu Yue family in Junchen Realm had been suppressed and persecuted by Guantian Pavilion.

Most of the five Void Rebirth Powers who struck today are people with little reputation, and the two guys Meng Zhang recognized are also solitary casual cultivators on the surface.

But Meng Zhang knew that these five rebirth powers must be related to the Holy Land sect.

They suddenly appeared and seized the treasures, not only because of the grievances between Guantian Pavilion and the Gu Yue family, but also because of the constant hostility of the sects of the sacred places to Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang accepted Gu Yue Fenghua's words of gratitude comfortably.

Gu Yue Fenghua respectfully took out three treasures and presented them to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang checked carefully and quickly figured out the details of the three treasures.

That pavilion-like treasure is a magic weapon of space, with a vast storage space inside.

Meng Zhang deepened his spiritual thoughts and checked briefly.

Inside are some practice classics handed down by the Gu Yue family, as well as many practice resources.

Although these things are precious, Meng Zhang doesn't care much about them. Taiyimen doesn't lack these things now.

That simple fan is called Fenghuo Yinyang Fan, which is a rare and powerful magic weapon.

Once the wind and fire yin and yang fan is sacrificed, it can release the original wind and fire power, which can spur the power of the yin and yang avenue.

Yinyang Avenue covers a wide area.

Sun and moon, light and darkness, movement and stillness, etc., can all be connected to the Yin-Yang Avenue.

Earthhuo Fengshui was one of the earliest forces born when the world was opened up, and one of the most original forces.

Before a world is born, it often evolves the power of earth, fire and geomantic omen.

The power of wind and fire released by this magic weapon is not ordinary power of wind and fire, it is the most basic power of earth, fire, wind and water in each world.

There are also differences between various magic weapons.

This Fenghuo Yin-Yang fan is of extremely high level, and even the current Meng Zhang can't completely refine it.

From the moment he saw this wind and fire yin and yang fan, Meng Zhang was already tempted.

Now that he has figured out the details of this magic weapon, Meng Zhang is even more determined to win it.

He had never thought beforehand that the Gu Yue family would actually grant such magic weapons.

These magic weapons fell into the hands of the current Gu Yue Fenghua, it was simply a violent thing.

Even if Gu Yue Fenghua is in the Advanced Void Rebirth Period, this magic weapon will not be used for a long time.

Although Meng Zhang didn't use magic weapons a long time ago, he focused his energy on his own Tai Chi Yin and Yang map of Heaven and Earth.

But this was not because he didn't value magic weapons and didn't yearn for powerful magic weapons, but that he didn't encounter magic weapons suitable for him.

This wind and fire yin and yang fan is simply tailor-made for Meng Zhang, which can greatly enhance his combat effectiveness.

Meng Zhang played with this wind and fire yin and yang fan, and began to check the last treasure.

This is a long-handled great axe with countless thunder and lightning entwined on it.

This is also a magic weapon, called the Great Axe of Wind and Thunder.

Although this wind and thunder great axe is slightly inferior to the wind and fire yin and yang fan, it is also a very powerful magic weapon.

Moreover, the wind and thunder giant axe has a powerful power to destroy demons and punish evil, and it has a miraculous effect against demons and evil spirits.

After Meng Zhang's eldest disciple Niu Dawei advanced to the Void Rebirth period, there was no suitable magic weapon to use.

Niu Da's main road is Fenglei Avenue, and this wind and thunder axe is simply tailor-made for him.

The Gu Yue family’s headquarters in the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, among the three treasures sent in the air, two of them are of great use to the Taiyi Sect and can greatly enhance the Taiyi Sect’s combat effectiveness.

Is this purely coincidental, or is there another inside story?

Meng Zhang asked Gu Yue Fenghua casually, seemingly inadvertently, to see if she knew about it.

Gu Yue Fenghua looked ignorant and ignorant, as if he really didn't know anything about it.

Meng Zhang didn't know if Gu Yue Fenghua was really like this or acting.

He thought for a while, but didn't continue to ask questions.

In any case, this result is good and harmless to Taiyi Sect.

Even if there is any hidden information, there is no need to be embarrassed by Gu Yue Fenghua.

Meng Zhang was not polite, so he put away the Fenghuo Yin and Yang Fan and the Wind and Thunder Giant Axe, but left the space magic weapon to Gu Yue Fenghua.

Meng Zhang is not the kind of insatiable person who always leaves room for things.

He had an appointment with Gu Yue Fenghua beforehand, and today he helped him hold the treasure, and he was at ease with taking away the two magic weapons.

But this is after all the great support from the Gu Yue family headquarters of the Spirit Kong Immortal Realm to the branch. Even if he doesn't care about the beauty of Gu Yue, he can't help but give the Gu Yue family of the Spirit Kong Immortal Realm a bit of face.

Gu Yue Fenghua didn't feel dissatisfied with the two magic weapons that Meng Zhang had taken away, and still maintained a very respectful attitude.

The treasure was in hand, and after a few words with Gu Yue Fenghua, Meng Zhang left here, UU Reading directly returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

After Meng Zhang left, Gu Yue Fenghua took the last magic weapon and immediately returned to the residence of the Gu Yue family.

He came to the secret room at the core of the family, opened all guarding restrictions, and made sure that there were no problems around him before placing the pavilion in front of him.

First, Gu Yue Fenghua respectfully bowed to the pavilion, and then let out his spiritual thoughts.

In the storage space inside this pavilion, in an inconspicuous corner, a yellow light lit up.

This yellow light touched the spirit of Gu Yue Fenghua very spiritually, and had a conversation with it.

When Meng Zhang checked the storage space before, he was relatively careless, and secondly he focused his attention on the precious materials and classics.

Of course, the concealment ability of this yellow ray is also extremely powerful, enough to hide the eyes and ears of many virtual returning powers.

After a while, Gu Yue Fenghua finally completed the exchange, and his face was full of ecstasy.

After all, she is a very deep man in the city, and soon stabilized her emotions.

During the previous sacrificial ceremony, the three treasures fell into the hands of Gu Yue Fenghua in full view.

Meng Zhang took away two treasures at once, not to mention the conservative generation in the family, even among the ordinary people, there must be some people who are very dissatisfied with Meng Zhang and Taiyimen.

Gu Yue Fenghua couldn't let this kind of dissatisfaction spread among the family, let alone let it show.

Next, she will take out the practice books and training resources in this storage magic weapon, vigorously train the children of the clan, and improve the family's combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

At the same time, she has to do both soft and hard to quell the dissatisfaction of the people, and strive to maintain a friendly relationship with Taiyimen.

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